The Advantages of Using Computer-based Media The Disadvantages of Using Computer-based Media


c. The Advantages of Using Computer-based Media

Kenning and Kenning 1983 state the advantages of using computer- based media p. 2-3. First, the computer offers privacy which relieves learners from the fear of being ridiculed for their mistakes by their classmates. It is because it allows learners to work on their own, in their own time, and at their own pace. Moreover, it is valuable for pupils who always finish early and need extra materials to stretch them. Second, it is patient and will tirelessly go over the same points for as long as is necessary. Third, it gives individual attention to the learner at the console and replies to him. It is because, traditionally, the computer acts as a tutor, assessing the learner’s reply, recording it, pointing out mistakes, and giving explanations. Fourth, it promotes the acquisition of knowledge, develops the learner’s critical faculties, demands active participation, and encourages vigilance because of the instant feedback. Fifth, acting as a tutor, it can be a partner for the learners to play educational games with, or, less glamorously, it can be a very efficient reference book. Sixth, computers frequently have a beneficial effect on learner motivation. Seventh, the computer offers the opportunity to make better use of teachers’ time and expertise. Moreover, according to Beatty 2003, many CALL programs allow a learner to obtain immediate feedback on progress, that is, an opportunity to observe their own changes in behaviour p. 145.

d. The Disadvantages of Using Computer-based Media

In order to balance the discussion about the use of computer-based media, the following discussion elaborates the disadvantages of using the media. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 There are four disadvantages from the use of multimedia in learning as cited in “Multimedia” n.d.. First, multimedia requires high-end computer systems that constitute large amounts of data, such as sound, images, animation, and especially video, which slow down, or may not even fit in a low-end computer. Second, while proponents of this new technology are very enthusiastic about its potential, they often leave the financial and technical issues unattended, such as development costs and time spent. Third, if the prerequisites for using multimedia include access to computers with related software, the user must possess a minimum level of computer literacy in order to exploit the capabilities of this medium for learning. Fourth, training of the educator who is unfamiliar with the production and design of multimedia courseware or packages can be equally complicating. Next, according to Vi 2005, there are eight disadvantages of using computer network technology in language teaching and learning. First, students must have computer and Internet access, so they will meet with difficulties when technology is not always as reliable as it should be and Internet access is not always available. Second, financial barriers include the cost of setting up a network in the school, which can be expensive. Third, financial barriers also include the investment in training because the use of the Internet requires some technological knowledge and computer skills from both teachers and learners. Fourth, searching for materials on-line can be sometimes time- consuming and frustrating. Fifth, it is easy to become bombarded with too much information, on the materials on- line, with little control over the quality and accuracy the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 contents. Sixth, little knows about how to make use of Internet- based materials or how to design tasks that allow learners to explore these materials and yield expected learning outcomes. Seventh, there is pedagogical changing because the use of networked computing environment will lead to different ways of teaching and learning from the traditional language classrooms. Eight, there are still limitations on navigations and hyperlink structures in the networked learning environment, which can make learners get lost.

e. Five Types of Computer Programs