Instrument for Collecting the Data Steps of Data Analysis

The steps of data analysis in the qualitative research based on Miles and Huberman 1992, cited by Emzir, 2010; 129 that was also done in this study was in three steps: 1 Data reduction It started from data collection, data selection, and data simplification and transformation for important data. 2 Data display It was the way of the writer to provide the collected data. 3 Conclusion, drawing, and verifying The conclusion should be based on the data collected and it is hopped can answer the problem on the study.

3.11 Objectivity and Validity of the Data

The data objectivity and validity was gained by discussion with the English teacher in that school, the lecturer, and other parties who were relevant in this study. Besides, so that there wass no errors in analyzing data, the writer needed to examine the technique to decide the validity of the data. The technique meant was triangulation technique. It is a technique for examining credibility of the data which is done by checking the data using different techniques for the same sources Sugiyono, 2010: 373. 32


4.1 Profile of MAN 2 Banjarnegara

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri MAN 2 Banjarnegara is one of Islamic Senior High School which has A predicate and also one of the best Senior High School in Banjarnegara. The school is built on the land of 9522 m 2 at Letjend. Suprapto Street 95A Banjarnegara 53417, Desa Wangon, Kecamatan Banjarnegara, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. The school has already existed since 1965 with the first name is PGAN 4 Tahun. During 50 years, the school has already changed its name four times, PGAN 4 Tahun, PGAN 6 Tahun, PGAN, and then in 1990 it became MAN 2 Banjarnegara. The school becomes one of favorite school in Banjarnegara because it has already been successfully on the first place in many school competitions during these 50 years. There are lots of extracurricular activities to develop students’ skills and interests in art, academic, and sport which are very important and beneficial for students’ development. The learning process is supported by the strategic location of the school that is on the main street that it reachable for students, teachers, and workers. Besides, there are lots of supporting facilities such as comfortable class, library, Health School Unit, laboratory, computer room, skills room, mosque, canteen, basket ball field, and a hall that all of them are for supporting students learning processes.