analysis in this paper used the method of exposition which describe and analyze the formation of noun. The theory that he used to analyze is the theory of word formation by Popov and Kalinina writers of Russian books about word formation. The writer describes the process of affixation that forms a new word with a new meaning. As for affixes that discussed in his paper are suffix, prefix, flexion, interfix, and postfix. He also mentioned abbreviation in his theory but only focused on affixation processes. 20 The previous researches mainly were done by graduate and post-graduate students on behalf of their theses. In UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, specifically in English Language and Literature department, this is the third research discussing about English Word Formation. Based on the previous researches above, this research uses a different theory which makes it different from those four previous researches. So, it can be said that this research is something new especially in English Language and Literature Department, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

B. Concept

1. English Word Formation

Morphology can be described as a grammatical study about words which also contain the structure of word, the change of word, the grammatical meaning and word formation. By learning morphology, the learners can know about how a word is formed and changed, also what is the meaning of the word. Originally 20 Eko Bawono , ―Pembentukan Kata Benda Istilah Sepak Bola Dalam Reader Total Football Rusia 2012 ‖, University of Indonesia, 2012 morphology meant the study of biological forms. But 19th century students of language borrowed the term and applied it to the study of word-structure. 21 Morphology is an area of grammar concerned with the structure of words and with relationships between words that involve the morphemes that compose them. 22 Morphology is one of the main subjects in linguistics besides phonology and syntax. So, that is why there are some definitions of morphology that we can find in linguistics introduction books easily. Based on Spencer Zwicky 2007 Morphology is at the conceptual center of linguistics. This is not because it is the dominant sub discipline, but because morphology is the study of word structure, and words is at the interface between phonology, syntax, and semantics. 23 Although morphology not only mention about the formation of word, but also includes the formation of a group of words or phrases. 24 From the definition of morphology above, word formation is the main topic of morphology. Word formation is a traditional label, and one which is useful, but it does not generally cover all possible ways of forming everything that can be called a word. 25 Word formation rules is the one whose functions to specify how the morphemes are to be arranged in sequence to form actual words. 26 Word 21 Francis Katamba, English Words, Routledge, 2005, p19 22 Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure , Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2002a, p. 144 23 Andrew Spencer Arnold M. Zwicky, The Handbook of Morphology, Blackwell Reference Online, 2007, p. 1 24 Djoko Kentjono, Dasar-dasar Linguistik Umum, Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia, 1984, p. 39 25 Laurie Bauer, English Word-Formation, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983, p. 9 26 Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Current Morphology, Routledge, 2002b, p. 20 formation‘s task is to characterize the kinds of things that speakers need to know about the structure of the words of their language in order to be able to use them to produce and to understand speech. Word formation is dealing with the formation of words, the process of how a word builds and the structure of the words. A simple example of word formation, the word frogs is not just a simple word. It separates into smaller parts. Frogs contains of frog + -s for plural. Another example is nutcracker that it is made up of two words, namely the noun nut and the noun cracker. Cracker is divisible into the verb crack + -er. From the examples above, word formation have some types which categorize them in groups. Such as for the word frogs is an inflection word formation. The writer will not explain deeply about the inflection word formation because it will discuss in the types of word formation subtopic. But, before the writer give explanation of types of word formation; take a look back to the examples. Word frogs can separate into smaller parts frog and -s. Those smaller parts are called morphemes. From the first chapter of this research, the writer have mentioned about morphemes. Morpheme and word cannot be separated. So, the writer will discuss about morpheme and word deeply in the next subtopic.

a. Morpheme and Word

Word is the main thing in morphology discussion. As the definition of morphology that have described before, morphology is a study about word. So, the research will also explain and describe about word. But, before the researcher start to discuss about word, the researcher will give an explanation about