Data Collecting Method Data Analyzing Method

Figure 3.4.1. Components of data analysis: interractive model That data has three main components: 1. Data reduction: This refers to the process whereby the mass of qualitative data you may obtain: interview transcripts, field notes, observation, etc. It is reduced and organized, for example coding, writing summaries, discarding irrelevant data and so on. The writer presented the data from article JokoWidodo : Man of The Year , reduced from 43 into 30 sentence that converted into x-bar analysis. 2. Data display: To draw conclusions from the mass of data. Miles and Huberman suggest that a good display of data, in the form of tables, charts, networks, and other graphical formats is essential. This is a continual process, rather than just one to be carried out at the end of the data collection. The writer presented the data from Globe Asia Magazine, which there are articles discussing about the government of Jokowi. 3. Drawing and verifying conclutions: Your analysis should allow you to begin the develop conclusions regarding your study. These initial conclusions can then be verified, that is their validity examined through reference to your existing field notes or further data collection. The conclusions obtained that has been displayed and reduced, from Globe Asia Magazine, that there are more active sentence used in the Magazine than passive sentence, because the context is talking about the present day. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING

4.1 Active Sentence

Active voice describes a sentence where the subject performs the action stated by the verb. In Globe Asia Magazine, which concerned to Jokowi’s text, the writer found 43 active sentences. This kind of active sentence below is presented in the form of tree diagram transformative generative grammar and then converted into x-bar analysis, from 1-30 sentence below: 1 The country is crying out for the leadership. p. 10 NP NP PP PP Prep V Prep Det N Det N The country is crying out for the leadership After conversion into X-bar categories: N-Double Bar SPEC N-Bar The N-Bar COMPL N P-Bar for the leadership country P V-Double Bar is V –Bar V crying out The main idea behind the X-Bar theory is to explain the similarity between the rules for each category. The X in X-Bar theory is a variable over categories. When we talk of XP, we mean to be describing any kind of phrase VP, NP, AdjP, AdvP, PP, TP, CP,…... As we see the tree diagram above, the COMPL “for the leadership” became completed of this NP “the country” after converted into X-Bar analysis.