Pandanus spurius Miq. cv. Putat

NOTES: .It is evident that it is not a species, probably it is not a hybrid. With little doubt it is a bud sport obtained millenia ago from some wild species. Its current classification put it as a cultivar. The author now attached this cultivar to Pandanus spurius Miq., a species also native to Amboina. There were not proved that the cv. “Putat” was derived from P. spurius, but they occur on the same shores and inhabited lowlands. The Ambonese people have long used the leaves of P. spurius for matting, If, long ago, they found a spineless bud sport, it is likely that they would have preserved it and multiplaid it by stem cutting St. John 1965. Pandanus spurius cv Putat is remarkable in that its leaves are completely unarmed. VERNACULAR NAME: Putat, pudak. NOTES: Pandanus spurius cv Putat appears close to P. tectorius var. littoralis. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing coriaceous leaves, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex, tertiary cross vein not visible. Pandanus tectorius var. littoralis differs from P. spurius cv Putat by two character states, prop roots slender and arise from lateral branched, and leaves glossy on both sides. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: Culta. Yasmin Park – Bogor, 25-8-2007, Kartawinata Rahayu 067 JHUN.

17. Pandanus tectorius Park.

Pandanus tectorius Parkinson, J. Voy. S. Seas: 46 . 1773. St. John, Pac. Sci. 33: 395-401. 1979. Fedn. Mus. J 28: 116. 1983. Jebb, Christensen Research Institute. 77. 1991. — Isotype : Carpol. 15228 L. Tree 2-5 m tall, crown with dichotomous branching; the stem 7.1-14 cm in diameter, internodes 1-1.5 cm, gray, armed with stout, upturn prickles 4 mm in diameter, height 4 mm; prop roots 61-170 cm long, 1.5-5.1 cm in diameter, small prop roots abundant, gray-pale brown, muricate in longitudinal line. Leaves 81- 284 cm long, 3.8-8 cm wide, coriaceous-thick coriaceus, glossy on both sides- glaucous on both sides, pale green-green above, below pale green-yellowish green, pale green with white-pale yellow lines 3-8 mm wide along the edge- near the edge-yellowish green, with a median-broad furrow above the midrib 17-30 mm wide, apical ventral pleats absent; the midrib below narrow- thick 0.2-0.8 mm wide, sharp, rigid, thickened, not raised- raised; the longitudinal veins visible above and prominent below, about 0.5-0.9 mm apart, no visible tertiary cross vein; at mid section with 42-81 secondary parallel vein in each side exclude costa; the blade linear or ensiform, gradually long tapering to the subulate tip more than 15 cm long and about 10 cm down only 1-2 mm wide; the base widened and amplexicaul, whitish, unarmed, but beginning 3.5-29 cm up the margin with prickles - spines 0.5-6 mm long, 2-6 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, base thickened 2 mm wide, ascending at 45 o , straw colored-white, white with brown tipped; the midrib below beginning 7-36 cm up the margin with spines 2-5 mm long, 8-36 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, reflexed, the base thickened 2-3 mm wide, straw colored with brown tipped- white with red tipped, no recurved spine; at mid section the margin with partly countersunk prickles 1.5-6 mm long, 4-17 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, flat appressed, ascending, straw colored with brown tipped; the raised midrib below with spines 2-5 mm apart, 9-31 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, curved, the base thickened 1.5-3 mm wide, straw colored with brown tipped-white with red tipped; on the subulate apex prikly on one side of leaves with serrate with ascending spines 0.5-1 mm long, 1.5-4 mm apart, yellowish green; the raised midrib below with spine 1-3 mm long, 9-24 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, curved ascending; near the apex on one side subentire, on the other side and midrib below serrate with ascending spines 0.5 m long, 2-4 mm apart; peduncle leafy bracted, 9-17cm long; at base 4-4.5 mm in diameter, at apex 5-7 mm in diameter somewhat 3-sided; the exterior bracts with the body 33-58 cm long, 2.5-8.2 cm wide, lanceolate, then long tapering to 43-52 cm slender subulate tip this 10 cm down from the tip is only 1-3 mm wide; near the base the marginal spines on one side the margin with 0.5-3 mm long, 2-5 mm apart, stout, arcuate, subulate, ascending at 30 o , closely appressed, straw colored, on the other side the margins with spines 3 mm long, 1-2 mm apart, stout, subulate, ascending at 10 o , straw colored; the midrib below with spines 1.5-4.5 mm long, 3-8 mm apart, stout, subulate, curved-closely appresed, toward the apex the margin with partly countersunk spines 1-1.5 mm long, 2-4 mm apart, arcuate, subulate, flat appressed, ascending, straw colored, the midrib below with prickles 0.5-1.5 mm