Pandanus bantamensis Koord. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Pandanaceae R. Br.

appressed, ascending at 5 o , green with brown tipped; the raised midrib below with similar spines, but 1.5-5 mm long, 7-35 mm apart; on the subulate apex the margin serrate with ascending spines 0.5-2 mm long, 1-2 mm apart, paler green with brown tipped; the midrib below with similar spines, but only 1-3 mm apart; peduncle slightly curve at the end, 38.5-53 cm long, at base 8-15 mm in diameter, at apex 20-27 mm in diameter, 3-sided, whitish green; fruiting heads enclosed in dry, pale brown with 2 exterior leafy bracts; 78-115 cm long, 8.3-8.8 cm wide, linear; middle bracts 78-115 cm long, 10-11,5 cm wide, ovate-lanceolate; syncarp terminal, single, pendent, ellipsoid-suboblong, 21-32 cm long, 8.7-10.5 cm in diameter, with about 475-795 drupes; 2.7-4.5 cm long, 1.1-1.3 cm in diameter, 8 -15 mm thick, increasing upwards in size, sometimes the smallest in the center, the apical ones definitely the largest, oblong cuneate-oblanceolate, 5-6 angled, the upper 15 free, pileus 4-11 mm high, hemispheric–ovoid with 5-6 sharp angles, the surface smooth, dull, the actual apex low obliquely truncate to the style; style 5-8 mm long, bony, shining, bifurcate nearly halfway, the fork spreading or on a few terminal drupes with style undivided; stigma 3-5 mm long, brown, papillose, confluent below, but separating on the forks; endocarp submedian-median, bony, dark brown, lanceolate, the apex acute-acuminate extended to the style; lateral walls about 1-2 mm thick, within smooth and shining; seeds about 16-18 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, lanceolate; apical mesocarp about 5-10 mm long, narrowly ovate; basal mesocarp about 3-4 mm long, fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION: West Java to Central Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus bantamensis occupies very wide habitat ranges. Some are found on hill forest, but mostly found growing on lowland areas below 500 m and lower montane forest below 1500 m. Only few are found on upper montane forest higher than 1500 m above sea level, flowering and fruiting in June to November. VERNACULAR NAME: Pandan betok, pandan kowang, pandan cangkuang. NOTES: Pandanus bantamensis appears close to P. pseudolais. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing prop roots muricate in lines, blade linear, leaf coriaceous, leaf base reddish, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex, apical ventral pleat smooth, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes, and recurved spine present. Pandanus pseudolais differs from P. bantamensis by two character states, style hornlike and stigma ellipsoid or lanceolate. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Pandeglang, Cibunjur-Danoe, Koorders 40606 BO; Ujung Kulon, Bantam - Mt. Kencana, Koorders 41161 BO; Bogor, van den Brink 5340 BO; Sukabumi-Lengkong, Dransfield 1044 BO; Jampang Kulon, Rahayu 037 JHUN; Cianjur – Pacet, Gusdarf 3 BO; Sumedang - Cicalengka, Rahayu 077 JHUN; Tasikmalaya, Koorders 44329 BO; CENTRAL JAVA: Semarang-Hanggar, Beumee 5062 BO; Rembang- Kunduran, Beumee 5215 BO.

3. Pandanus bidur Jungh.

Pandanus bidur Jungh, Pl. Jungh: 166. 1852. Kurz, J. Bot 5:128. 1867. Koorders,. Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7:91. 1910. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java : 80. 1911. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink., Fl. Java 3: 203. 1968. Stone, Fedn. Mus. J 28: 90. 1983 — Type: Junghuhn BO from Java. Tree up to 15 m tall, the stem 25-30 cm in diameter; bark grey, smooth- muriculate; prop roots up to 4 m high; leaves 188-200 cm long, 18 cm wide near base, 12-14.2 cm wide at the middle, above glossy and with a median furrow, thick coriaceus, 2 pleated; the midrib below thick about 1 mm wide and raised; longitudinal veins distinct on the on the abaxial surface, less so on the adaxial surface about 0.8 – 1 mm apart, tertiary cross vein made oblong meshes 1.5-2 mm apart, these visible above, and invisible below; at mid section with 82-86 secondary parallel veins in each half exclude costa, the blade linear, apex acuminate, the base widened, amplexicaul, unarmed, but beginning 14-18 25 -27 cm up the margin with ascending stout prickles 1-2 mm long, 1.5-3 mm apart, arcuate-stout arcuate, subulate, heavy based, brown tipped, ascending at 30 - 60°; the nearby midrib below beginning 15-16.5 cm up with ascending stout prickles, 3 -4 mm long, 7-10 mm apart, subulate, heavy based, brown tipped, ascending 40 o ; at mid section the margin with partly countersunk prickles 2-4 mm long, 13-17 mm apart, subulate, arcuate, flat appresed, ascending, brown tipped; the nearby midrib below with ascending stout prickles, 1.5-2 mm long, 8-10 mm apart, stout, arcuate subulate, ascending, straw color; near the apex the margin with ascending stout prickles 1-2 mm long, 2-4 mm apart, arcuate, brown tipped, ascending at 20 o , the midrib below with similar prickles; phalanges 6-13 cm long, 3.4-5.6 cm in diameter, 2.2-3.8 mm thick, clavate, slightly conpressed, sharply 5- 6 angled, each side between the angled a curving line, when dried brown, rounded, or just below the carpel apices slightly concave, carpel apices slightly concave-concave; carpels 2-10, their carpel apices pyramidal; stigmas 3-9 mm long, sessile, lip-like; endocarp supramedian, cartillaginous; basal mesocarp 2.5- 4.5 mm long, fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION: West Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus bidur is a typical littoral species, This species grows on altitude 0 to 5 m above sea level, fruiting in April to July. VERNACULAR NAME: Bidur. NOTES: Pandanus bidur appears close to P. dubius. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing prop roots long 4 m high, blade linear, leaf coriaceous, leaf apex abruptly terminating at once in a point, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes. Pandanus dubius differs from P. bidur by three character states, phalange cuneiform, stigma cordate to reniform, and endocarp median. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Ujung Kulon, Bantam-Mt. Payung, Koorders 6133 BO; Cibunar, Dransfield 1423 BO, Wirawan 352 BO, K; Ujung Jaya, Rahayu 052 JHUN.

4. Pandanus dubius Spreng.

Pandanus dubius Spreng., Syst. Veg.3: 897. 1826. Kurz, J. Bot .5:127. 1867. Warburg, Pflanzenr. 3. IV. 50. 1900. Koorders, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7: 90. 1910. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java: 79. 1911. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java I: 6. 1913. Merril, Interp. Rumph. Herb. Amboin, 81. 1917. Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 313. 1972. Stone, Fedn. Mus. J 28: 88. 1983. Jebb, Christ. Res. Inst. 16. 82. 1991 Isotype : Carpol. 10415 BO. Tree up to 15 m high, stem erect, diameter up to 25 cm, bark green thorny, prop root up to 4 m high. Leaves 178- 221.5-314 cm long, 19.5-1.5 cm wide at the middle, apparently above glossy, coriaceus, above dark green, below paler