Research Problem Problem Limitation Research Objectives Research Benefits


B. Research Problem

Regarding the background of the research, the problem can be formulated as follows. 1. How is a set of computer-based exercises using Hot Potatoes software to facilitate independent learning of tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem designed? 2. What does the set of computer-based exercises using Hot Potatoes software and independent learning to study tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem look like?

C. Problem Limitation

The scope of the study is designing computer-based exercises for learning basic tenses in SMK Sanjaya Pakem. The medium is designed for the first grade students. Besides, the study implements Hot Potatoes software to create an interesting activity because it contains attractive programs. The programs applied in this study were filling the gap texts, answering multiple choice, arranging jumbled sentences, and matching pictures based on its description. In addition, the exercises in the program can be added with short explanation related to the topic being discussed. The topics of the exercises are focused on basic tenses, namely simple present and simple past tense, because they are the basic grammar they really need to develop. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives of the study that are related to the problem formulation. 1. to find out how to design a set of computer-based exercises using Hot Potatoes software to facilitate independent learning of tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem; and 2. to present the set of computer-based media computer-based exercises design using Hot Potatoes software to facilitate independent learning of tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem.

E. Research Benefits

The design of the study is expected to give benefits for certain subjects. 1. Students in the first grade of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. This study will benefit the students because the product is designed to help them improve their basic knowledge of grammar focused on basic tenses learning. Besides, they will be more familiar with computer operation. Morever, the medium also facilitates independent learning so that it lead them to learn individually at their own pace to improve their knowledge. 2. Teachers’ of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. This study will help the teachers to create fun environment to learn English so that it would increase the students’ motivation. Since the students are motivated to learn, it is expected that they will be able to improve their basic tenses. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 7 3. Future researchers. This study will have benefit for future research in a sense of developing in more depth the exercises designed in this study and find another entertain medium to learn English at the same time.

F. Definition of Terms