Pandanus dubius Spreng. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT Pandanaceae R. Br.

green, slightly 2 pleated; the midrib below thick about 0.5 mm wide, rigid and raised; longitudinal veins prominent throughout about 1 mm apart, tertiary cross vein made oblong meshes 1.5-3 mm apart, these visible on the adaxial surface, and invisible below; at mid section with 88-90 secondary parallel veins in each half exclude costa, the blade linear, but abruptly caudate which 10 cm from the tip is 31-50 mm, the base unarmed, but beginning 16-20 cm up the margin with ascending stout prickles 2-3 mm long, 3-11 mm apart, heavy based, brown tipped, ascending at 20-30°; the nearby midrib below beginning 8.4 cm up the margin with prickles 1.5-2 mm long, 8-10 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, reflexed, base thickened 1-2 mm wide, yellowish green; at mid section the margin with prickles 3-4 mm long , 22-27 mm apart, stout, subulate, arcuate, heavy based, ascending 5- 10°, brown tipped; the raised midrib below with prickles 3-4 mm long, 8-11 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, ascending, yellowish green; at the apex the margin with ascending stout prickles 1-1.5 mm long, 2-4 mm apart, the midrib below with similar prickles, but with 2-4 mm apart; phalanges 12-14 cm long, 67-76 mm in diameter, 44-45 mm thick, cuneiform, sharply 6 angled, compressed, when dried pale brown, the sides smooth and shining, gently curving, the apex flat or convex; stigmas 2-4 mm long, sessile, cordate to reniform, arrange in transverse series; endocarp median, 22-25 mm long, bony, pale within, dark brown near the margin; lateral walls 1-2 mm thick, the seed cavities 22 mm long, 6 mm wide, central in position, seeds 9-10 mm long, 6.5-7 mm in diameter, obconic; apical mesocarp of solid pith, basal mesocarp fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION:. West Java. HABITATt ECOLOGY: Pandanus dubius is relatively specific to the West coast of Java island. This species grows on 0 to 2 m above sea level, flowering and fruiting in April to September. NOTES: Pandanus dubius appears close to P. bidur. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing prop roots long 4 m high, blade linear, leaf coriaceous, leaf apex abruptly terminating at once in a point, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes. Pandanus bidur differs from P. dubius by three character states, phalange clavate, stigma lip-like, and endocarp supramedian. SPECIMENS EXAMINED:— WEST JAVA: Pandeglang-Cipining, Endert 1141 BO; Ujung Kulon-Bantam, Indig. Irsan sn BO.; Jakarta, Rahayu 080 JHUN.

5. Pandanus faviger Backer

Pandanus faviger, Backer Handb. Fl. Java 1: 44.1925. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink., Fl. Java 3: 204. 1968. Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 312.1972 — Isotype: Assistant Resident van Loemadjang sn BO. Tree 11-15 m tall, branching dichotomous; prop-root 6 m long. Leaves 120-144 cm long, 5.5-7.5 cm wide, above glossy, coriaceus, apical ventral pleats smooth; the midrib below narrow 0.1 mm wide and raised; longitudinal veins visible on the adaxial surface, ± prominent on the abaxial surface, about 0.5-0.6 mm apart, no visible tertiary cross vein; at mid section with 54 secondary parallel veins in each half, the blade linear, long taperig to subulate apex, which 10 cm back from the tip is 19 mm wide; the base widened, amplexicaul, unarmed, but beginning 11-15 cm up the margin with spine 2-3 mm long, 2-5 mm apart, stout subulate, appresed ascending at 45° form a thickened base; the midrib below with prickles 0.5-1 mm long, 1-2 mm apart, subulate, appresed ascending at 20 o ; at mid section the margin with spine 1.5-2.5 mm long, 2-6 mm apart, subulate, arcuate, appresed ascending at 5 o , the raised midrib below with similar prickles but smaller size, 0.5-1 mm long, 1-4 mm apart; on subulate apex the margin with subulate tipped serration 0.5 – 1 mm long, 0.50-1 mm apart, ascending at 2 o , the midrib below with same serrulation, but with 1-3 mm apart; peduncle robust, 4.2 cm long, 1.3-1.5 cm wide, terete, with one bract scar; syncarp 3, the bigger one in the middle, 26 cm long, 8 cm wide; and two smaller one in each of its side, 12-13 cm long, 2.2-4.5 cm wide, each spadix on a glabrous, terete pedicell, 2.5-5 cm long, 9 mm wide; oblong-linear, with a rounded top, formed by several hundred of drupe in deep cavities; these cavities separated by thin partition; after the loss of drupes strongly reminiscent of honey comb; drupe oblanceolate-obovate, 8-10 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, 4-5 sharp angles, the surface smooth, style 1-2 mm long, bony, shining, pale brown with 3 lobes; stigma facing upright, endocarp dark brown. DISTRIBUTION: East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus faviger is specifically found in the East part of Java island, in Lamongan and Pasuruan. The species particularly grow in lower montane area from 1000 to 1400 m above sea level, flowering and fruiting in February to June. VERNACULAR Name: Pandan rangkang. NOTES: Pandanus faviger appears close to .P. polycephalus. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing syncarp not solitary, drupe small 15 mm long. Pandanus polycephalus differs from P. faviger by one character state, syncarp racemose of spikes. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — EAST JAVA: Lamongan-Mt. Tarub, van Steenis 10719 BO; Pasuruan-Mt. Lamongan, Indig. irsan 48 BO.

6. Pandanus kurzii Merr.

Pandanus kurzii Merr., Interpret. Herb. Amboin. 107. 1917. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 3: 203. 1968. Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 312. 1972. Fedn. Mus. J 28: 117. 1983 - Holotype: St. John sn K. Shrub 0.75-1.2 m tall, stemless pandan or short stem, stem at summit 1.7- 1.9 cm in diameter, brownish, smooth, prop roots none; leaves -48 92 - 154.5 - 360.5 cm long, -1.8 2.5-4.0 -5.5 cm wide near the base, -1.6 2-2.8 -3.8 cm wide at the middle, chartaceous, 2 pleated, and in section low M shaped, the midrib below narrow 0.2-0.3 mm, and raised; longitudinal veins prominent on both surfaces, about 0.4-0.5 mm apart, tertiary cross vein makes oblong meshes 0.8-1 mm apart, these visible above and conspicuous below; at mid section with - 19 29-30 -43 parallel veins in each side, the blade linear gradually tapering to a subulate apex which 10 cm back from the tip is - 6 12-20 -23 mm wide; the base widened and amplexicaul, unarmed, whitish, but beginning at 6.0-7.0 -10 cm the margin with prickles 0.5-1.5 mm long, 2-5 mm apart, stout subulate, heavy based, ascending at 75°; the nearby midrib beginning at -2,7 4-6 -10 cm with reflexed prickles 1-3 mm long, 3-5 mm apart, stout arcuate, subulate, heavy based 1.5-2 mm wide, at mid section the margin with prickles 0.5-1 mm long, 3-5 mm apart, thick subulate, appresed ascending at 5°; the nearby midrib below with prickles 0.5-9.75 mm long, 2-3 mm apart, closely appresed ascending at 15°, near