Background of the Study

their social life and their social challenge. The will for achieving a dream they dreamt and they effort to be accepted by society show clearly through action do by the major characters. Sara Shepard reveals that showing our true self is the best way with no lie. People can live in ease. The dreams, ambitions, goals; we can reach that in good ways. The society cannot accept our perspective sometimes which means we must accept all the consequences. Even though there are the consequences, we still need to stand for reaching our dream and live a good life. Because of that, the writer tries to show moral values on Sara Shepard ‟s Pretty Little Liars through major characters. Major characters in Pretty Little Liars have different problems in their personal lives, but they face same basic problems. This book has four major characters. They are Hanna, Emily, Aria, and Spencer. They are teenagers coming from a rich family who live in the elite society, but they face problematic conflicts between personal will and society values. Although all of the major characters are interested to be analyzed, the writer will take one major character only to be analyzed. She is Hanna Marin. Hanna Marin has interesting characteristics. She is described as a common teenager. Even though she comes from elite society, she does not show the stereotype of the elite. There are some developments on her characters. Whereas the stereotype image shows in her character, Hanna ‟s character also shows the inner conflict. Looking for the characteristics of Hanna Marin, the writer finds that the character and the conflict are interesting to be analyzed. The writer wants to explore the character and the conflict more. Then, the writer can explore moral values reflected through major character in Sara Shepard ‟Pretty Little Liars. Based on that, the writer can conclude the situation and the curiosity into three main problem formulations. This problem formulation helps the write find the answer about moral values exist in Pretty Little Liars.

B. Problem Formulation

To be able to understand this novel, three problems formulation were formulated to follow. 1. How is the main character described in Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars? 2. How is the main character‟s characteristic development described in Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars? 3. What are the moral values reflected in major character in Sara Shepard‟s Pretty Little Liars ?

C. Objectives of the Study

This research tries to find and explores about moral values reflected in Pretty Little Liars character. Specifically, this research has three main objectives. First is to see the characteristic of character. Second is to observe the characteristic development of character. The third is exploring the moral values reflected in major character.

D. Definition of Terms

There are some terms used in this research to help the writer explains the content of this research. Using terms are helping the writer to share all the ideas; also can help the reader understand more the research.

1. Moral Values

Wellman said that “values” determine whether someone or society by their act of doing something which is morally good or bad. What makes an act morally good or evil is the value or disvalue of its actual consequences.Wellman, 1975:135 Moral can be explained as some actions can be judged as good or bad attitude. This judgment can be given by individual or society. It is a standard by reference to which a particular action can be judged morally good or bad.Gallagher,1985: 1 Moral Values can be explained an important standard of the act is doing by person or society that can be judged as good or bad attitude and bring consequences for each action.

2. Character Development

Development is “a systematic change in behavior over time those results from interaction between the individual and the internal environment”.Lemme 1995:8 It can be said that character development is the change of character as a result of hisher personal interaction with environment and society. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8


A. Review of Related Studies

Pretty Little Liars is an interesting book because it has many contents that can be observed. This book brings the society concern, the important of making a good decision, psychology, moral value, and the important of social media for teenager, language, lifestyle, dreams, the pursuit of happiness, and education. Basically, this book reflects the real life that people lived in. There are many critics trying to bring up by Sara Shepard. Many people try analyzing this novel and the most popular topic is the character itself. The character can be analyzed from psychology state and figurative language exists in the book. Psychology takes part in the decision making. Psychology influences the decision because it reflects the personality of the person itself. A person psychology is influenced by their surroundings. It results in the development of individual. The experiences have been received by someone that affects their ways of thinking. This reason also makes a person take a decision which can be different from others. During the process of development of the individual, the psychological disorder can occur and influence the values that an individual believed. Katelyn Redding on her writing AP Psych: Pretty Little Liars Style tells there are many factors that influence the psychology and the psychology disorder occur in some individual.http:prezi.com4je5r0eyoxklap-psych-pretty-little-liars-style She explains that Pretty Little Liars brings a lot of psychology cases occur in some individual that generally exists in the reality. Redding stated that Manipulation and perception are the way of a person to adapt, survive, and flourish. This is a mental process of a person which automatically switches on when they live outside their safe zone. Character “A” in Pretty Little Liars tries to survive in the chaotic school condition. Accepted by some groups in school range is important for some students including “A”. “A” stands in the second line of the group and is being mocked by the st ronger. Because of that “A” uses the dead of Allison to break down Allison‟s friend mental. “A” tries to manipulate the situation for seeing how far she can destroy the Liars‟ trust. “A manipulates the Liars to see how far she can get them to crack.”Redding, 2013:4 According to Redding, Pretty Little Liars characters show psychological disorder. Each character shows the different kinds of disorder. She does not analyze major characters only, but also minor characters. Basically, she analyzes the characters that bring specific psychological disorder. Although there are specific disorders, Redding believes that the characters on Pretty Little Liars have been influenced more by the environment. In psychology, it called Behavior Genetics Approach “A theory which determines how our environment influences our individual differences .” PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Pretty Little Liars brings a unique way for analyzing the characters. It also can be seen through figurative language besides the psychology state. Sara Shepard as the author wants the readers to enjoy reading the book but also make them to realize that behind the beautiful language there are messages trying to deliver by the author. Then, Sara Shepard gives a special touch of figurative language for each major character. Novita Chang in her study An Analysis of Main Characters through Figurative Languages in A Pretty Little Liars: Flawless by Sara Shepard mentioned figurative language as one of “tool” can be used for analyzing the characters through the problem faced by the main characters IG20Bab201.pdf The special touch of figurative language is given by the author indicates there is special implicit meaning tries to convey. Novita Chang catches that as opportunity to find the hidden message through the figurative language of the characters. Specifically, Novita Chang uses the second book of Pretty Little Liars titled Pretty Little Liars: Flawless on her research. She uses figurative language to find the real secret hid by the characters. It is because finding the characters ‟ secrets will lead her to the characteristic of characters. Novita Chang wants to find the characteristic of characters because she realizes that the characters are the main breath of Pretty Little Liar book. The characters in Pretty Little Liars are the main object in this book and understanding the characters lead to understand the book completely. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI