This chapter elaborates how to conduct the study in order to answer the two research problems stated in chapter I.

A. Research Method

In finding the answer to the problems, the study used educational research and development RD method. According to Borg and Gall 1983, educational research and development is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The method used in this study was the adaptation from Borg and Gall’s model 1983 and Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s model 2005. The study applied Borg and Gall’s model 1983 as the umbrella of the study because it mentioned the sequences of conducting research and development toward a product design in education. Besides, Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s model 2005 was also chosen because it described in detail how to conduct an instructional design. Therefore, in order to clarify the detail sequence of conducting this study, both of models were adapted and combined. Borg and Gall’s model 1983 and Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s model 2005 provides ten principal steps in order to organize the design process. Because the study was designed as requirements to graduate from English Language Education Study Program, the study used the first-five steps only from PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 Borg and Gall’s model 1983 and the first four steps, the sixth step, and the seventh step from Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s model 2005. Here, the first five steps of Borg and Gall’s model 1983 became the main steps which were completed by some specific steps chosen from Dick, Carrey, and Carrey’s model 2005. The first two steps were called as pre design survey and the fourth step was called as post design survey. The collaboration of both models in this study was described as follows. 1. Research and information collecting The writer conducted review of literature, school observation, interview, and questionnaire distribution. After that, she analyzed the learners and context based on the data gained. Here, she elicited the students’ characteristics toward the English learning, defined the entry-level skills of the students toward the comprehension of English grammar focused on the tenses, the characteristics of the instructional setting, and the characteristics of the setting in which the new knowledge and skills will be used. 2. Planning The writer organized pre-test that was conducted together with questionnaire distribution on the first step to the first grade students. The purpose was in order to know the common mistakes appeared in the exercises so that the writer would analyze what skills they should improve. This step was completed by organizing some detail steps, as follows. a. Identifying instructional goals The writer stated the goals of the product so that she and the users knew PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 the aim of designing the product. The goals’ identification referred to the syllabus used at school. b. Conducting instructional analysis This step identified three main aspects, namely specific skills, procedures, and learning tasks. Identifying specific skills referred to what skills to develop. Besides, identifying specific procedures referred to the steps that should be accomplished before the users could use the product. Whereas, identifying specific learning tasks refer to the type of tasks that were appropriate for the users. c. Writing performance objectives In this step, specific learning objectives were mentioned in order to ease the writer in indicating whether or not the students achieved the intended-goals. The specific learning objectives would be in accordance with the syllabus used at the school. On the other hand, the writer regarded the theory of the learning grammar in order to support the identified learning objectives. Besides, the writer also elaborated some topics to help her in stating the specific learning objectives. d. Developing instructional strategy This step stated the activities of the product that would be designed. The activities should be able to complete the objectives of the product. 3. Develop preliminary form of product This step includes preparation of instructional materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices. The writer would develop computer-based exercises to learn simple tenses. Therefore, she needed computer, the exercises, and Hot Potatoes PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 software as the computer software. In addition, in the process of developing the product, the writer used grammar textbooks and internet connection. 4. Preliminary field testing The writer conducted questionnaire distribution and interview in order to evaluate the product. The study applied two process of preliminary field testing. The first process was trial of the product that was conducted to the students and the English teacher of SMK Sanjaya Pakem. Hence, the students and the teacher would evaluate the product by fulfilling the evaluation sheet contained questionnaire. The second process was content evaluation that was conducted to the English teacher, as the practitioner, and two experts that were the lecturers from Sanata Dharma University. After they checked the design, they fulfilled the questionnaire on the evaluation sheet. Next, interview was conducted to the teacher and the lecturers in order to clarify the answers on the evaluation sheet. On the other hand, the content evaluation was conducted twice. First, it was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet and the interview result from the practitioner and the first expert. Second, it was conducted to the second expert after the writer revised the product as the suggestion from the first content analysis process. 5. Main product revision The product was revised as suggested by the preliminary field-test results. Main product revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet and the interview result as the result of preliminary field testing. The study PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 applied twice revising process to the content in order to improve some aspects related to the validity of the product. The first revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet from the students and the validation from the practitioner and the first expert. The second revision was conducted after the writer gained the evaluation sheet from the second expert.

B. Research Setting