There are two main aspects discussed in this chapter, namely conclusions and suggestions. The conclusion summarizes the answers to the two problem formulations of this study. Besides, the suggestions are addressed to the English teacher and the further researcher.

A. Conclusions

The purpose of this study is to design computer-based exercises using Hot Potatoes Software to facilitate independent learning of tenses to the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. The two questions that will be answered in this study are, first, how a set of computer-based exercises using Hot Potatoes software to facilitate independent learning of Tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem is designed. Second, what the set of computer-based exercises looks like. The first question is answered by using the research procedures of this study. After the writer combined the Borg and Gall’s RD model 1983 and Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s RD model 2005, there are five main steps in designing the exercises of this study, namely 1 research and information collecting, which is completed by conducting analyze learners and context, 2 planning, which is completed by identifying instructional goals, conducting PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 96 instructional analysis, writing performance objectives, and developing instructional strategy, 3 develop preliminary form of product which is completed by developing and selecting instructional materials, 4 preliminary field testing, and 5 main product revision. The answer to the second question is the writer has designed three units exercises, typed on computer, that are focused on the learning of simple present and simple past tense. Unit One, focused on Simple Present Tense, contains six topics with its title, namely Describing Things What do I Have?, Describing Activities Best Friends, Describing Activities Strolling at Malioboro, Describing Events Harvest Time, Occupation In an Office, and Signs Regulatory Signs. Unit Two, discussed about Simple Past Tense, also contains six topics with its title, namely Describing Things Gabrito’s Story, Describing Activities A Traditional Dancer with Diamond Teeth, Describing Activities At Ragunan Zoo and At A Vocational School, Describing Events King and Queen Contest, Occupation In A Field, and Signs Computer Signs. Unit Three, learned about both tenses, contains five topics with its title, namely Describing Things and Activities A Handsome Veterinarian, Describing Activities My Hometown, Describing Events Trip to Bali, Occupation What would They Be?, and Signs Caution and Direction Sign. The design could be accessed by visiting In this study, there are pre-design survey and post-design survey. Pre- design survey is the process where the writer conducted the first-three steps of designing the product. Meanwhile, post-design survey is the step in which the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 97 writer conducted the fourth step of the research procedures. In this step, the writer gained the validation toward the designed exercises from the respondents that were the students of AK Class, the English teacher, and the experts. Based on the results of conducting validation from the evaluators, it concludes that the designed exercises are considered appropriate and suitable to the first grade student in the case of learning grammar focused on both tenses. In addition, the students agreed that this kind of computer-based exercises could create their motivation to learn English. It was because it was packaged in fun, attractive, and interesting way for learning.

B. Recommendations