Everyone should know who they are

live in worried because they realize people will know who they are, someday. After that, it will bring them down. Hanna Marin lives in worried all the time. It is because she realizes that she lives wearing a mask. People think her life is perfect, but everyone has their imperfect side. She feels shame about that side and tries hiding it. This is the result of life in worry all the time. She cannot find her strength and only focuses on her weakness. This situation occurs because Hanna still cannot find herself, her identity, and her purpose of life. Then, she lives to impress others than impresses herself. Identity is needed in the society because someone who knows their identity and their purpose of life will survive. It is because the society is unique and we need to be unique. Remember We are unique.

3. Everyone should be enjoying life and be happy

Achieving dream needs to work hard and sacrifices a lot of things in life. Hanna can get what she dreams in a year. It is amazing for achieving a dream in a year. She dreams to be beautiful, popular, slim, and she gets that in a year. After that, she thinks she will happy. Rather than be happy, she feels suffocated with her life. Hanna lives in worried all the time. She also lives hiding the secret and cannot enjoy her daily life. Hanna thinks for enjoying her life after her changes. What happen next is she continues to pursue the happiness. She feels lonely even though she is beautiful, slim, and popular. She traps herself in the standard of the society for being accepted. She sacrifices herself to survive in the society. Hanna tries to put away herself. She hides until no one can find it. She is afraid everyone will leave her because of her true self. She pretends to be fine in every occasion. It seems nothing will affect herself and her decision. On the contrary, she feels lonely and feels suffocated. It is because she cannot express her true emotion. She cannot say I want to live in freedom. The reason is she concerns with other opinions too much. We cannot blame Hanna‟s action because Hanna does a normal reaction to reach the happiness. She tries to protect herself for reaching her goal which is being accepted by the society. She feels precious and can live as a happy person after she was accepted by the society. Bourke said that everyone has the desire to live happily, be happy, and enjoy the happiness. The standard of happiness means by people is self-perfection, personal ambition, and success in life. The universal desire for happiness has been known under many other names: the urge for self-perfection, the drive of personal ambition, the desire for success in life. Bourke, 1961: 3 Self-perfection means people live perfectly according to the standard of society. For example, the standard of the beauty. The standard of woman called beautiful if she looks good, slim, and popular. If we have that standard, we will happy because we are perfect. Next, personal ambition is the goal wants to be achieved by someone. Everyone have a dream that they want to achieve. People work hard for achieving it and make their dream come true. If they can fulfill their dream and get what they want, this person considered as a happy person. Last, the success in life. It means someone considered hisherself being a happy person if they can achieve anything what they want in life, also they are successful in very part of life and never fail in life. People in this world consider the three standards above as the standard of happiness. We become happy if we achieve those standards. According to the standard of happiness above, it is not surprising if Hanna tries to change herself for achieving happiness. Almost all of people do the same thing like Hanna does actually. They change themself to get what they want and become a happy person. Happiness is an unconditional state. It means happiness and being happy should not be influenced by the situation which occurs around us. It is because the true happiness cannot be influenced by anything. Happiness is a situation which decided by yourself. If we want to be happy, we are happy. If not, we are not happy. Happiness is the condition that could not rule by the society ‟s standard. We cannot be happy because the standard cannot be achieved, or we can be happy because the standard is achieved. Happiness can occur if we decide to be happy and do not care with other thoughts. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI After Hanna is rejected by Sean, she gets drunk and steals Sean‟s car. She drives the car in the high speed and involves in an accident. From the accident, the most surprising is Hanna ‟s reaction. She is not afraid or worried. She laughs out loud and feels free. She does not care what Mona said. She just enjoys the moment. This moment occurs because she enjoys herself and be herself. She does not care with others although she realizes there are some consequences. People can be happy if they accept themself and enjoy every moment of their life. We need to hear the others sometimes for helping us to get another point of view but that opinion should not control our life. It is because the final decisions are on our hands. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49


People have their dreams to be achieved. Sometimes it is too simple for others but it is important for us. Hanna really wants to be loved but she loses this thing in young age, and she can do anything. We cannot say that all things Hanna does are completely wrong. She only does what she can to receive love from other. People can do a lot of things to attract attention from others. We can only say that she is a troublemaker if we see Hanna ‟s actions from one side only. We need to look at the inside of Hanna before we judge. Hanna still has good personality inside her and we need to explore this quality more. People usually only look at the outside then give the judgment. Sara Shepard wants us to look deeper than usual. She wants us for looking at an innocent girl who is struggling in the society then understanding a girl who is trying to survive in the world and receiving a lot of love. Through Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shepard also wants to tell the importance of the identity and being ourselves. We need to know who we are. We need to know the purpose of our life and what we live for. We cannot conquer the world and make our dream come true if we do not know who we are. We need to find our identity. After that, we will understand our strength and our weakness. If we know this, we can optimize the talent we have. If we know who PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI