var. samak. Warburg, Plflanzenr. IV, 9: 48.1900. Koorders, Recueil. Trav. cv. Sanderi

Pacific. Forms of P. tectorius are also well-known in cultivation, several of them known under horticultural “species”name, viz P. tectorius cv. Sanderi Stone 1976. Stone 1988 noted “variegated – leaf mutants of P. tectorius, known in horticulture which can back-mutate to all green leaf forms. The mutant cultivar P. tectorius cv. Sanderi is cultivated as an ornamental in Java. Leaves of P. tectorius cv. Sanderi have longitudinal white to pale yellow from center of leaf to margin. In fully expanded leaves, the midrib is bent and the upper third or so in the leaf hangs down, giving pandan plant their characteristic drooping appearance. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Bandung, Popta 813 L; Ancol – Jakarta, Rahayu 078 JHUN.

18. Pandanus utilis Bory.

Pandanus utilis Bory, Voy. Iles Afrique 2:3. 1804. Kurz, J. Bot 5: 131. 1867. Warburg, Pflanzenr. 3. IV. 61. 1900. Koorders, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7: 106. 1910. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 3: 206. 1968. Koorders, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7: 106. 1910 — Type : Madagascar, Bory. Tree 6-7 m tall, crown low and broad, due to few, dichotomous branching; bark green-grey with sparsely rootlets, without further development, prop roots rather few and long, grey, 94-124 cm long, 2,8-3.4 cm in diameter, muricate in longitudinal lines, grey. Leaves 85.8-89. cm long, 5.6-5.9 cm wide, coriaceous, in section deep M-shaped, on each side with 48-52 secondary parallel vein, the blade ensiform, but gradually narrowing to a trigonous subulate apex about 3- 4.6 cm, 1.5-2 mm wide, the base amplexicaul, reddish, unarmed, but beginning 13-16 cm up the margins with thorns 4-5 mm long, 12-26 mm apart, the base thickened, subulate, ascending, red; the midrib below smooth; at midsection the margin with thorns 4-5 mm long, 10-16 mm apart, subulate, the base thickened, appresed, the midrib below with prickles 2-3 mm long, 7-10 mm apart, stout, subulate, appressed ascending; on subulate apex the margins with serrulation 1-1.5 mm long, 3-4 mm apart; the midrib below with similar serrulation but with 3-5 mm apart; staminate inflorescence pendent; peduncle leafy bracted, 5 cm long, 17 mm in diameter, terete, glabrous, yellowish white; pedicell 1.5-5 cm long, at base 0.6 cm wide, at apex 0.8-1 cm wide, half terete, glabrous, white; exterior bracts 62- 74.5 cm long, 8.2-9 cm wide, narrowing to the long subulate tip, greenish white; middle bracts 28-49.5 cm long, 7 cm wide, lanceolate, abruptly acute, white; 89 cm long, flowering part of spike 41-43 cm long, bearing 20 lateral racemes, these 11-27 cm long, 2.5-4.5 cm wide, shape linear, densely flowered; stamens 5-10 in racemes, the fused axis 5-8 mm long, free filament tips 2-4 mm long, anthers 3-5 mm long, bearing terminal subulate connective prolongation 0.2-0.3 mm long; pistillate inflorescence pendulous, peduncle slightly curve, 39 cm long, 17 mm in diameter, 3-sided, green, bearing 1 cephalium, 34.5-39 cm long, 32 cm wide, subglobose, green with brown color on phalanged apex, with about 134-247 phalange per cephalium,about 3.5-4 cm long, 3.7-4.6 cm wide when mature, compressed, 1.8-2 cm thick, with 4-7 usually 6-7 locules, phalanges a unit, the carpels completely connate, flattened in formfile, the apex flat to slightly concave, 6 angled, sides smooth, lower yellow at maturity, base of maturity adjacent phalanges not connate; stigmas 6-7, external on the distal face of the phalange, surrounding the apical areola, nearly vertical, subglobular, grooved at the base, about 2 mm long, 2 mm wide set usually at the edge of the phalange; endocarp median, with 6-7 seeds usually in two rows, each 1.6 cm long, 2.5 cm wide; upper mesocarp, fibrous, pitchy, solid; basal mesocarp 17 mm long, 38 mm wide, fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION: West Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus utilis found in home yard and cultivated as ornamental plants, fruiting in March. NOTES: Pandanus utilis appears close to P. odoratissimus. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing coriaceous leaves, apical ventral pleat absent, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex. Pandanus odoratissimus differs from P. utilis by four character states, prop root and bark armed with stout spine, blade ligulate, and phalange obovatus. USES: Ornamental plants in the garden around houses. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: South Jakarta-Kuningan area, Rahayu 057, and 058 JHUN; Bogor-Leuwiliang, Rahayu 079 JHUN.