Interview Data Collection Technique

Table 3.4. Conversion Table of the Raw Scores into the Converted Scores Raw Scores Meaning of Scores Converted Scores 5 Strongly Agree with the statement 2 4 Agree with the statement 1 3 Not sure with the statement 2 Disagree with the statement -1 1 Strongly Disagree with the statement -2 The results of the questionnaire were put into the table. It contains the questions or statements, the answers of the participants, the mean scores, and the converted scores. The description of the questionnaire result is showed in the following table. Table 3.5. The Description of the Questionnaire Result No. Statements Converted Score x Mean M Category Total Score Mean In analyzing the data, the researcher conducted three steps, as proposed by Martanti 2015: 1 collecting the raw data, 2 scoring the data for quantitative analysis, 3 the gathered scores were then converted into a scale of five. The gathered scores were classified using a reference conversion on PAP Penilaian Acuan Patokan proposed by Sukarjo 2006 or Criterian Reference Evaluation CRE. The detailed information on how to get the range scores is elaborated in the table below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 3.6. A Scale of Five using a Criterian Reference Evaluation CRE PAP Sukarjo, 2006 Category Score Interval Very high Very good X i + 1,80SB i X High Good X i + 0,60SB i x ≤ X i + 1,80SB i Fair X i - 0,60SB i x ≤ X i + 0,60SB i Low Poor X i - 1,80SB i x ≤ X i - 0,60SB i Very low poor X ≤ X i - 1,80SB i Notes: x = actual score X i ideal mean score = maximum ideal score + minimum ideal score SD Standard deviation = maximum ideal score - minimum ideal score The maximum score means the highest converted score i.e. 2, while the minimum score refers to the lowest converted score, i.e. -2. In addition, the final mean score was interpreted to obtain the meaning about the overall quality of the product. The data then were analyzed by finding the average score or mean. The researcher used Mean to describe responses of all participants to items on an instrument. The following is the calculation of the Mean. Notes: X i = average score mean ∑X = Total score N = number of participants Xi = ΣX � According to Table 3.6., the average score mean was used to interpret the need analysis and experts and user validation questionnaire. First, in need analysis interpretation, the mean score were used to interpret of every indicator in order to know the categories of students’ interests, oral pronunciation, communicative competence, speaking problems, and the use of technology. If the score is classified as very high, it means that the students’ indicators received the most categories done by the students. Then, if the score is considered good, it means that the students did as well as the indicators. When the score is categorized as fair, it means that the students sometimes did as the indicators. Next, the score low shows that the students did not do as the indicators. The last, the very low score specifies that the students did not strongly do the indicators of each category. Second, in expert and user validation interpretation, the mean score were used to interpret the evaluation of the product. If the score is classifies as very good, it means that the product does not need any revision. Then, if the score is considered good, it means that the revision is optional. When the score is categorized as fair, it is necessary to conduct more exploration on the existing part of the design. Next, if the score is considered poor, it is recommended to modify or revise some parts of the application. The last, the very poor score pointed out that the revision is highly required. Furthermore, the qualitative data from open-ended questionnaire were selected as necessary to support the result of the quantitative data from the questionnaire. The interpretation based on the theory of Principles of Mobile Assisted Language Learning Stockwell Hubbard, 2013, and Principle of