Freycinetia funicularis Savigny Merril

margins slightly revolute; the midrib below thin, 0.1 mm wide; longitudinal veins prominrnt throughout, about 0.8-1 mm apart, tertiary cross vein not visible; at mid section with 18-19 secondary paralell vein in each side; margins armed in the basal part with prickles 0.5-0.8 mm long, 1-3 mm apart, brown; in the apical part with subulate serrate prickles 0.5 mm long, 1-1.5 mm apart, base thickened, 0.5 mm wide, ascending 45 o , elsewhere unarned; auricle membranous, tapered at apex, entire, 3-6 cm long, 0.2-0.5 cm wide; pistillate inflorescence lateral; pedicells 2,6-10 cm long, 0.2 cm wide, semiterete; with 3 prophyls, ovate, 4-5.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, apex acuminate, acumen 0.8-1 cm long with slender spine, 0.8-1 mm long, 0.5-1 mm apart white with 5 exterior floral bracts, cymbiform-ovate, 2–4.5 cm long, 0.8-2 cm wide, apex acute, entire; syncarp 3, cylindric, 1.2-2 cm long, 0.5-0.8 cm wide; berries 1-1.5 mm long, obovate; pileus 0.2 mm long, protrude; stigma 4-5 -6, protrude, stigmatic areola 0.2-.3 mm wide. NOTES: Freycinetia funicularis appears close to F. javanica. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing linear–lanceolate leaves, alternate leaves. Freycinetia javanica differs from F. funicularis by three character states, leaf margin prickly in the basal part, apical part and midrib toward apex; auricle with 1-2 septate, and pistillate inflorescence terminal. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — Hortus Bogoriensis, Culta II. A. 11. Harreveld 7744 BO; Culta XIX. Z. 17. Djoemadi 93 BO.

3. Freycinetia imbricata Bl.

Freycinetia imbricata Blume, Rhumpia 1: 157, t. 40.1835. Kurz, J. Bot 5:134. 1867. Warburg, Pflanzenr. 3. IV. 37. 1900. Koorders, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7: 84. 1910. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java : 76. 1911. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java, I: 6. 1913. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 3: 201.1968. Stone, Reinwardtia 8 : 311.1972 — Lectotype: Java, Blume 2066 L. F. kingiana Ridl., Mat. Fl. Malay. Penins. 2:234. 1907 — Lectotype: Malay Peninsula, Perak, Goping King’s Collector= Kunstler 4654 SING. Smallish to medium climbers, the stem 2–12 mm in diameter, terete. Internodes of branches 1.3-5 cm long, 4-6 mm thick, terete, covered by overlapping leaf bases. Leaves linear, imbricate, 14–31 cm long, 1–2.8 cm wide at the middle, the leaf base overlapping, slightly sheathing, abruptly attenuate below the apex with an acumen 0.5-1.5 cm long, thin coriaceus to subcoriaceus, above glossy dark green, below paler green, patent but margins slightly revolute; the midrib below sharp, thickened and projecting below; longitudinal veins visible on the both surface, prominent on the abaxial surface, about 0.5-0.6 mm apart, tertiary cross vein partially visible on the abaxial surface, at mid section with 15-18 secondary parallel veins in each half exclude costa; margins near base and along apex especially on cauda serrulate-denticulate to serrate-dentate, 0.5 mm long, 1-4 mm apart, ascending at 5 o , straw color, elsewhere smooth; median costa dorsally with prickles 0.5-0.75 mm long, 2-4 mm apart, subulate tipped serration minutely serrate, ascending at 45 o , straw color; auricle partially preserved in some leaves, 2-5 cm long, 0.3-1 cm wide, membranous, tapered or rounded to the apex-adnate at apex, entire-armed almost to the base., 3 or 4 nerved; pistillate inflorescence pseudoumbellate to pseudolaterall; pedicels 1.2 cm long, 0.2-0.3 cm wide, semiterete, glabrous-puberulous; bract 4-6 in number, ovate-lanceolate, 4-6 cm long, 0.8-1.8 cm wide, entire, acute–acuminate; terminal; syncarp narrowly elliptic–broadly oblong, 2.6-2 cm long, 1-2.2 cm wide, green when ripe, berries numerous, crowded, when dry 3.5-6.5 mm long, 1 -2 mm wide, pentagonal-lageniform, pileus 0.2-0.3 mm long, white, narrowing beneath the pileus; stigma mostly 2-3, 0.2-0.3 mm wide, depressed ovate- suborbicular. DISTRIBUTION: West Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Freycinetia imbricata grows on altitude 500 to 1100 m above sea level in a long a trail on a steep slope in a disturbed primary lowland forest, but mostly found growing on hill forest below 1000 m; flowering and fruiting in March to October. NOTES. Freycinetia imbricata is named in reference to its imbricate leaves. Freycinetia imbricata appears close to F. sumatrana. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing linear leaves, imbricate leaves, leaf margin prickly in the basal part, apical part and midrib toward apex. Freycinetia