Theory of Moral and Society

values. The lacking of moral values toward adolescence occurs in American society proved by the opinion of an adult. Although moral values are always related with the social condition and development, Hart and Carlo also mention that it has relation with the family figure. It means the family has an important role in the moral development of the children. Some children have good moral during their childhood, but it is not guarantee that their moral will develop in good when they come to adolescence. It is because the quality of moral always developed. The development process of moral from childhood to adolescence needs social control from the society especially parent. The adolescence grows with wrong moral values because they do not have the good control and the good example from the parent. The result of it, the adolescence grabs a lot of values from friends, environments, and their own understanding whether those are right or not. One quality that generally separates adolescents from children is that the former spendmore time than the latter with peers. Moreover, adolescents spend less time with their parents than children. As a consequence, adolescents are probably more influenced by their peers than are children.Hart and Carlo, 2005: 224-225 Hart and Carlo give big attention on moral development in the adolescence as part of education should be learnt by human being naturally. The environment gives big support on moral development for adolescence. Hart and Carlo also take down on their research that narrative has the support to moral development. It is because narrative gives a new perspective of the world. The adolescence learns something new about the world including their values. The spirit of freedom of the adolescence makes them difficult to teach about the values that their parents or their societies are believed. The adolescences tend to find the values which they believed. The adolescence can find the good values which the world believes through narrative without force. Finding values in society are the nature of human being as an adaptation form. If others break this right, it creates some act against moral values and one of them was lying.

C. Theoretical Framework

Each theory is collected to help the writer analyze each element of the novel that shows the moral values. Every theory has a close relation with the research. Theory of characters and characterization are needed to help the writer understand what character is, the quality and the experience have been experienced by the major character. Then, the writer can collect all data from the novel that is related to the character. From the theories, the writer can make the conclusion of the character and the characteristic. Next is Moral and Society. Moral and Society theory is needed by the writer to understand the correlation between social condition, people who live in the society, and the moral values. This will help the writer to understand the situation and the