Review of Related Studies

characters about their hopes and fears, their goals and self-doubts. The purposes of creating the characters are making the readers take sides, to care, and to get involved. Then the main purpose of the author can be achieved. We will find our self-moving from what to why in the characters. It is because the characters bring actions and motivations on it. We will find the form of a character what then moving to find the reason of character transforms becoming certain characteristic why. The characters cannot be separated with characterization. The characters and characterizations sound similar, but they are different. Characters give attention in building the curiosity of the reader which represents people in the world. Characters bring action and motivation on it. Characterizations give attention to the experience of the characters. Abrams gives a definition of character in A Glossary of Literary Terms as a person who represents dramatic or narrative work. Character brings some qualities such as moral, intellectual, emotion, etc. The reader can understand the qualities of character through what the persons say and from what they do. Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by interferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it- the dialogue- and from what they do- the action. Abrams, 2009: 42 Characterization is central to the fictional experience. Characterization allows the reader to understand and to experience people. The goal of characterization that is making the reader feels the emotion and experiences the journey of the character. Henkle through Reading The Novel explains “Characterization, therefore, is central to the fiction experience. And the principle objective of the creation of characters in novels is to enable us to understand, and to experience, people. ”Henkle, 1977: 86 Henkle explains more about the characterization as the representatives of the human condition and the time which they live. Through characterization, the reader can understand more about the social condition, an important event occurs on the era of the work, and the issue. The purpose of writing is to teach some values for the reader can be achieved. Characters and characterizations are the way to build the communication between the authors and the readers. Henkle, 1977: 87 Characters and characterizations represent the real world but they are not. Although the goal of the author makes readers enable understand characters achieved, the author always gives the limitation line of reality and imaginary. This line is needed by the readers for making them stay awake from imaginary world which offers in the literary work through characters and their characterizations.

2. Theory of Moral and Society

People need to be lived in some society because it helps them to feel secure. People feel secure because everyone on the community has the common things to be protected then to become a guard for others. Bourke states society in Ethics: A Textbook in Moral Philosophy as the union of people for the purpose of doing one thing in common. This unity also fills with a group of free and rational agents. It means everyone in the group has their free will and has desire become a better person than others. Some theorists have opinion that the individual is all important, that society or others cannot interference private life of another individual. It is not right because people as individual need a society for support. Society needs to build the standard of good and wrong to create a harmonious life of individual on the society also the punishment for the bad citizen. Other political theorists have claimed that the individual is all-important, that the state or civil society has no right to interfere in any way with his pursuit of his private good. This is wrong, because society is needed by man and society must be granted the right to coerce and punish bad citizens. Bourke, 1961: 417 – 418 The conflicts between the right of the society and the right of an individual can be occurred many times because of that the standard of good and wrong are needed to build. The individual in the society still has their desires to be freed for doing anything and sometimes it walks in the different path with the society will. In this case, moral values are the problem solvers for the problems occur in society.

3. Theory of Moral and Moral Value

Many books explain moral as ethics and ethics as moral. Moral is the standard used to judge some actions are good or bad. According to Gallagher ‟s The Basis for Christian Ethics, he distinguishes factor in moral act becomes three. First, Judgment. Some acts are said be good or bad depending on particular cases. Second is a choice. Some people go to the dilemmatic condition if they face a condition that asks them PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI for following social judgment or their own choice. Lastly, the objective elements of a moral act, it includes the act itself and the realities which are affected by the act and will be decided whether the act is morally good or not. Moral brings some goal for each individual. From the social laws live in the societies, moral expects each individual can find their true identity and their role in society. It is interesting because moral is also influenced by a culture which makes moral become rich and have difference standard. It shows that each individual is created uniquely. Moral expects each individual will find their uniqueness and gives respect to other through good action. “Values considerations enter into law making.” Fletcher,1967: 111 Because of that values of one place to another are different. These differences combine with the difference standard of good or bad moral and create different moral values. Moral Values can be explained an important standard of the act is doing by person or society that can be judged as good or bad attitude and bring consequences for each action. This reason makes the moral values have difference standard from one place to another. This creates the uniqueness of moral values and makes a lot of researchers want to analyze this topic more. There is something else about moral values. The moral can develop inside individual as part of education and the process of life. Individual learns moral as part of adaptation in society and the ability of understanding moral can be said as development process of the individual. The big challenges are faces by adolescence in this process. Genetically, adolescence is the stage of a person finding their true PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI