Research Setting Research Procedure

39 applied twice revising process to the content in order to improve some aspects related to the validity of the product. The first revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet from the students and the validation from the practitioner and the first expert. The second revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet from the second expert.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted to the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem on April to September 2011. There were 27 students in Akuntansi Class AK Class, 23 students in Administrasi Perkantoran Class AP Class, and 17 students in Penjualan Class PJ Class. Most of the students came from lower up to middle economic family’s background. Regarding the English learning, most of the students thought that English was difficult. Therefore, most of them were in the low level of proficiency in basic tenses comprehension. They were taught by two English teachers who taught listening and the rest of the learning materials.

C. Research Participants

The study used purposive sampling. Leedy and Ormrod 2005, state that in purposive sampling techniques people or other units are chosen, as the name implies, for a particular purpose p. 206. The study used sample from some of the first grade students when the writer conducted the questionnaire distribution on pre-design survey and post-design survey. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40

1. Research Participants in Pre-Design Survey

There were two groups of respondents in this study, as follows. a The first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem The writer needed information related to grammar learning, focused on simple tenses, studied by the students in order to decide and design the instructional. The students would complete questionnaires and pre-test distributed by the writer. b The English teacher of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. As the teacher, she were also observer of the students so that she could give such important information related to the students’ characteristics, grammar learning, focused on simple tenses, and the progress of the students in the learning process. The data was elicited by interviewing the teachers.

2. Research Participants in Post-Design Survey

The respondents should fulfill evaluation sheet that contains close-ended and open questions. This survey involved four groups of participants, as follows. a The students of Accounting Class AK Class They were the participants in trial of the product. They would evaluate the product by fulfilling the evaluation sheet. b The English teacher She was the participant both in trial of the product and in content evaluation. At first, she would complete the evaluation sheet. After that, interview would be conducted in order to clarify her answers in evaluation sheet. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 c The first expert He was the participant in the first content analysis. He would complete the evaluation sheet. Next, interview would be conducted to him to clarify his answers. d The second expert He was the participant in the second content analysis. He would evaluate the product by answering questions in evaluation sheet. After that, he would be interviewed in case of clarifying his answers.

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The study used three kinds of instruments, namely questionnaires, interview, and classroom observation. Besides, the data was gathered by distributing questionnaire, conducting an interview, and conducting classroom observation. The explanation of this part would be separated into two, namely research instruments and data gathering technique in pre-design and post-design survey.

1. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique in Pre-Design Survey

This survey used three kinds of instruments to gather the data, as follows. a Distributing questionnaire The study used questionnaires in the form of closed-ended and open questions. In pre-design survey, it was distributed to the first grade students see Appendix B.1. Questionnaire together with pre-test were distributed to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 42 students on Tuesday, April 12, 2011. This questionnaire would discuss about the students’ interest in learning English, the difficulties found by the students in the learning, and the students awareness and willingness of using computer as the learning medium. There were seventy five students who fulfilled the questions in the questionnaire and pre-test. They came from different classrooms, namely Akuntansi Class AK Class, Administrasi Perkantoran Class AP Class, and Penjualan Class PJ Class. Since the writer used purposive sampling, she only took randomly a half of all students’ questionnaire that had answered completely. Besides, all the result of pre-test was the data to analyze the students’ learning progress about the simple tenses. b Conducting an interview According to Ary 2002, there are two kinds of interview, namely open interview and close-ended interview. In this step, the writer conducted open interview to the English teachers in order to analyze the learners’ characteristics and the progress of grammar learning. The writer used open-ended interview because it allowed her to develop the questions in order to get more detailed information see Appendix B.3. Interview was conducted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011. The interviewee was the English teacher of Sanjaya Pakem Voctional School. It was organized in order to elicit more information about the students’ learning progress, the problems found at school, the solutions to solve the problems, the media that the teacher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43 usually used to teach, and the teacher’s opinion about designing a new interactive learning medium by using computer. c Classroom observation The study used classroom observation see Appendix B.4 without participating in the situation. According to Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, and Sorensen 2002, that kind of observation was called as nonparticipant observation p. 430. The observation involved the students, the teachers, and the facilities provided in the school. This observation would observe the students’ attitude when they learned English subject, the teacher’s acts when she taught the students, and the facilities provided in the school. The purpose of this process was to understand and analyze the background information of the participants who would use the product being used and of the facilities provided in the school such as teachers and other equipments needed to support English learning. The observation was conducted on Thursday, April 14, 2011, to the three classes at SMK Sanjaya Pakem. The writer used observation checklist items.

2. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique in Post-Design Survey

There were three groups of respondents in this survey, namely the AK Class students, the teacher, and the experts. There were two instruments used to gather data, as follows. a Distributing questionnaire The questionnaire was stated on evaluation sheet. The evaluation sheet was distributed to the AK Class students and the English teacher after they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 followed trial of the product on September 14 th , 2011 see Appendix E.1 and E.2. Besides, the experts were asked to fulfill the evaluation sheet after they checked the design. The first expert gave the evaluation result on September 20 th , 2011, whereas the second expert gave the result on November 22 nd , 2011. The questionnaire mainly discussed about the appearance, the instructions, the content, the weakness, the strengths, and the suggestions for the product. b Interview The interview to the teacher and the experts as the respondents was conducted to clarify the answers on the evaluation sheet. The writer asked for comments, criticism, and suggestions, in order to revise and improve the product.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The study elaborated the analysis from the classroom observation, the interview, and the questionnaires. The writer used qualitative method in describing the analysis result. Ary 2002: 27 states that the goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture and depth of understanding, rather than a numeric analysis of data. Therefore, data was described using words, not using number.

1. Analyzing Data from Pre-Design Survey

The analyzed data of pre-design survey would be used to state the goals and the learning objectives of the product, decide the skills to develop, and develop the instructional product. The data was elicited from questionnaire distribution to the first grade students, the pre-test result, the interview to the English teacher, and the school observation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45

2. Analyzing Data from Post-Design Survey

The result of data analysis from post-design survey would be used to revise and improve the instructional product in case of its validity. The data was gained from conducting evaluation sheet distribution to the students of AK Class and the validation from the English teacher and the experts.

F. Research Procedure

The research procedure of this study for conducting research of this study was figured out as seen on Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1: The Procedural Steps in Developing the Product : The sequence of the steps in designing the product. Feedback line Research and Information Collecting a. Analyze learners and context Develop Preliminary Form of Product a. Develop and select instructional materials Preliminary Field Testing Main Product Revision Planning a. Identify instructional goals b. Conduct instructional analysis c. Write performance objectives d. Develop instructional strategy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 : The separation line. The explanation above the line referred to the steps adapted from Borg and Gall 1983, whereas, the explanation under the line referred to the detailed steps adapted from Dick, Carey, Carey 2005. = The feedback line. Next, the explanation of the steps in figure 3.1 was as follows. 1. Research and information collecting The writer conducted review of literature, classroom observation, interview, questionnaire distribution, and pre-test. After she gained the data, she analyzed the students and the context. The purpose was to define the entry-level skills and the students’ characteristics toward the English learning. 2. Planning Identifying instructional goals, conduct instructional analysis, writing performance objectives, and develop instructional strategy were elaborated in this step. 3. Developing preliminary form of product The writer would develop the instructional product. In the process of developing the product, the writer used some textbooks, certain software, and internet connection. 4. Preliminary field testing The writer conducted questionnaire distribution and interview in order to evaluate the product. The study applied twice preliminary field testing, namely trial of the product and content analysis. In addition, the content analysis was processed twice in order to be more valid and more appropriate. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 5. Main product revision The writer applied twice revision in this study. The first main product revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet from the students, the English teacher, and the first lecturer. The second main revision product was conducted after the evaluation sheet from the second lecturer was gained so that the product became more valid and more appropriate. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 48


This chapter answers the two questions in the problem formulation. There are two sections, namely designing the materials and the designed materials. The first section would like to answer how computer-based exercises are designed using Hot Potatoes software to facilitate independent learning method to learn tenses for the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem, whereas the second section would like to answer what the computer-based exercises looks like.

A. Designing the Materials

In this section, the writer would discuss the steps in designing the product. There were five main steps used, in this study.

1. Research and Information Collecting

This step was called as pre design survey. The data were gained by analyzing learners and context. In this step, the writer conducted five instruments, namely literature review, questionnaire distribution, pre test, interview, and classroom observation. The review of literature had been stated in chapter II of this study, while the other instruments were elicited in this section. The writer would like to report the results from questionnaire distribution, pre test and classroom observation, which were conducted to the first grade students, and interview that was conducted to the English teacher of the first grade prior to analyze the learners and context. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI