Moral Values Character Development

There are many figurative languages use in Pretty Little Liars: Flawless. Novita Chang decides to bring her focus only on simile, personification, hyperbole, metaphor, symbol, and irony. Those kinds of figurative languages already help her to do her research for finding the characters. Novita Chang research builds an understanding that language can influence the characters and the characters can be revealed through language. Basically, every single thing has contact with the characters give the influence toward the characters itself although the characters do not want admit it. Last, Sara Shepard through Pretty Little Liars wants open the readers ‟ mind that there are a lot of factors influencing the individual characters, their ways of thinking, the standard of good and bad, also the happiness. Different from Katelyn Redding and Novita Chang, the writer will explore the moral values in Pretty Little Liars. The writer will analyze the moral values which are trying to tell by the author through major character. This focus makes the writer‟s analysis different from Katelyn Redding and Novita Chang.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The character is an important role in literature work. The characters create a lot of curiosities to the readers. Guth and Rico stated that an author will set the characters fascinating which represent a variety of people in the world. Guth and Rico, 1997: 68 Because of that the readers are willing to hear more from the characters about their hopes and fears, their goals and self-doubts. The purposes of creating the characters are making the readers take sides, to care, and to get involved. Then the main purpose of the author can be achieved. We will find our self-moving from what to why in the characters. It is because the characters bring actions and motivations on it. We will find the form of a character what then moving to find the reason of character transforms becoming certain characteristic why. The characters cannot be separated with characterization. The characters and characterizations sound similar, but they are different. Characters give attention in building the curiosity of the reader which represents people in the world. Characters bring action and motivation on it. Characterizations give attention to the experience of the characters. Abrams gives a definition of character in A Glossary of Literary Terms as a person who represents dramatic or narrative work. Character brings some qualities such as moral, intellectual, emotion, etc. The reader can understand the qualities of character through what the persons say and from what they do. Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by interferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it- the dialogue- and from what they do- the action. Abrams, 2009: 42 Characterization is central to the fictional experience. Characterization allows the reader to understand and to experience people. The goal of characterization that is