Freycinetia scandens Gaudich. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Pandanaceae R. Br.

fruit orange red when ripe; berries 5 in number, crowded, when dry 1.5-4 mm long, 0.5-3 mm wide, ovate, oblong, pentagonal-lageniform, membranous, apex acute; stigma mostly 2-3, stigmatic areola pentagonal - suborbicular, 0.5-0.8 mm broad, bounded by a smooth rounded whitish rim. DISTRIBUTION: West Java to East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Freycinetia scandens occupies very wide habitat ranges. Some are found on lowland areas below 500 m, especially on a steep slope in a disturbed primary lowland forest; but mostly found growing on hill forest areas from 500 to 1000 m above sea level. Only few are found at higher altitude, flowering and fruiting in March to November. VERNACULAR NAME: Pandan rambat. NOTES: Freycinetia scandens appears close to F. javanica. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing alternate leaves, membranous auricle. Freycinetia javanica differs from F. scandens by two characters states, i.e leaf margin prickly in the basal part, apical part and midrib toward apex, and auricle with 1 - 2 septate. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Lengkong, Kasik 18 L, Sukabumi-Mt. Halimun Nat. Park, Cikaniki, Hoover, Sadili and Hunter 30850 BO, Wiriadinata, Hoover and Hunter 31338 BO; slope Mt. Kendeng, Hoover, Hendra and Hunter 32777 BO; Mt. Gede Pangrango Nat. Park-Bodogol,. Kartawinata 1806 BO; Cianjur–Cibodas, Koorders 40811 BO, Rahayu 028 JHUN; Tasikmalaya-Mt. Galunggung above Singaparna, Backer 860 BO; CENTRAL JAVA: Banyumas- Pringombo, Koorders 33829 BO; Baturaden - Mt. Slamet, Wiriadinata, Hoover, Hunter, Girmansyah and Ruskandi, HW 11266; BO, Keim 370 BO; Semarang-Wirosari, Beumee 5262 BO; EAST JAVA: Madiun-Mt. Wilis, Wisse 408 BO; Malang - Tumpak Kembang, Riswan, Afriastini, Nurdin, ML 049 BO; Pasuruan – Pandaan, January 1924, Rant sn BO, Koorders 23629 BO; Jember-Meru Betiri, Hoogerwerf 28 L.

7. Freycinetia sumatrana Hemsl.

Freycinetia sumatrana Hemsley, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1896: 167. Warburg, Pflanzenr. 3. IV. 38. 1900. Stone, Reinwardtia 8 2: 310. 1972 — Holotype: Sumatra, M. Singalan, Beccari 211 K. F. valida Ridl. Mat. Fl. Malay. Penins. 2: 234. 1907 — Type: Singapore, Garden Junglem Chua Chu Kang, Ridley 3937 SING. Medium climbers, the stems 6-18.5 mm in diameter, stout, terete. Internodes of branches 0.5-2.5 cm long, 8 mm thick, terete, sulcate. Leaves linear, imbricate, 51-88 cm long, 1-.5 cm wide, leaf base widened, amplexicaul, gradually attenuate to subulate tip and 10 cm back from the tip is only 1.5-1.8 mm wide, subcoriaceous–coriaceous, patent; the midrib thickened; longitudinal veins visible above, and prominent below, about 0.25 mm apart, tertiary cross vein not visible; at mid section with 18-25 secondary parallel veins in each half exclude costa; margins near base dentate, 1–2 mm long, 3-5 mm apart, stout, ascending at 45 o , straw color; in the apical part with prickles, 0.5-1 mm long, 1- 2.5 mm apart, subulate, serrate, slightly arcuate, ascending at 5 o , straw color, entire–subentire between; midrib in upper third subulate tipped serration with prickles 0.3–1 mm long, 3-5 mm apart, ascending at 5 o , straw color; auricle partially preserved in some upper leaves, 4.2-10 cm long, 0.3-1.3 cm wide, membranous, entire, tapered or rounded to the apex, fragmenting transversally, and at last deciduous; pistillate inflorescence pseudoumbellate; peduncle ca. 2.5 cm long, without bract scar; pedicels 5-6.5 cm long, 3–6 mm thick, robust, semiterete, covered with hirsute hairs; bracts 2-3 in number, 15 cm long, 3 cm wide, ovate, apex aristate with aculeate prickles; terminal, syncarp 2-3, cylindric, narrowly elliptic-blong, 4.5–10 cm long, 1.6–2.5 cm wide; berries numerous, crowded, subpyramidal, narrowing beneath the pileus, when dry 2.5–3.3 mm long, 1-.5 mm wide, apex truncate; pileus 0.25-0.4 mm long: stigma 2 –3, dark brown, sunken in position. DISTRIBUTION: West Java to East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY. Freycinetia sumatrana is one of species occupying wider ecological spectrum from 93 to 1425 m above sea level. This species grows from lowland rain forest to lower montane forest, however only two collection have been recorded from the highland area, flowering and fruiting in April to December. NOTES. Freycinetia sumatrana appears close to F. insignis. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing linear leaves, imbricate leaves, leaf margin prickly in the basal part, apical part and midrib toward the apex; leaf apex gradually attenuate to subulate apex, pistillate inflorescence pseudoumbrllate. Freycinetia insignis differs from F. sumatrana by two character states, peduncle with bract scar; berry pentagonal, lageniform, and oblong. SPECIMENS EXAMINED:— WEST JAVA: Bogor-Leuwiliang, Backer 25973 BO; Ciampea, Koorders 30680 BO; Depok-Sarengseng, Koorders 31208 BO, Beumee 6801 BO; Mt. Salak, Lam 22 BO; Mt. Menapa, van Steenis 17333 BO; Sukabumi - Mt. Halimun Nat.Park, Rahayu 042 JHUN; Mt. Gede Pangrango Nat.Park-Bodogol, Kartawinata 1812 BO; Jampang Kulon, Rahayu 021 JHUN; Cianjur, Widjaja sn JHUN; Burangrang-Mt.Limus, van den Brink 4372 BO; EAST JAVA: Pasuruan- Sumber tangkil, Koorders 23591 BO. Pandanus Parkinson J. Voy. South Seas 46. 1773. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink. Fl. Java 3: 201. 1968. Stone, Biogeo. Pandanus. 69. 1975. Stone, Kew. Bull, 31: 57.1976. Stone, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 133. 1982b. Brink Jansen, PROSEA 17: 197-204. 2003 - Type species: Pandanus tectorius Parkinson – J. Voy. South Seas 46.1773. Dioecious, trees or shrubs, stemless or stem simple to branched, erect or forming thickets, often armed with stout prickles; prop-roots none to abundant, smooth to armed with sharp prickles. Leaves linear, ligulate or swords shape, abruptly tapering to trigonous apex to gradually tapering to subulate apex with smooth margin, but often serrate to spinose on margin; apical ventral pleats absent