2 Initialisms Eponyms Types of English Word Formation

Ba‘dulu Herman in their book Morfosintaksis have summarized Nida‘s work. They also describe the structural morphology processes to describe word formation. They write the point to analyze and describe words from Nida‘s book into four processes: Figure 2.2 The Organization of Structural Morphology 97 The first task for the analyst is to identify all the morpheme, both free and bound morpheme from the data that have been collected. The second component is word formation which explains about how morphemes in a language arranged in groups to form real words in that language. The third is morphophonology processes, a mechanism of morphophonology processes which show the changes that occur in the merger of morpheme. The last component is dictionary. All the word that passed those three processes will be or must be listed in a dictionary. 98 An example of the process of structural morphology theory is the word helpfulness . First thing to do is separates the word helpfulness into smaller parts, make a list of morpheme which contain in the word. helpfulness is consist of three 97 Ibid,p. 16 98 Ibid, pp. 16-17 List of Morphemes Word Formation Morphophonology Processes Dictionary morphemes help, -ful, and –ness. Help is the base which is free morpheme because it is also an independent word. Then, -ful and –ness are the bound morphemes or suffixes because it cannot stand alone as a word and it attached at the end of the base. But, in morphology, helpfulness can be sonsist of two morphemes. They are helpful and –ness. Helpful is as the root which is a free morpheme and –ness as the suffix. Second is the process of word formation. Helpfulness is a derivation word formation because it creates new lexical items using pre-existing morphemes and words and changes the syntactic category from helpful adj into helpfulness n. Helpfulness is the type of derivation by affixation because it creates new word by adding affix –ness. Third is the morphophonology processes. Helpfulness does not have any special morphophonological process in changing or omitting the letters to form it into a new word. It only added a suffix –ness. The last step is dictionary. Helpfulness is listed in Cambridge Dictionary with a meaning ―willing to help, or useful‖. 99 It means that the word helpfulness is a real word and agreed by people in the world.

4. Technology

Technology becomes a main part in human life today. They need technology items and use it to help them doing their job and daily activity. The term technology itself is a combination of the Greek techne for art, craft, with logos which means word, speech. At first, technology is the term for discussion of 99 Cambridge Dictionaries Online, http:dictionary.cambridge.orgdictionarybritishtablet accessed on June 30 , 2015.