Research Method The students` perception on the use of google translate in writing analytical exposition text : a study at SMA N 1 Banguntapan.


b. Open-ended questions

The aim of open-ended questions was to give freedom to the participants to write the answer. These kinds of questions were good, however it was difficult to code and classify. It meant the researcher should work harder in order to find the answer.

2. Interview

The aim of interview in this study was to obtain data in details from the participants. The interview allowed the researcher to obtain more data and clarify some of the data which already existed from the questionnaire. As Kerlinger 1970 states, interview could be used to follow up unexpected results or to go deeper into the motivations of respondents and their reasons for responding as they do as cited in Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2011, p. 411. Thus, the researcher could clarify the students‟ answers in questionnaire and got the clearer answers through interview. Interview in this study was a set of questions which were asked to the respondents. The answers were recorded which the interviewer was free to modify the sequence of questions, change the wording, explain them or add to them to the completely informal interview Cohen, Manion, and Morrison; 2011. By using those instruments, the researcher wanted to figure out the perception of the use of Google Translate by students in XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 22 Banguntapan in writing exposition text. The data gathering technique was going to be done in two steps. The first step was the researcher distributed the questionnaire to XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 Banguntapan. The researcher distributed the questionnaires after observing the class during the PPL. The researcher expected that the students already used Google Translate to help them doing writing assignments which was given by the researcher as an individual assignment. The next step was the researcher did the interview with students who always used Google Translate to help them in doing the assignments and with the students who did not really use Google Translate. This interview was done with expectation the researcher obtained clearer and reliable data. The researcher was going to interview two learners who have the most positive answer toward Google Translate and other two learners who have the most negative answer toward Google Translate. The interview was done in two days, with two learners each day and took 20 minutes the most for each learner.

E. Data Analysis Technique

1. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data was numerical data that was from the study Cohen, Manion, and Morrison; 2011. The qualitative data from this study would be from the first part of the questionnaire. The first part of the