Identifying Instructional Goals Conducting Instructional Analysis


2. Planning

In this step, the writer used the result of needs analysis in order to elaborate the next four steps in planning. The first step was to identify instructional goals. The second step was to conduct instructional analysis. It was described by considering the results of the needs analysis in order to state the specific skills, procedures, and learning tasks of the instructional. Next, the third step was to write performance objectives. The last step was to develop instructional strategy.

a. Identifying Instructional Goals

The goal of the product in the study supported the goal of the English subject stated in the syllabus that was used at school. The goal of the English subject was to communicate using English in equal to Level Novice. Therefore, the goal of this instructional was the students were able to identify and use simple present tense and simple past tense in certain situations in order to improve the basic tenses needed to communicate using English in equal to Level Novice.

b. Conducting Instructional Analysis

This step would state the specific skills, procedures, and learning tasks in order to reach the goal of this study. The study focused on the learning of English grammar specified the learning of simple present tense and simple past tense. Hence, the specific skills that would be the focus of this study were grammar skills related to the comprehension of both tenses. Because this study focused on the use of both tenses, it was expected that after the students acquired the knowledge, they have skills to practice and apply the form, within its meaning in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 the sentences, of both tenses in daily life as stated on standard competence in Curriculum Based Competence 2009 edition KTSP edisi 2009. Besides, computer literacy was also needed since the product would use computer as the media in the learning. After defining the specific skills, the writer identified the specific procedures about the product that would be decided and developed. The product was used as supplementary exercises toward the learning of both tenses. It meant that the product would be practiced by the students after they received the explanation of the theory, in terms of the definitions, the functions, the patterns, and the ways to use both tenses, from the English teacher. After they finished practicing the exercises as the product of the study, they were expected to have more comprehension in the use of both tenses within its meaning in written sentences because the exercises would begin with the easiest step. The learning tasks were in the form of written exercises. The exercises were made based on the level of the students’ knowledge which generally appeared in the school. There were two categorizes of the tasks. First, the exercises would deal with the comprehension of each tense, while second; the exercises would deal with the combined exercises of both tenses. Because the last category was the combination of the tenses, the students should pay more attention on how and when they use both tenses. It needed an ability to identify and use both tenses appropriately and correctly.

c. Writing Performance Objectives