Affixation Reduplication Morphological Process

8 words, e.g. cat, sit, bird, etc. Words with more than one morpheme are called polymorphemic words. They can be broken down into smaller units that are meaningful, e.g. Arabian Arab + ian for instance, where Arab refers to a kind of state and it is kind of noun or adjective in the class of word. While –ian serves the grammatical function that used to form a noun and adjective and this piece could not stand by itself, and independence is one of the criteria for calling element of word.

2.2 Morphological Process

Morphological process is a word formation by combining one morpheme with another morpheme or a word formation by making a modification to its base form affixes. Samsuri 1981:177 says, “Proses morfologis adalah cara pembentukan kata-kata dengan menghubungkan morfem yang satu dengan morfem yang lainnya”. Morphological process is the way of forming the words by relating one morpheme to other morpheme. Here are some kinds of morphological process, those are: Affixation, Reduplication, Suppletion, Modification, and Compounding.

2.2.1 Affixation

Affixation is the one of the most general process in every language. Words formed by the combination of bound affixes and free morphemes are the result of the process of affixation. Chaer 1994:177 says, “Afiksasi adalah proses pembubuhan afiks pada sebuah dasar atau bentuk dasar. Afiks adalah sebuah bentuk, biasanya berupa morfem terikat, yang diimbuhkan pada sebuah dasar dalam proses pembentukan kata.” Universitas Sumatera Utara 9 Affixation is the process of placing affix to a base or base form. Affix is a form, usually in the form of bound morpheme, which attached to a base in the process of forming words. According to their position in the word or side of the word they are attached to, affixes are classified into prefixes, infixes and suffixes. Prefix

Prefix is bound morpheme that is added to the beginning of the word. For examples: 1. un + noticed  unnoticed 2. a + moral  amoral 3. pan + cilok  pancilok Infix

Infix is bound morpheme that is inserted within the words. There is no infix in English, but we can find it in Indonesia, Minangkabau language and Tagaloc. Examples: 1.-al- + tunjuk  talunjuk 2.-am- +puncak  pamuncak Suffix

Suffix is bound morpheme which is attached to the end of the word. Examples: 1. notice + -able  noticeable 2. care + -less  careless 3. short +-en  shorten Universitas Sumatera Utara 10

2.2.2 Reduplication

Reduplication is a process of forming new words either by doubling an entire free morpheme total reduplication or part of it partial reduplication. Reduplication consists in the repetition of all or of part of a root or stem to form new words. These are some definitions of reduplication: 1. Proses pengulangan atau reduplikasi ialah pengulangan satuan gramatik, baik seluruhnya maupun sebagiannya, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak. Ramlan, 1985:57 Process of repetitions is repeated the grammatical unit, in whole or in part, either with variations finem or not. Ramlan, 1985:57 2. Proses reduplikasi yaitu pengulangan suatu gramatikal, baik seluruhnya maupun sebagiannya, baik dengan variasi fonem maupun tidak. Hasil pengulangan disebut kata ulang, satuan yang diulang merupakan kata dasar. Solichi, 1996:9 Process of reduplication is a grammatical reduplication, in whole or in part, either with variations of phonemes or not. The results of repetition is called re-word, the repeated unit is a basic word. Solichi, 1996:9 Reduplication is not a new problem in Linguistics, this study has been discussed by linguists, such as Simatupang 1983, Kridalaksana 1989, and Keraf 1991. Simatupang 1983, in his book has discussed about morphologically reduplication and semantically reduplication. He divides reduplication into 18 types. Morphemic reduplication can be classified into derivational reduplication and reduplication paradigmatic based on the type of words and the resulting words. To Universitas Sumatera Utara 11 determine the meaning of reduplication of bound context, sometimes, some of reduplication can be immediately known and sometimes it depends on the context. According to Verhaar 1982 reduplication can be classified into monomorphemic and polymorphemic, for examples: berhenti-berhenti ‘stop’, unggas-unggas ‘bird’ and it is called full reduplication. Reduplication can be also followed by changing in vowel, consonant or consonant vowel,for examples: sayur- mayur ‘vegetables’, carut-marut ‘obscene’. If only a part of the root or stem is repeated, the process is called partial reduplication, for examples: pepohonan ‘trees’, lelaki ‘man’. There are several meaning that is contained by reduplication, such as: a. reciprocity: tolong-menolong ‘help each other’ imbau-mengimbau ‘remind each other’, b. intensity bersusah-susah ‘full of painful’, reduplication berderai-derai ‘loose’, and some other meaning . Simatupang 1983 has discussed the form of reduplication, including derivational reduplication and the meaning of free context reduplication and bound context reduplication. He also divides reduplication into 18 types. In addition, Simatupang also discusses the derivational reduplication, It kinds of morphemic process in reduplication, and it can change the category of word. Based on Simatupang’s book, reduplication can be divided into 18 types, they are: Type 1  Basic Form BF + Reduplication R Reduplication in this type repeats monomorphemic and polymorphemic basic form. It is type of full reduplication. Universitas Sumatera Utara 12 a. Noun + R-1 In general, each noun can be followed by Reduplication type 1 but it depends on meaning of reduplication and semantic characteristics. It usually indicates plural noun or quantity intensity. Examples: 1. rumah-rumah ‘houses’ 2. dosen-dosen ‘lectures’ 3. anak-anak ‘children’ b. Adjective + R-1 Reduplication type 1 is productive with adjectives. The meaning that can be related with R-1 + Adjective is “intensive”. Examples: 1. baik-baik ‘fine’ 2. murah-murah ‘cheap’ c. Verb + R-1 Generally, verb can be followed by R-1 only monomorphemic verb. Examples: 1. makan-makan ‘eat’ 2.tidur-tidur ‘sleep’ But in certain context R-1 also can be followed by polymorphemic. Examples: 1. berhenti-berhenti ‘stop’ d. Adverb + R-1 Reduplication type 1 is productive with adverb. Examples: 1. kiro-kiro ‘about’ 2.kadang-kadang ‘sometime’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 13 e. Pronoun + R-1 Pronouns can be divide into personal pronouns: saya ‘I’, kamu ‘you’, dia ‘shehe’,mereka ‘they’, kami ‘we’ and demonstrative pronouns: ini ‘this’, itu ‘that’. f. Question Words + R-1 Reduplication type 1 is productive with question word. Examples: 1. kapan-kapan ‘when ever’ g. Numeral + R-1 Reduplication type 1 is productive with numeral words, numeral can be divede