Adjective Verb Monomorphemic. Repetition


b. Adjective

Reduplication type 1 is productive with adjectives. The meaning that indicated by R-1 + Adjective is “intensive”. Universitas Sumatera Utara 32 Repetition Meaning Analysis lakeh-lakeh fast indicates situation baiak-baiak well indicates situation buruak-buruak bad indicates situation capek-capek tired indicates situation elok-elok beautiful indicates situation tajam-tajam sharp indicates situation latiak-latiak curve indicates situation labiah-labiah more indicates situation banyak-banyak many indicates situation lamak-lamak fat indicates situation rancak-rancak nice indicates situation murah-murah cheap indicates situation samo-samo together indicates situation sio-sio useless indicates situation cacek-cacek flawed indicates situation kenyang-kenyang full indicates situation lambek-lambek smooth indicates situation nyariang-nyariang loud indicates situation payah-payah difficult indicates situation tuo-tuo old indicates situation rusuah-rusuah anxious indicates situation galak-galak fierce indicates situation Universitas Sumatera Utara 33 All the repetition of adjectives in reduplication type 1 indicate situation, how situation it is, we can see from some sentences as the examples. Examples: 1 Ditarikno pakaian-pakaian nan rancak-rancak. ‘She pulls the beautiful dresses’ We know that the function of adjective gives the explanation of noun that followed. Repetition rancak-rancak is adjective that is explained pakaian- pakaian. Clearly, that rancak-rancak indicates the situation of pakaian-pakaian. 2 Awak den mencari pakaian nan elok dipakai, nan murah-murah sajo. ‘I want to buy the dress that beautiful to put on, but the cheap one.’ The repetition murah-murah adjective indicate how situation of pakaian. From the examples above, clearly how adjective in reduplication type 1 is used in a sentence in Minangkabau language.

c. Verb

Generally, verb can be followed by R-1 only monomorphemic. But in certain context R-1 also can be followed by polymorphemic.

i. Monomorphemic. Repetition

Meaning Analysis cubo-cubo try indicates action lari-lari jog indicates action habih-habih endless indicates action kalua-kalua go out indicates action Universitas Sumatera Utara 34 ii. Polymorphemic Repetition Meaning Analysis salangkah-salangkah step by step indicates action mendahului-mendahului precede indicates action Verb in reduplication type 1 indicates actions. In Minangkabau language we can find the repetition that is formed by verb. It can be seen clearly from the examples below. Examples: 1 Jadi, to cubo-cubo molah, antah dopek antah indo. ‘Okay, I will try whether it can or not.’ The repetition in that sentence is formed by doubling the verb cubo  cubo-cubo that indicate action that doing by subject. 2 Baru tampak gajah nan banyak kawannyo, lari-lari pulo semuanyo. ‘When the elephant looks at it friends, they run.’ The repetition in that sentence is formed by doubling the verb lari  lari-lari that indicates action that is doing by subject, gajah elephant. The examples above have explained how the repetition of verb in reduplication type 1 is used in sentence. Actually, there are so many verbs in Minangkabau language that can form reduplication type 1. The other examples such as: beko-beko ‘going home’ pai-pai ‘go’ Universitas Sumatera Utara 35 marambek-marambek ‘spread’ duduak-duduak ‘sit’

d. Adverb