Pandanus pseudolais Warb. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Pandanaceae R. Br.

pale brown and 2 exterior leafy bract, ellipsoid, 34-49 cm long, 19-22 cm wide; terminal, single, pendent, with about 724-1053 drupes; drupes 2.6-4.5 cm long, 1-16 cm wide, 7-18 mm thick, increasing upwards in size, and the apical ones definitely the largest, sometimes drupes in the center of each side the smallest; cuneate–oblong, 5-6 angled, the upper 15 free, pileus 4–11 mm high, hemispheric to ovoid with 5-6 sharp angles, the surface smooth, dull, the actual apex low obliquely truncate to the style; style 5-7 mm long, hornlike, reddish brown, bony, shining, bifurcate nearly halfway, the fork spreading or on a few terminal drupes with style hornlike undivided; stigma as long as the styles 2–6 mm long, ellipsoid or lanceolate, dark brown, papillose, covering the proximal face, endocarp submedian-median, brown - dark brown, lanceolate, the apex acuminate extended to the style; lateral walls about 1-2 mm wide, within smooth and shining; seeds about 9-11 mm long, 3-5 mm wide, lanceolate; apical mesocarp, a single cavern about 8-20 mm long, free of fibers; basal mesocarp about 7-14 mm long, fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION: West Java to East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus pseudolais occupies very wide habitat ranges. Some are found on lowland areas below 500 m, and the rest are found on lower montane forest below 1500 m above sea level, fruiting in October to December. VERNACULAR NAME: Cangkuwang. NOTES: Pandanus pseudolais appears close to .P. bantamensis. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing prop roots muricate in lines, linear leaves, coriaceous leaves, leaf base reddish brown, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex, apical ventral pleat smooth, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes, recurved spine present. Pandanus bantamensis differs from P. pseudolais by two character states, style bifurcate nearly halfway and stigma confluent below, but separating on the forks. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Bogor, Jasinga-Yanlappa, Rahayu 053 JHUN; Buitenzorg, van den Brink 5340 BO; Sukabumi-Mt. Gede Pangrango-Bodogol, Rahayu 031 JHUN, Kuhlt Hasselt sn L; Jampang Kulon, Rahayu 019 JHUN; Tasikmalaya-Cipatujah, Rahayu 076 JHUN; EAST JAVA: Madiun, Mt. Wilis, Koorders 6140 BO.

14. Pandanus scabrifolius Martelli ex Koord.

Pandanus scabrifolius Martelli ex Koorders, Recueil. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 7: 101. 1910. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java : 85. 1911. Koorders, Exkurs. Fl. v. Java I: 7. 1913. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 3: 204. 1968, Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 315. 1972. Stone, Fedn. Mus. J 28: 50. 1983 — Holotype: Koorders 29637 β BO from Gunung Pendil, Semarang, Java. Tree 4-5 m tall, erect and forming clumps, the stem 7.82-10 cm in diameter; prop roots several and as much as 30 cm long, 5-7 cm in diameter, brown, smooth. Leaves 204-372 cm long, 6.5-9 cm wide, coriaceous, above green, below paler green, broad furrowed above the midrib 3-3.2 cm wide, apical ventral pleats smooth; the midrib below narrow 0.10-0.2 mm wide and raised; the longitudinal veins distinct on both surfaces, about 0.8-1 mm apart, tertiary cross vein prominent forming square-oblong meshes 1-2 mm apart; at mid section with 37-52 secondary parallel vein in each side; the blade linear, apex gradually tapering from the base to the long subulate apex which about 10 cm down is 1.5- 4.5 mm wide; the base indurate, widened, amplexicaul, yellowish white, unarmed, but beginning 8-11 cm up the margin with spines 3-6 mm long, 9-8 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, base thickened 1-2 mm wide, ascending, green with brown tipped; the midrib below beginning 15 cm up the margin with spines 4-7 mm long, 21-66 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, reflexed, heavy base 3-4 mm wide, wholly brown; at mid section the margin with partly countersunk spines 2-5 mm long, 5-14 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, base thickened 2 mm wide, flat appressed, ascending at 5 o , green with brown tipped; the raised midrib below with spines 1.5-2.5 mm long, 11-32 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, ascending, green with brown tipped; on the subulate apex the margin serrate with ascending spines 0.5-1.5 mm long, 1–1.5 mm apart, subulate, slightly arcuate, ascending, pale green with brown tipped; the midrib below with similar prickles, but 2-5 mm apart; peduncle straight, subtriangularis, 30 cm long, 23 mm wide; fruiting heads enclosed in dry, pale brown and 3 exterior leafy bract; terminal, single, pendent, subglobose, 24 cm long, 22 cm wide, with about 483 drupes; drupes 4.8-5.2 cm long, 1.2-1.6 cm wide, 7–11 mm thick, increasing upwards in size, and the apical ones definitely the largest, narrowly oblanceolate, 5-6 – 7 angled, the upper 13 free, pileus 13 – 18 mm high, hemispheric to ovoid with 5-6 – 7 sharp angles, the surface smooth, dull, the actual apex horizontally or low obliquely truncate to the style; style 6–8 mm long, brownish orange, shining, bifurcate third-fourth way, the fork spreading or on a few terminal drupes with style monofurcate; stigma 4-6 mm long, brown, papillose, confluent below but separating on the forks; endocarp submedian, bony, brown- dark brown, lanceolate or conical, the apex long acuminate or cuspidate extended to the style; lateral walls 1.5-2.5 mm thick, within smooth and shining; seeds about 36-40 mm long, 10 mm wide, lanceolate; apical mesocarp about 20 mm long, narrowly ovate; basal mesocarp about 5 – 6 mm long, fibrous and fleshy. DiISTRIBUTION: West Java to East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus Scabrifolius occupies very wide habitat ranges. Some are found on lowland areas below 500 m, and the rest are found on lower montane forest below 1500 m above sea level, fruiting in April to December. VERNACULAR NAME: Cangkuang. NOTES: Pandanus scabrifolius appears close to P. bantamensis. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing linear leaves, coriaceous leaves, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex, apical ventral pleat smooth, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes. Pandanus bantamensis differs from P. scabrifolius by five character states, prop roots muricate in line, leaf base reddish brown, syncarp ellipsoid-suboblong, style bifurcate nearly halfway and stigma confluent below, but separating on the forks. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Ujung Kulon, Bantam-Mt. Pulasari, Koorders 6139 BO; Mt. Karang, Koorders 40740 BO; Sukabumi- Ujung Genteng, van Steenis 11374 BO; Cianjur–Mt. Cibodas, Koorders 31964 BO; forest reserve–above garden, Dransfield 952 BO; above garden, Rahayu 029 JHUN; Ciputri-Preanger, Koorders 6136 BO; Koorders 41901 BO;