Let’s Practice The Description of the Iconic Model of Android Application

3. Let’s Have Fun

According to the result of the questionnaires and interviews, most students stated that they were interested in the Let’s Have Fun section. Let’s Have Fun section contains some fun materials like role play activities, interview tasks, multiple choice while listening to monologues dialogues, creating a card, and filling in the missing lyrics on songs. The presentation of the activities in Let’s Have Fun section is showed below. Figure 4.11. The Activities in Let’s Have Fun Section The first screen shows the role-play activity. This activity is almost same as role-play in the previous section. The difference is this activity provides Recorder button to facilitate the students to record their performance during doing role-play with their friends. In this section, the students make a role play in pairs based on the situation given, and they are supposed to speak and respond directly. It is better for the teacher to guide them and give feedback based on their performance, unless they can learn by themselves or with their friends outside the classroom. The students can record their performance by clicking the record button, and then they can listen to and evaluate their performance. This activity is in line with the responsive type of speaking activity Brown, 2000 that the students are able to give short replies to initiate questions or comments. Role-play also give chance for the students to speak in the target language before they really do it in the real life. In role-play activity, the students are given roles and situation to be acted based on the roles Nunan, 2003. This application can facilitate the students in responding the dialog in certain situation in role-play activity. The second and third screens are interview activities. In the second screen, the activity contains guided-questions during interview. In the classroom setting, the students are asked to interview their friends randomly. Their friends should directly respond to the questions, and vice versa. The third screen contains interview activity based on instruction given and the students should develop their ideas to create questions and to respond if their friends are asking. The students are asked to ask some friends in the classroom and produce sentences and respond to their friends based on the expressions of the topic. In this case, the students will PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI learn how to communicate well using the language function and how to give short replies. This activity support the students’ speaking skill as well. This is related to the theory of types of classroom speaking performance, i.e. responsive Brown, 2001. It means that the students should be able to give short replies to initiate questions or comments. It includes interaction and comprehension test but at the somewhat limited level of very short conversations, standard greeting and small talk, simple request and comment. The next screen is about listening activity. The students listen to a monologue and answer the questions based on the audio. This activity is in the form of multiple-choice questions, so the students just click the choose answer button and choose the best answers. This activity could help them to improve their listening input. It is necessary for them as second language learners to understand what other people say. Listening comprehension, which is a receptive skill, will lead the students to have productive skill that is speaking skill. This is in line with Byrne Jondeya, 2011 that speaking is a two-way process between speaker and listeners and it involves the productive skills of language and the receptive skills of understanding. The fifth screen is listening and response activity. This activity contains some monologues and the students are asked to respond to those each monologue by choose the best answer. This type of activity is multiple-choice. It is also supported by the listening practice. By practicing this kind of activity, the students will be able to directly respond the real situation in their daily life. The next screen is card activity. In this section, the students are asked to create a card to their friend based on the topic. This is supported with the students’ grammatical sentence production. They will understand in using correct grammar well. The last screen is Song activity. The Songs section is designed in the form of missing lyrics. In this section, the students are asked to guess what the lyrics were by carefully listening to the songs. They are supposed to complete the missing parts. The keywords in the lyrics are words or phrases that are related to the topic of the lesson, so that it will enable students to guess the missing parts easily. The other activities in this section are multiple-choice activity and creating a card. These activities also give the students enriching their vocabulary mastery. All activities in the Let’s Have Fun section are designed to arouse the students’ interests after learning all sections. Those activities are aimed to give vocabulary inputs for the students and to increase the students listening and speaking skills. The role-play activity in this section is quite different from in the Let’s Practice section. The activities are also in accordance with the theory of speaking. This means that this activity is suitable to be used as supplementary materials to learn speaking skill.

C. The Description on How EEL Supports the Speaking Skills

EEL application provides materials that concern with speaking skills. The consideration of designing the materials was based on the Syllabus for XI grade Senior High School students. After investigating the syllabus, the researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI then determined the topics and learning indicators. The topics and learning indicators then were elaborated to create appropriate materials. The materials are also in line with the aspects of speaking skill Brown, 2001; Nunan, 2003; Richard Renandya, 2002. The aspects are the students’ oral proficiency communicative competence, and types of speaking activities. The consideration of designing materials and activities are in accordance with the micro and macro skills of speaking Brown, 2004, types of speaking activities, i.e. imitative and responsive Brown, 2000, and also the material appropriateness which according to School-based curriculum BSNP, 2006. Therefore, EEL contains activities and exercises which are related to those speaking aspects. It is aimed to help the students to learn English speaking skill either in the classroom or outside the classroom. Those speaking aspects were integrated to be used as the guideline in developing the materials and activities in the application. In this part, the researcher would elaborate several aspects related to speaking skills. They are pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Those aspects are also related to each other and also in line with fluency, comprehension, and other speaking aspects. Related to pronunciation aspect, EEL can help students in practicing pronunciation in easy way. As mentioned earlier in the interview result, the students are able to pronounce the difficult words as well since the researcher developed the application, which provided some audio conversation and pronunciation practice. The pronunciation task is available in the Let’s Start section in each lesson. This section provides the correct pronunciation that can be heard by the students since it consists of the feature of App Inventor, namely Text PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI