Results from Pre Test

52 computer whether or not it used internet connection, English songs by listening to it, English movies with English language by watching them, and English comics by reading it. Besides, the supplement materials could be tasks about making and performing storytelling and speech. Second, it was necessary that the students should be diligent to learn hardly about the materials outside school. It could be done by looking for some new vocabularies and trying to solve the difficulties, such as in comprehending the patterns of certain tenses, in the learning. Third, it was necessary for them to be taught from the easiest materials.

b. Results from Pre Test

The writer prepared pre test consisted of multiple choice, fill in the gap, and jumbled words question related to the tenses learned in the first semester. It was conducted to 67 students from the entire first grade classes, namely Akuntansi Class AK Class, Administrasi Perkantoran Class AP Class, and Penjualan Class PJ Class. Next, the writer could analyze the result of the assessment, and then knew the level on which she needed to start. In the pre test, part A consisted of ten multiple choice questions, part B consisted of nine fill in the gap questions, and part C consisted of a jumbled words question. The results of each part would be elaborated, as follows. 1 Results of Pre Test Part A The biggest number of students got score in range 10-20 out of 90. The detailed score got by the students in each class is in the Appendix C.2. There were five kinds of topics that were shown in the questions. The writer analyzed the results based on the number of error answers done by the students in Table 4.2. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 53 Table 4.2: The Error Results for Pre Test Part A No. The Topic of Pre-Test’s Questions The Number of Errors AK Class AP Class PJ Class 1. The verb choice after singular subject in simple present tense appeared three times. 49 51 36 2. The verb choice after singular subject in simple past tense appeared once. 12 16 16 3. The verb choice after plural subject appeared three times. 57 58 33 4. The verb choice in compound sentences appeared twice. 37 40 25 5. The verb choice to state general fact appeared once. 21 21 17 2 Results of Pre Test Part B The biggest number of the score range got by all students was in range 40– 49 got by 18 students or 27. The specific score for part B was in Appendix C.2. Five topics appeared in the test. The writer would analyze the results by summarizing the number of errors done by the students in Table 4.3. Table 4.3: The Error Results for Pre Test Part B No. The Topic of Pre-Test’s Questions The Number of Errors AK Class AP Class PJ Class 1. Review about a sentence consisting singular subject in present time appeared once. 1 2 - 2. Review about a sentence consisting plural subject in present time appeared once. 25 22 12 3. Review about a sentence consisting singular irregular verb appeared twice. 9 26 17 4. Review about compound sentences consisting singular subject in past time appeared twice. 43 41 26 5. Review about a complex sentence appeared once. 22 18 17 6. Review about a sentence to state general fact appeared twice. 48 44 33 3 Results of Pre Test Part C The third analysis was Part C. This part was the most difficult exercises. The students were asked to rearrange words in order to make a good sentence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 Before the students did the exercise, the writer had explained the main idea and the subject of the sentence they would arrange. However, no one could rearrange the words into a good one. The analysis of those parts could be summarized that, in dealing with simple present tense, the students faced three problems. The first problem was they were confused on how to use verbs to state daily events or activities and general fact. The second problem was they had not been aware of the existence of time reference in the sentences. The last problem was they found difficulties in deciding the verbs and to be following singular and plural subjects. Next, the writer also found four problems in case of learning simple past tense. First, they did not pay attention to the use of time reference. Second, they had not memorized the past participle forms of the irregular verbs well. Third, in case of compound sentence, they still had misunderstanding with the use of the verbs which usually applied the same time reference. Fourth, they had a problem with the meaning of simple vocabulary which appeared in the pre test.

c. Results from Interview