Students’ Perception on the Use of Google Translate in Writing

38 students could not decide whether Google Translate helped them improving their writing skill or not. As the result of statement number 24 was majority of the students or 38.70 disagreed, 32.25 undecided, 16.12 agreed, 12.90 strongly disagreed, and none chose strongly agree. From the result, it could be concluded that the majority of the students agreed that Google Translate did not help them to be aware with their grammatical mistakes. The last, the result of statement number 25 was 35.48 chose undecided, 29.03 disagreed, 25.80 agreed, 6.45 strongly agreed, and 3.22 strongly disagreed. With the majority of the students chose undecided, it could be indicated that the students did not know whether they should let the teacher to allow them using Google Translate in finishing their analytical exposition text or not. From the result of closed-ended data, it might mean that the students were still in the process to decide whether Google Translate helped them in writing analytical exposition text or not. This was because the result of the closed-ended data was from the 25 questions, 10 questions got the undecided majority of answer, followed by 9 disagreed and 8 agreed. The result came as 3 questions got the same majority answer. 39

2. Qualitative Result of Students’ Perception on the Use of Google

In this part, the researcher presented qualitative data gathered from the second part of questionnaire which were four closed-ended questions and interview.

a. Open-ended result from Questionnaire

In this part, the researcher presented the data gathered from the open-ended part in the questionnaire. There were 4 open-ended questions that the students needed to answer in order to gather data.

i. Students’ difficulties on writing Analytical Exposition

There were 5 sources of difficulties as the result of the question number 1. The findings were vocabulary, grammar, translating, making paragraph, and developing the theme. The first source of difficulty was vocabulary. Vocabulary was the essential component whenever people wanted to make sentences or paragraphs. Therefore, the minimum knowledge about vocabulary was needed. The followings were the example of the students‟ answers; Student 30 wrote: “Memilih kata untuk menjadi sebuah tulisan yang benar.” Choosing the vocabulary to be a correct form of writing. Meanwhile student 20 wrote: “Kesulitan menentukan kata-kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat dan menentukan bentuk lampau atau tidaknya penggunaan verb 123 ” 40 It is difficult to decide which vocabularies to be used to make sentences. It is difficult to decide the past form of a vocabulary and the use of verb 123 This finding was supported by White, Graves, and Slater 1990 who stated that vocabulary knowledge is the single best predict of English learners‟ academic achievement. Therefore, students who did not know a lot of vocabularies found it difficult to make a good writing. Next, the second source of difficulty was grammar. In order to make a good sentence, students should understand the basic knowledge of the use on English tenses. However, because English was not students‟ first language, it was difficult to master grammar and applied it. Student 3 wrote; “Agak kesulitan dalam menggunakan grammar yang benar dan susunan kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan standar.” It is difficult to use the correct grammar and make a correct sentence. Meanwhile student 12 wrote; “Saya kesulitan dalam menggunakan grammar.” I find it difficult to use grammar. Student 14 wrote; “Kesulitannya itu pada grammar.Masih kurang paham tentang Grammar.” The difficulty is in grammar. I still do not understand how to use grammar. 41 From the result above, it could be seen that students was lack of knowledge of grammar. Most of the students in XI IPS 1 agreed that grammar was very difficult and gave them problem. The next finding for number 1 was the translating problem. Students of XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 Banguntapan were writing their Analytical Exposition in Indonesian before they translated it into English. However, translating it into English was not an easy job for them. Student 7 wrote: “Kesulitan mengubah kata dari bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris.” It is difficult to change the Indonesia vocabularies into English. Student 11 wrote; “Susah karena sebenarnya tidak mengerti artinya.” It is difficult because I do not know the meaning. The finding number 4 was about making good sentences and a paragraph. Most of the students did not know a lot of vocabulary and did not understand grammar well. Therefore, they found it difficult to make a proper sentence. In student‟s 17 opinion; “Saya kesulitan merangkai kata yang benar dan tepat untuk digunakan dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang baik.” I find it difficult to find a correct vocabulary to be used in a proper English sentence. 42 Meanwhile student 15 had the similar opinion which was; “Kesulitan menyusun kata demi kata, sulit menyusun grammar untuk dijadikan kalimat.” It is difficult to compose word by word.It is difficult to compose a sentence with a proper tense. The last finding was about developing the theme to make it into a good Analytical Exposition. Even though the teacher already gave them the theme for their writing, the students still found it difficult to develop their ideas. The answer that was written by student 25 was; “Susah buat mengembangkan pembahasan dari tema.” It is difficult to develop the ideas from the theme given. Meanwhile student 29 wrote the similar answer as; “Susah bikin cerita dari tema yang sudah ada.” It is difficult to make a story from the theme given. From the result above, it could be seen that the students‟ problems in writing Analytical Exposition were in basic things such as vocabulary and grammar as the majority of the class wrote those two findings the most. The two major findings were followed by their difficulties in translating from Indonesian into English, their skill to arrange sentences and paragraphs, and the lack of creativity to develop the theme that already given. 43 ii. Students’ opinions about the use of Google Translate in writing Analytical Exposition There were only two findings for the question number 2. The first finding which written the most by the students was it was not helping much. Google Translate was not reliable because it had no specific system that could help people who needed to do translation. It could be understood because Google Translate was a free tool. For question number 2, student 1 had an opinion as following; “Google Translate kurang membantu dalam penerjemahan kalimat yang panjang karena ada beberapa terejemahan yang tidak sesuai.” Google Translate does not help much in translating long sentence because there are mistranslations in it. Student 15 had a similar opinion and wrote; “Tidak setuju memakai Google Translate, karena di Google Translate grammarnya tidak sesuai.” I do not agree to use Google Translate because the grammar is not correct. The answer that was written by student 15 was supported by student 8 who wrote; “Google Translate kurang akurat dalam pembahasan.” Google Translate is not accurate in translating. Meanwhile the second finding found that the students also found Google Translate was useful and helped them a lot in the process of writing Analytical Exposition.