Theory of Character and Characterization

for following social judgment or their own choice. Lastly, the objective elements of a moral act, it includes the act itself and the realities which are affected by the act and will be decided whether the act is morally good or not. Moral brings some goal for each individual. From the social laws live in the societies, moral expects each individual can find their true identity and their role in society. It is interesting because moral is also influenced by a culture which makes moral become rich and have difference standard. It shows that each individual is created uniquely. Moral expects each individual will find their uniqueness and gives respect to other through good action. “Values considerations enter into law making.” Fletcher,1967: 111 Because of that values of one place to another are different. These differences combine with the difference standard of good or bad moral and create different moral values. Moral Values can be explained an important standard of the act is doing by person or society that can be judged as good or bad attitude and bring consequences for each action. This reason makes the moral values have difference standard from one place to another. This creates the uniqueness of moral values and makes a lot of researchers want to analyze this topic more. There is something else about moral values. The moral can develop inside individual as part of education and the process of life. Individual learns moral as part of adaptation in society and the ability of understanding moral can be said as development process of the individual. The big challenges are faces by adolescence in this process. Genetically, adolescence is the stage of a person finding their true PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI identity and the time for doing everything freely. In this process, they have to face up to moral values exist in the society. This reason makes moral development in the adolescence becomes big issues. Daniel Hart and Gustavo Carlo in their Moral Development in Adolescence journal brings many issues related moral development in adolescence especially the factors influence the development of moral in adolescence.http:education.ucsb.edujaneconoleyed197documentshartmoraldevel opment.pdf Hart and Carlo stated that environment gives big support of moral development. The life of adolescence has been already differenced than their childhood, and the successes of adolescence develop their morality and catch good moral values depended on the environment where they grow up. During Hart and Carlo research, they find almost three-quarter American adult mentioned adolescence has bad moral values and only fifteen percents have an opinion that adolescence still has good moral values. When asked in a recent national poll to describe adolescents, almost threequartersof American adults used words suggesting moral shortcomings such as „„rude,‟‟ „„irresponsible,‟‟ and so on. Only 15 of adults in the same survey described teenagers positively. Hart and Carlo,2005 : 224 The American adults come up with this opinion because they see the social reality of adolescence attitudes among others, especially to an adult. Generally, the attitude showed by someone reflected the values grow inside that person and the attitude among social member will be reflected as moral values. Adolescence that cannot give respect among social members will be judged having low understanding of moral values. The lacking of moral values toward adolescence occurs in American society proved by the opinion of an adult. Although moral values are always related with the social condition and development, Hart and Carlo also mention that it has relation with the family figure. It means the family has an important role in the moral development of the children. Some children have good moral during their childhood, but it is not guarantee that their moral will develop in good when they come to adolescence. It is because the quality of moral always developed. The development process of moral from childhood to adolescence needs social control from the society especially parent. The adolescence grows with wrong moral values because they do not have the good control and the good example from the parent. The result of it, the adolescence grabs a lot of values from friends, environments, and their own understanding whether those are right or not. One quality that generally separates adolescents from children is that the former spendmore time than the latter with peers. Moreover, adolescents spend less time with their parents than children. As a consequence, adolescents are probably more influenced by their peers than are children.Hart and Carlo, 2005: 224-225 Hart and Carlo give big attention on moral development in the adolescence as part of education should be learnt by human being naturally. The environment gives big support on moral development for adolescence. Hart and Carlo also take down on their research that narrative has the support to moral development. It is because