Classroom Observation Research and Information Collecting

56 learning. She would support everything which was new and could support the learning process.

d. Classroom Observation

Classroom observation was conducted in the three classes of the first grade students. The writer would report the classroom observation result based on the cases observed. There were three kinds of cases, namely observation toward the students’ learning process, observation toward the English teacher on the learning process, and observation toward the facilities at school. 1 Observation toward the students’ learning process. Table 4.4: The Students’ Response toward the English Subject Learning No. Class the number of students Students’ Enthusiasm and involvement in discussion Busy with themselves 1. AK Class 27 students 16 students 59.3 11 students 40.7 2. AP Class 22 students 13 students 59.1 9 students 40.9 3. PJ Class 18 students 8 students 44.5 10 students 55.5 After analyzing the results of the student’s participation in the teaching and learning activity, the writer also observed their comprehension on grammatical skill when they did an activity in the classroom. The activity was each student was asked one by one to make a sentence to tell something that happened in the past and all the sentences should have concord ideas. There were some incorrect sentences that the students made in the activity see Appendix C.4. Classroom observation that the writer conducted added another phenomena. Not only was the problems in creating a good sentence which had congruity within its meaning and its pattern, the students also found problem in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 57 translating Bahasa Indonesia into English vocabulary. Most of the students do not know how to translate the vocabulary berjalan-jalan, berfoto, pengetahuan, pemandangan from Bahasa Indonesia into English. Besides, some of them did not know the meaning of words when and get in Bahasa Indonesia. Those words were the example phenomena of simple vocabulary. 2 Observation toward the English teacher of the students. When the teacher taught in AK Class and AP Class, she prepared an interesting activity in order to attract the students’ motivation into the learning. She used blackboard and chalk as the media to play a game. She asked the students to create a sentence to tell something in the past and wrote their sentence on the blackboard. Each sentence created by each student should have correlation to each other, so that it could convey meaning. However, the teacher did not use a certain media to teach the students’ in PJ Class. The teacher actively explained the materials about simple past tense clearly and understandable in each classroom. Her voice was loud so that all the students could hear her explanation. While the teacher explained the materials, she considered the students’ condition whether or not they understood the materials. She gave a chance to the students to involve in the discussion in the class, such as asking them how to use simple present tense and simple present tense. In addition, the teacher also used another sources, in the learning, which was copied module of exercise. 3 Observation toward the facilities at school. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 In each classroom there were a blackboard, chalk, electrical plug, adequate chairs and tables for the students. The school had an Overhead Projector OHP and two Liquid Crystal Display LCD projectors, but in the teaching and learning process, both the teacher and the students did not use the tools as the media to deliver the materials. Next, there was a computer laboratory for the students in school. It was completed by the existence of internet connection. The students used computers as the tool to learn MYOB program to support their accounting skill. Regarding the data gained by conducting some instruments above, next the writer would discussed, in this first main step of the study, the conclusion from analyze learners and context. The first description was analyzing the learners. The learners were the first grade students of SMK Sanjaya Pakem because they learned the basic tenses from the whole tenses materials learned in the first grade up to the third grade. From the facet of the problems in learning both tenses faced by the students and the teacher, it could be summarized that they remarkably needed other supplementary exercises so that they could increase their motivation to learn the tenses. As the students’ suggestion for interesting English learning, they stated that they needed entertaining supplementary materials. In addition, the school facilitated Computer Subject for the students, so they were capable of operating the computer. The existence of online games to learn English also derived the idea of creating the entertaining supplementary exercises. Hence, the writer would design a media consisted of the supplementary PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 exercises that could be accessed by using online computer in order to reduce their stress and tension in their learning focused on both tenses. Their knowledge at the beginning could be summarized from the results of pre test. The students were in the beginner level. It was because they had not had good comprehension in the learning of both tenses, so they were confused to differentiate the use and to use correct form of verbs of both tenses. Their low level of vocabulary mastery was also lack for the students. Therefore, the supplementary exercises would be developed from the simplest step. The exercises also provided certain topics consisted of vocabulary that closed to their life. It was expected that by using the topics, they would be easier to absorb the materials. The second description was analyzing the context related to the setting of the instructional product. The product needed computers and internet connection. Those tools were facilitated at school and the students could use it at certain times. Besides, the product would facilitate independent learning method in which the students would gain the knowledge without being directly facilitated by the teacher. It would support the idea of reducing the students’ stress because they could learn at their own pace in relaxed situation. However, the role of the teacher was still important in this case. She should control that the students had accessed the exercises and be the facilitator if they had some difficulties in completing the exercises. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60

2. Planning