Questionnaire Data Collection Technique

the interaction during the teaching and learning process. While undertaking the observation, field notes and videos were taken so that empirical data were gained.

E. Data Analysis Technique

There were two types of data in this study i.e. quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were the results of the questionnaire from needs analysis and the expert validation, while the qualitative data were the result of interviews in the form of comments or opinions from the English teacher, students, and the experts related to their evaluation of the needs and designed learning model. In analyzing the questionnaires, the data were gathered in the form of scores. The questionnaire was designed using Likert Scale. As stated by Bell 1999, Likert scale asks the respondents to indicate the strength of their agreement and disagreement with a given statement on a point range of five. The responses for every statement are measured with a scope 1 up to 5. The statement of Strongly Agree SA has five points, the statement of Agree A has four points, the statement of Undecided U has three points, the statement of Disagree D has two points, and the statement of Strongly Disagree SD has one point. The data analysis process was calculated using descriptive statistics. It is a set of procedures conducted to describe different aspects of data. The results would be classified into some classifications based on converted score. The converted scores will describe the result in order to show the clearer data. The converted score is presented as follows. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 3.4. Conversion Table of the Raw Scores into the Converted Scores Raw Scores Meaning of Scores Converted Scores 5 Strongly Agree with the statement 2 4 Agree with the statement 1 3 Not sure with the statement 2 Disagree with the statement -1 1 Strongly Disagree with the statement -2 The results of the questionnaire were put into the table. It contains the questions or statements, the answers of the participants, the mean scores, and the converted scores. The description of the questionnaire result is showed in the following table. Table 3.5. The Description of the Questionnaire Result No. Statements Converted Score x Mean M Category Total Score Mean In analyzing the data, the researcher conducted three steps, as proposed by Martanti 2015: 1 collecting the raw data, 2 scoring the data for quantitative analysis, 3 the gathered scores were then converted into a scale of five. The gathered scores were classified using a reference conversion on PAP Penilaian Acuan Patokan proposed by Sukarjo 2006 or Criterian Reference Evaluation CRE. The detailed information on how to get the range scores is elaborated in the table below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI