Becoming Worried The Description of Major Character’s Development

this book and the character special? At the beginning, the writer thinks it is just a common story. A story about teenagers live and their naughtiness but the writer realizes that Sara Shepard wants to share the values that we must be realized. Sara Shepard through Pretty Little Liars tries to tell some values should be existed in the society but the society tends to forget if they have walk away from these already. People are busy to make money for surviving in this world. They think wealth will bring the comfortable life because we will not live in worries. Because of this reason, people work harder than ever. For achieving a better life, people can do everything especially someone who has already married and has children. They realize their responsibilities are big and hard. Parent tends to give the best thing to their children and this brings big effort. For giving a good education to their children, parent needs to earn a lot of money. For making their children dream come true, parent needs to spend more time in workplace. These situations are the realities that we cannot deny and these realities also bring another concern. If the parent spends more time at workplace, that mean their time for the children reduced. On the contrary, the children just do not need money from their parent but also love, care, and attention from their parent. At time the children lack of attention from their parents, they will try everything to get it. They can do good things to achieve acknowledgment from their parent or bad things to attract attention from their parent. Hanna Marin is depicted as a teenager girl comes from a rich family but she lacks attention from her parent. It does not mean she cannot get what she wants in material but she lacks of love from her parent . Hanna‟s mother focuses on her job to make a lot of money for paying Hanna‟s school fee, their lifestyles, and their daily necessities. Meanwhile, Hanna‟s father focuses on his new family more than Hanna. These things make Hanna feels losing her parent‟s love. The condition faced by Hanna makes her lack of confidence. This condition is getting worse at the moment Hanna visits her father. Hanna realizes about her imperfectness, but she expects her father stands beside her. Rather than stands beside Hanna, her father makes her more uncomfortable. Wh en her father calls Hanna “pig” and it makes Hanna confidence ‟s shatters. The writer believes that the parent always loves their children. The situation between Hanna and her father can occur because the parent does not know their children and their problem well. High school is the period for the children become sensitive to their surround. It is the time for the children finding themselves and their identity. Because of that, the parent is needed by their children for helping them to face every obstacle. Parent misses this period of time rarely. It is because this time is a time where their children need extra money for education and pocket money. This period of time is also the hardest time for the parent. These make the parent intends miss a lot of things including the important thing for their children, parent‟s love. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI This thing also happens to Hanna. Her parent focuses on other things besides Hanna. Hanna who lost of attention from her parent tries to find it from her surrounding with her way. She can do anything to get that love. She breaks the law sometimes. It is not because she cannot buy the thing, but she wants to feel the rush in her vain. She also can get attention from her parent. If the children have new, expensive goods, the parent will ask where they get the goods usually. This reason makes Hanna break the law to be noticed but her mother does not notice that. She even does not ask about Hanna ‟s activities during the day. Hanna feels she is invisible in front of her mother sometimes. She feels sad about this condition but she pretends if she is not care at all. At the moment Hanna is red handed steals jewelries and brings to the police station, her mother just asks casually and covers it with no question. After they arrive at home, her mother does not ask anything either. She is not angry and just let it go. On the other hands, she tries to protect her daughter but the anger of parent to the children after they do something wrongs are explained as love too.Hanna wants that reaction from her mother but she does not get it. Anger, disappointment, gripe from parent is interpreted as love by the children sometimes. If there is too much griping, the children will get tired. At the end, they will realize if the gripes are the form of love from their parents. Because of that, the children who do not get much attention from their parent, they miss that thing. Sara Shepard through her work tries to tell this message. The children do not grow up with money, friends, achievement they get, but also with their parent‟s love. The competitions on the workplace are becoming high and that means the extra works are needed. Eventhough the extra works are needed, parent should not forget their children. It is true that the children can handle their own problem. Yet, the children still need support and love from their parents. These supports and loves make them being confident to face every problem. It is because they feel secure and they know that their parent will back them up. Parent forgets to give support to their children now. They are too busy with their own world. They think this matter just a small thing. In fact, it infects the children on their developments, their psychologicals, and their morals. Hart and Carlo said that family plays an important role on adolescent moral development. Moral on adolescent can develop because of the society, the story they are read, but the most important thing influencing adolescent moral development is family. It means parent plays an important role to their children. This thing starts to be forgotten by the parent nowadays. Sara Shepard tries to remain the parent that adolescent still need attention and love from their parent through this book. She also remains the society does not judge adolescent ‟s actions only by what they do. Sara Shepard tries to tell the society for giving attention to the adolescent about the problems might be faced by adolescent