into 3 kinds, they are: i Cardinal Number: satu-satu ‘one and one’ dua-dua ‘two and two’ ii Fraction: seperempat-seperempat ‘a quarter by a quarter’ iii Numeral Classifier: se+ ekor  seekor-seekor ‘aan’ Type 2  Basic Form + Reduplication that followed by changing in vowel, consonant or consonant vowel. In type 2, the basic repetition of basic form is followed by changing of phonemes. It can be changed only a vocal, only a consonant or both consonant and vocal. Examples: 1. sayur-mayur ‘vegetables’ 2. carut-marut ‘obscene’ 3. hiruk-pikuk ‘crowded’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 14 Type 3  Basic Form + Reduplication + ber- a. Verb in Reduplication type 3 Generally, reduplication in this type consists of a verb that indicates action action verbs , according to Chafe 1973 or commonly it is called intransitive verbs and the meanings that can be concerned to R - 3 is iterative continues and doing something without purpose. Example: 1. berjalan-jalan. b. Noun in Reduplication type 3 i Nouns that indicate Measurement Examples: 1. berkarung-karung ‘many sacks’ 2. bergelas-gelas ‘many glasses’ 3. berlembar-lembar ‘many sheets’ ii Nouns that indicate time Examples: 1. berhari-hari ‘many days’ 2. berminggu-minggu ‘many weeks’ 3. berbulan-bulan ‘many months’ iii Nouns that indicate numeral Examples: 1.berhelai-helai ‘many sheets’ 2. berpintu-pintu ‘many doors’ iv The other type of nouns Examples: 1. berawa-rawa ‘swamps’ 2. bergunung-gunung ‘mountains’ 3. berjenis-jenis ‘kinds’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 15 c. Adjectives in Reduplication type 3 In this type, adjectives usually indicate human behavior. We seldom find adjective in reduplication type 3. Examples: 1. bermalas-malasan ‘lazy’ 2. bersakit-sakit ‘pain’ 3. bersusah-susah ‘difficult’ Type 4  Basic Form + Reduplication + ber-…_an Reduplication in this type usually indicates reciprocal meaning. Examples: 1.bersalam-salaman ‘shake hand each other’ 2. bersebalah-sebalahan ‘’ 3. berjauh-jauhan ‘’ The examples above indicate actions that act repeatedly. Type 5  Basic Form Reduplication + ber- a. Noun + R-5 Noun in reduplication type 5 indicates special characteristics. It means the relation of the first noun is same with the second noun. Examples: 1.anak-beranak ‘’ 2. kakak-beradik ‘sisterhood’ b. Verb + R-5 Verb in reduplication type 5 has reciprocal meaning. Examples: 1. lama-berkalamaan ‘for a long time’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 16 Type 6  Basic Form + Reduplication + meN- There are several meanings that can be related with reduplication type 6. i Iterative and continuously Examples: 1. melompat-lompat ‘jump’ 2.meminta-minta ‘ask’ 3. memuji-muji ‘appreciate” ii Doing something without real purpose: Examples: 1. melihat-lihat ‘see’ 2.membaca-baca ‘read’ Type 7  Basic Form + Reduplication + meN- Generally, reduplication type 7 can be followed by verb that has reciprocal meaning or action that has concerned with basic form. Examples: 1. pukul-memukul ‘beat each other’ 2. kait-mengait ‘hook each other’ 3. tolong-menolong ‘help each other’ Type 8  Basic Form + Reduplication + meN-…-i Reduplication type 8 can be imposed to the verb in reduplication type 7 with reciprocal meaning. Reduplication type 8 has reciprocal meaning. Examples: 1. hormat-menghormati ‘respect each other’ 2. cinta-mencintai ‘love each other’ 3. kasih-mengasihi ‘love each other’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 17 Type 9  Basic Form + Reduplication + meN-…-kan Reduplication type 9 can be followed by verb, adjective and noun. a. Verb + R-9, examples: 1. gerak  menggerak-gerakkan ‘move’ 2. lambai  melambai-lambaikan wave’ 3. ayun  mengayun-ayunkan ‘swing’ b. Adjective + R-9, examples: 1. besar  membesar-besarkan ‘exaggerete’ 2. kecil  mengecil-kecilkan ‘minimize’ c. Noun + R-9, examples: 1. dewa mendewa-dewakan ‘idolize’ 2. kabar mengabar-ngabarkan ‘inform’ Type 10  Basic Form + Reduplication + meN-…-i The basic form that used to form reduplication type 9 are verb, adjective and noun. The process of reduplication type 9 produce verb that has iterative meaning. a. Verb + R-10, examples: 1. halang  menghalang-halangi ‘block’ 2. tutup  menutup-nutupi ‘cover up’ b. Adjective+ R-10, examples: 1. takut  menakut-nakuti ‘scare’ 2. sakit  menyakit-nyakiti ‘hurt’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 18 c. Noun + R-10, examples: 1. buntut  membuntut-buntuti ‘follow’ 2. guru  mengguru-gurui ‘teach’ Type 11  Basic Form + Reduplication + se- Reduplication type 11 can be formed by using adjective and some of nouns and. a. Adjective + R-11 The meaning of adjective in reduplication type 9 is superlative concessive and the repetition usually is added with suffix –nya. Examples: 1. setinggi-tingginya ‘the highest’ 2. sekuat-kuatnya ‘the strongest’ 3. sejauh-jauhnya ‘the most far away’ b. Noun + R-11 Some of noun that can be used in reduplication type 11 is proper noun and the repetition is added by suffix -nya. Examples: 1. sejawa-jawanya ‘java’ 2. sepadang-padangnya ‘minangnese’ Type 12  Basic Form + Reduplication + ke-+ nya Reduplication type 12 can be formed only with small number, except ‘satu’. And this repetition is added by suffix ‘nya’ Examples: 1. ketiga-tiganya ‘the three’ 2. kelima-limanya ‘the five’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 19 Type 13  Basic Form +Reduplication + ke-…-an Reduplication type 13 can be formed by using adjective and noun as basic form and it produces adjective. a. Adjective + R-13 Adjective that can be used in this type is only the adjective that has no antonym, such as ‘colour’. Examples: 1. kemerah-merahan ‘reddish’ 2. kekuning-kuningan ‘yellowish’ 3. kebiru-biruan ‘bluish’ b. Noun + R-13 Examples: 1. ibu  keibu-ibuan ‘motherhood’ 2.anak  kekanak-kanakan ‘childish’ Type 14  Basic Form + Reduplication + -an Reduplication type 13 can be formed by using noun, adjective and verb. a. Noun + R-14 i. Indicate similarity Examples: 1. rumah-rumahan ‘looks like house kind of toy’ 2. kucing-kucingan ‘hide and seek’ 3. angin-anginan ‘usually’ ii. Indicate collection of basic form Examples: 1. biji-bijian ‘seeds’ 2. batu-batuan ‘cliifs’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 20 b. Adjective + R-14 Examples: 1. besar-besaran ‘greatly’ 2. terang-terangan “clearly” 3. gila-gilaan ‘madly’ c. Verb + R-14 Examples: 1. mati-matian ‘dying’ 2. habis-habisan ‘run out of’ 3. hancur-hancuran ‘destroy’ Type 15  Basic Form + Reduplication + -em- In this type, reduplication gets affixation, it is infix. Infix is bound morpheme that is inserted within the words. a. Adjective + R-15 Reduplication type 15 can be formed by using adjective. The meaning of adjective in reduplication type 15 is ‘intensive’. Examples: 1. cerlang-cemerlang ‘genius’ 2. kilau-kemilau ‘shine’ 3. gilang-gemilang ‘briliant’ 4. teram-temaram ‘shining’ b.Verb + R-15 Reduplication type 15 can be formed by using verb. The meaning of verb in reduplication type 15 is iterative continues. Examples: 1.turun-temurun ‘hereditary’ 2. gulung-gemulung ‘role up’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 21 c. Noun + R-15 Reduplication type 15can be formed by using noun. The meaning of noun in redplication indicates plural form. Examples: 1. jari-jemari ‘fingers’ 2. tali-temali ‘hook’ Type 16  Basic Form + Partial Reduplication a. Noun + R-16 Reduplication type 16 can be formed by using noun as basic form. Examples: 1. tangga  tetangga ‘neighbor’ 2. laki  lelaki ‘man” 3. tamu  tetamu ‘guest’ b. Adjective + R-16 Adjective in reduplication type 16 will produce noun. Examples: 1. luhur adj  leluhur noun ‘ancestor’ 2.sepuh adj  sesepuh noun ‘eldest’ c. R-16 with using the other word Examples: 1. berapa  beberapa ‘someany’ 3. suatu  sesuatu ‘something’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 22 Semantics Reduplication

Semantics reduplication is kind of reduplication by combining two forms of synonym words. a. Free morpheme + Free morpheme Examples: 1. cerdik-pandai ‘smart’ 2. arif-bijaksana ‘wise’ 3. tutur-kata ‘words’ 4. semak-belukar ‘bush’ b. Free morpheme + Bound morpheme Examples: 1. segar-bugar ‘fresh’ 2. tumpah-ruah ‘’ 3. gembira-ria ‘happy’ 4. suka-ria ‘glory’ c. Bound morpheme + Bound morpheme Examples: 1. tumpang-tindih ‘abundent’ 2. sangkut-paut ‘relate’ 3. uji-coba ‘try out’ 4. campur-baur ‘mix up’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 23 The Other Type of Reduplication

This is the type of reduplication that has limitation of word. Examples: 1. lama-kalamaan ‘long and long’ 2. sebab-musabab ‘reason’ 3. asal-muasal ‘origin’ 4. adat-istiadat ‘customs and manners’ 5. alim-ulama ‘religious scholar’ 6. asal-usul ‘origin’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 24

2.3 Relevance Study