Innocent The Description of Major Character

tend to want to be accepted by their surround and the society. Because of that, they can give up on everything including their personality to be accepted by the society. Hanna changes herself in the purpose of being accepted by the society. She changes herself into the society standard and buries herself in deep inside of her heart. Then, she decides become popular, beautiful, and confident girl with a coward, worries, and lonely characters.

1. Becoming Popular and Beautiful

A year before Ali is gone; Hanna is just a common teenager girl. She is not popular and chubby. The person who makes her seems popular and graceful is Ali. After Ali is gone, she must fight for herself. Rather than giving up, she continues her effort to become beautiful and popular. She realizes the way of making a girl becomes popular is be beautiful. Since then Hanna loses her weight drastically and becomes the Rosewood Girl. It is the same title got by Ali a year ago. After that she can date Sean, a man that she dreams to be her boyfriend a year ago, and Hanna can date the man a year later after her transformation. Hanna is not a pig anymore. She is Rosewood Girl that is beautiful and popular. Her style changes too. In the beginning, Hanna is described as chubby and unfashionable girl. She loves to wear her old clothes even though the fashion style changes. “she‟d been steadily putting on weight and out growing her old PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI clothes” Shepard, 2006: 3. Then, she becomes skinny, perky, and glamorous girl in style. She changes become fashionable.

2. Becoming Lonely

Unpopular girls always think that they will happy after they gain popularity. A lot of people will know them. Many people will stay around them. They will not feel lonely anymore but Hanna faces the difference situation. Hanna gains popularity but she feels lonely inside. She used to be friends with four other friends including Ali. After the accident, they separate and build their own life. Then, Hanna is becoming friend with Mona, the girl that they used to bully. Hanna and Mona are friends now but Hanna cannot share her secret to Mona. She is not trust Mona likes her old friends. Hanna is friendly to Mona because they have the same interest and stand in the same position. Hanna cannot become herself around Mona. She cannot show her true self to Mona. Basically, Hanna does not have friends anymore, friends for sharing a secret, and friends for supporting her. Mona is a friend to show that she is not lonely. Mona is a friend to accompany her in her popular time, in happy time, and not in sad time. Hanna realizes this condition and she thinks that it is fine. Hanna ‟s lonely life does not occur in the school only but also at home. After her parents‟ divorce, her father lives in the different city and her mother is very busy with her job. Hanna ‟s mother only focuses on her job. It can be said her job is number one and Hanna is number two.