Pandanus leram Jones var. andamanensium Kurz. Stone

flat appresed, ascending; the nearby midrib below with thorn 3.5-4 mm long, 28- 30 mm apart, stout subulate, arcuate, appresed ascending, the base widened ± 2 mm wide; at the apex the margin with prickles 0.5 mm log, 1–1.5 mm apart, subulate, arcuate, appresed ascending, ascending at 10 o , the midrib below with prickles 1-1.5 mm long, 2-3 mm apart, subulate, arcuate, appresed ascending; phalange 9-9.5 mm long, 5.2-6.5 cm wide, 13-25 mm thick, obovatus; the apex cuneatus, convex, the sides 3-4 angled, smooth, when drying pale brown, lateral suture mostly none, central apical sinuses 15-20 mm deep, carpel 5-7, the apices subequal, through the sloping sides make the marginal ones somewhat the larger; stigma 3-5 mm long, sessile, trianguler–orbicular, brown; endocarp slightly submedian, bony, pale brown, its margin 0.8-1 mm thick; seeds 25 mm long, 11 mm in diameter, elliptic, apical mesocarp one large undivided area occupying 2 3 of the phalange, transverse by numerous fibers; lower mesocarp fibrous and fleshy. DISTRIBUTION: West Java to Central Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY Pandanus leram var. andamanensium is a typical littoral species. This species grows on altitude 0.5 m above sea level, fruiting in June. VERNACULAR NAME: Pandan wong. NOTES: This is evidently the wild form, with much smaller phalanges than P. leram proper. Specimens from Java are intermediate in phalange size between var. leram as it appears in cultivation, and var. andamanensium. It must likely drifted from the Andaman – Nicobars area, but could have come from farther out in the Indian Ocean, e.g Maldive Island, attols where var. leram certainly occurs. Such drift probably accounts for the distribution of the species, especially in Javan localities Stone 1983a. Pandanus leram var. andamanensium appears close to P. dubius. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing linear leaves, coriaceous leaves, leaf apex abruptly terminating at once in a point. Pandanus dubius differs from P. leram var. andamanensium by three character states, tertiary cross vein form oblong meshes, phalange cuneiform, and stigma cordate to reniform. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: — WEST JAVA: Ujungkulon-Bantam, Indig irsan sn BO; Tasikmalaya-Nabi kelapa, Indig irsan sn BO; CENTRAL JAVA: Banyumas -Nusakambangan, Beumee A765 BO, L, Backer 31500 L.

9. Pandanus multifurcatus Fagerl.

Pandanus multifurcatus Fagerlind, Svenk. Bot. Tidskr. 34:107. 1940. Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 316. 1972. Stone, Fedn. Mus. J. 28: 76. 1983 — Type: specimen in Hort.Bog. II C 58; living tree in Hortus Bogoriensis originated from Srigontjo, Pasuruan, Java. Tree 10-12 m tall, the stem 10.4 cm in diameter ringed by dense leaf scars, armed with stout spine, 2-4 mm long, 5-20 mm apart, subulate, straight, ascending; prop roots 1-3 m long, 3.3-6.8 cm in diameter, armed with similar spines. Leaves 95- 115-198.5 cm long, 2-3.6 cm wide at the middle, thin coriaceous, above glossy dark green, below yellowish green, with a median furrow about 5 mm wide, slightly 2-pleated, but nearly flat; the midrib below narrow 0.15 mm wide and raised; longitudinal veins visible on both surfaces about 0.4-0.55 mm apart, tertiary cross vein making oblong meshes 1-5 mm apart, and at mid section with 25-30 secondary parallel veins on each side, the blade linear - ligulate, gradually tapering to a very long slender apex 17-20 cm long, which 10 cm back from the tip is 1-1.5 mm wide, the base widened and amplexicaul, unarmed, but beginning 2.5-4.5 cm up the margin with denticulate - serrate prickles, 0.5-2 mm long, 1-4 mm apart, sharp, subulate, ascending 40 o , the midrib below beginning 9.5 cm up the margin with stout subulate, arcuate, reflexed prickles 3-4.5 mm long, 10-35 mm apart; at the mid section the margin with serrate, sharp, subulate, 1-2 mm long, 2–4 mm apart, ascending 15 o , the nearby midrib below serrulate, sharp, subulate, appresed, 0.75-1 mm long, 4.5-10 mm apart, ascending at 5 o ; on the subulate apex the margin with subulate tipped serration 0.5-0.75 mm long, 0.5-1 mm apart; the midrib below with the same serrulation, but with 1-2.5 mm apart. DISTRIBUTION: East Java. HABITAT ECOLOGY: Pandanus multifurcatus is specifically found in the East part of Java island, at Srigonco – Pasuruan. This species particularly grows at the lowland areas from 5 to 20 m above sea level, flowering and fruiting in February to April. VERNACULAR NAME: Pandan sirih. NOTES: Pandanus multifurcatus appears close to P. spinistigmaticus. Morphologically these species are similar to each other by sharing prop roots and bark armed with stout spine, leaf apex gradually long tapering to subulate apex. Pandanus spinistigmaticus differs from P. multifurcatus by one character state, tertiary cross vein not visible. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: EAST JAVA: Srigonco-Pasuruan, Backer 30476 BO, Indig. irsan 23 BO; Hortus Bogoriensis, culta. II. C 58, Rahayu 069 JHUN.

10. Pandanus nitidus Miq. Kurz.

Pandanus nitidus Miq. Kurz, J. Bot. 5: 103.1867. Kurz, J. Bot 5:103. 1867. Backer Bakhuizen van den Brink, Fl. Java 3: 204. 1968. Stone, Reinwardtia 8: 315.1972. Stone, Fedn. Mus. J 28: 81. 1983 — Isotype: Kurz sn K. P. stenophyllus Kurz ex Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-batavi 2:53 1865. Shrub 5 m tall, widespread branches, internodus 1.1-1.4 cm, bark with abundant rootlet; prop roots abundant and rather long, and some prop root arise from lateral branched, 134-206 cm long, 17-29 mm in diameter, gray, muricate in longitudinal lines. Leaves -91 107-147 -182.5 cm long, -11 14-21 -25 mm wide at the middle, coriaceous, 2 pleated, and in section deep M shaped, the midrib below narrow 0.2 mm wide and raised; longitudinal veins strong, visible above and conspicous below about -0.3 0.45-0.50 -0.60 mm apart, tertiary cross vein invisible; at mid section with -15 17-23 -24 parallel veins in each half, the blade linear, apex long taperig to a subulate apex this only 5-8 mm wide at 10 cm from the apex; the base widened and amplexicaul, unarmed, but beginning -1 1.5-3.9 -4.5 cm up the margin with ascending stout prickles -0.5 1-2 -3 mm long, 1.5 2 - 4 -5 mm apart, ascending at 45°; the nearby midrib up to 8-15 cm long hardened and swollen, unarmed, no recurved spine; at mid