Back-formation Types of English Word Formation

take not just the initial sounds but, for example, the first consonant and the first vowel together such as radar from radio detecting and ranging. 90

g.2 Initialisms

If the letters which make up the acronyms are individually pronounced, like COD, such acronyms are called initialisms. The word initialisms based on Oxford English Dictionary means ‗a significative group of initial letters‘. 91 The examples of initialisms, NBC National Broadcasting Company, BBC British Broadcasting Company, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation . Classifying a new form as either an acronym or initialism is not always easy or possible. The words CD-ROM compact disk read-only memory or JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group are initialism-acronym hybrids. Sometimes one and the same word can be pronounced either as initialism or as acronym such as FAQ Frequently Asked Question . 92

h. Eponyms

There are new words based on names epi- ‗upon‘ onym ‗name‘. So, eponym is a new word that is formed from a name of an inventor or discoverer. Eponym mostly appear in fields like biology, physics, chemistry, etc. quite often eponym come from an individual name, a character familiar 90 Donka Minkova Robert Stockwell, loc.cit. 91 Ibid 92 Ibid, p. 17 from mythology, history, a place name, a brand name, etc. 93 It is like turning a proper noun into a common noun. For example: boycott Charles Boycott, an English land agent in Ireland, cheddar a village in Somerset when the cheese first came, atlas he was condoned by Zeus, the leader of the Greek gods, to support the earth and heavens on his shoulders, Google was an internet search engine registered and launched in 1998; the verb to google has been in use since 1999.

3. Structural Morphology Theory

Modern linguistics has three approaches in twentieth-century: structuralism, functionalism and generativism. 94 Ferdinand de Saussure known as the Founding Father of modern linguistics has an important role in structural linguistics followed by Franz Boas, Leonard Bloomfield and Edward Sapir. 95 Structuralism focuses on the description of languages. Eugene A. Nida releases Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words in 1946 which talk about the description of words structure. Yet, Nida uses the term morpheme in his book to explain and describe about word formation. In his book, Nida explains and describes about the meaning of morpheme, kinds of morpheme, how morphemes merger to form a word, morphological structure, also identify the meaning of morphemes. 96 93 Ibid, p. 19 94 Kirsten Malmkjaer, op.cit., p. xxxiii 95 Ibid 96 Eugene A. Nida, Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words Second Edition, United States of America: The University of Michigan Press, 1949