Discussion The students` perception on the use of google translate in writing analytical exposition text : a study at SMA N 1 Banguntapan.

58 Kreitner and Kinicki 2007, p. 207 perception is a cognitive process which lets people to interpret and understand surroundings. The students‟ perception on the use of Google Translate in writing their Analytical Exposition was connected by students‟ own experiences which was supported Warga 1983 who state that perception is based on the past experience. Based on the data analysis, students could not decide whether Google Translate helped them as a learning tool in writing Analytical or not as the majority of answers chosen by the students were „undecided‟. From the data gathered, it could be concluded that Google Translate sometimes helped the students in writing Analytical Exposition but sometimes it did not help students in XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 Banguntapan. Some of the students believed that Google Translate helped them in writing Analytical Exposition as they kept using it meanwhile other students disagreed that Google Translate could help them in writing Analytical Exposition. 59 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusions from the discussion in chapter IV and the suggestions. The researcher divides this chapter into two parts. The first part is the conclusions which are the summary of the research findings. Meanwhile the second part is the suggestions for the future studies.


There was only one research problem in this study which was; what is the students‟ perception about the use of Google Translate as a writing tool in writing analytical exposition text in XI IPS 1 in SMA N 1 Banguntapan? After conducting the study, the researcher found that the students used Google Translate in writing analytical exposition text because they had difficulties in understanding English. The students had difficulties in memorizing vocabulary and understanding grammar which made writing become difficult. Yet, understanding grammar and having rich vocabulary were essential to produce a good writing. Through the questionnaire and the interview, the researcher obtained the data about the students‟ perceptions on the use of Google Translate in writing analytical exposition text in XI IPS 1 SMA N 1 Banguntapan. From the questionnaire and the interview, the result showed that the students could not 59 60 decide yet whether they had negative or positive perceptions as the majority of the answers were undecided. The students were still in the process of learning and the result showed that some of students found that Google Translate was helpful; meanwhile other students did not find that Google Translate was helpful for them.


Based on the findings of this study, the researcher proposes some suggestions related to this study. The suggestions are for the English teacher in grade XI, the students of grade XI, and the future researchers. The suggestions are as follows.

1. English Teachers of Grade XI

Based on the data obtained, it showed that the teacher did not really pay attention to the students‟ needs. Therefore, the role of the teachers is still really needed in the class. It would be better if the teacher give students vocabulary tests regularly to enrich the students‟ vocabulary. The teachers also need to be more creative in teaching grammar since the students are bored and do not understand with the conventional way of teaching grammar.

2. Students of Grade XI

Based on the data obtained, the students need to be more active in learning English. Even though the teachers do not provide enough materials to learn vocabulary and grammars, the students can learn it by themselves. Students are suggested to go online, read a lot of English article to enrich the vocabularies and grammar. Group study is also suggested since peer learning 61 is more comfortable because they are in the same age. Hopefully students can improve their English vocabulary and grammar through self-learning when they feel they do not get enough materials in the class.

3. Future Researchers

Even though this thesis still has many flaws, the researcher still hopes that there will be future researchers to conduct the similar research. In this research, the results showed that the students cannot decide yet whether Google Translate is helpful or not since they are still in the process of learning. However it was only from the students‟ perceptions. It will be great if future researches can conduct a study that shows the teachers‟ perception on the use Google Translate on writing Analytical Exposition. 62 REFERENCES Altman, S., Valenzi, E., Hadgetts, R. M. 1985. Organizational behavior: Theory and practice. Orlando: Academia Press, Inc. Anderson, M., Anderson, K., 1997. Text types in English.South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australian PTY LTD. Brown, D. H. 2007. Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Pearson Education, Inc. Catford, J.C. 1965. A linguistic theory of translation: An essay in applied linguistics Vol. 8. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chenhall, R. H. Morris, D. 1986. The impact of structure, environment, and interdependence on the perceived usefulness of management accounting systems.Retrieved July 31, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable247520 Coffin, C. 2001. Arguing about how the world is or how the world should be: The role of argument in ELTS test. Retrieved on January 28, 2016, from http:oro.open.ac.uk37801EAP_respository.pdf Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. 2011. Research methods in education 7 th ed.. New York: Routledge. Cunnigham, A., Redmond, M. L. 2008. Instructional design and early language learning: Cognition, creativity, and technology. Retrieved December 01, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable20063728 De bot, K., Lowie, W., Verpoor. 2005. SLA: An advanced resource book. London: Routledge. Gall, M. D., Gall, J. P., Borg, W. R. 2007. Education research: An introduction. Boston: Pearson Education Limited. Gardner, R. C., 1983. Learning another language; A true social psychological experiment. London: Edward Arrold. Gardner, R. C., 1985. Social psychology and second language learning: The role of attitudes and motivation. London: Edward Arnold Publishers. George, J. M., Jones, G. R. 2005. Understanding and managing organizational behavior. Phoenix, AZ: Pearson Education. Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, H. M., Donnelly, J. H. 2006. Organizations: Behavior-structure-process 12 th ed.. Plano: Business Publication, Inc. 62 63 Harmer, J. 2011. The practice of English language learning 3 rd ed.. Harlow: Pearson education. Hendrickson, A. R., Massey, P. D., Cronan, T. P. 1993. On the test-rates reliability of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use scales. Retrieved August 8, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable249803 Huffman, K., Vermoy, M. 2000. Organizational behavior 8 th ed.. New York: McGrow-Hill, Inc. Igbaria, M., Parasuraman, S., Baroudi, J. J. 1996. A motivational model of microcomputer New York. Retrieved August 4, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable40398206 Joshi, A., Kale, S., Chandel, S., Pal, D. K. 2015. Likert Scale: Explored and Explained. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from sciencedomain.orgdownloadODlwNkBAcGY Kreitner, R Kinicki, A. 2007.Organizational behavior. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Lee, S. H., Muncie, J. 2006. From receptive to productive: improving ESL learners‟ use of vocabulary in postreading composition task. Retrieved November 13, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable40264524 Mali, J. N. 2007. A gendre-based approach to writing across the curriculum in isixhosa in the cape peninsula schools. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from http:etd.sun.ac.zabitstream1--196731.Mali-Jali,20N.pdf Meyers, A. 2005. Gateways to academic writing: Effective sentences, paragraphs, and essays. New York: Longman. Mouly, G. J. 1973. Psychology of effective learning 3 rd ed.. New York: Holt Rinehalt Winston, Inc. Nida, E. A., Taber, C. R. 1974. The theory and practice of translation. Leiden: United Biblie Societies. Robertson, M., Fluck, A. 2004. Capacity building in geographical education: strategic use of online technologies. Retrieved December 1, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable40573998 Rouse, W. H. D. 1908. The Classical Review pp. 105-110. Retrieved May 19, 2015, from http:www.jstor.org. Sjolie, D. 2006. Phrase and clause grammar tactics for the ESLELL writing classroom.Retrieved November 13, 2015, from http:www.jstor.orgstable30046586