Interview Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

25 major theme for each question. After the researcher found the major theme, the researcher checked it with the theories that were presented in the literature review. It helped the researcher to identify the result easier.

b. Interview

In order to answer the research problems, the researcher analyzed and presented data from the English learners‟ interviews. The interview was conducted to get the data for the research problem which was the students‟ perception on the use of Google Translate in writing analytical exposition text. After the researcher had conducted the interview, the researcher transcribed the record of the interview. Then, the researcher had to summarize the data. Next, the researcher compared the results from the questionnaire and the interview in order to find the differences and similarities. Then, based on the comparison of the data, the researcher concluded the data to find the students‟ perception about Google Translate in writing and their suggestions. At last the researcher had to describe and explain the result into description and words.

F. Research Procedure

In this study, the researcher conducted the following study steps to make the study effective. There were eight steps that should be followed which were; planning, defining the population, sampling, constructing the 26 instrument, asking permission, conducting the survey, processing the data, and reporting the data.

1. Planning

The first step that should be followed by the researcher was planning the study. The researcher decided a topic to conduct the study. The researcher also explained the reasons for choosing the topic and the background of the problem chosen. After that, the researcher formulated the research problem for the study. Last, the researcher gathered all theories to support the researcher‟s study problems.

2. Defining the Population

The next step that the researcher had to conduct was to define the population of the study. The target population of this study was the students of grade XI of SMA N 1 Banguntapan academic year 20142015.

3. Sampling

For the sampling part, the researcher chose purposive sampling. The samples were students of XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 Banguntapan academic year 20142015. There were 31 students in the class.

4. Constructing th eInstrument

Constructing the instrument was the next step to do in the study. The researcher already found the sampling, therefore the researcher need to make the instruments to conduct the study. The researcher constructed a