X-Bar Nodes X-Bar Syntax

“X-Bar”. The notation XP stands for X Phrase, and is equivalent to X-Bar-Bar X with a double overbar, written X, usually read as X double bar.

2.4.1 X-Bar Nodes

The deficiency in the earlier model of transformational grammar was remedied by the creation of X-Bar Syntax or X-Bar Theory. It takes into consideration that many other kind of lexical and phrasal units in language need to have an X-Bar category added to their phrase markers. In order to more adequately describe the process, linguists noted that each kind of phrase has a head constituent upon which a phrase is constructed. HEAD PHRASE COMMENT N NP The Noun is the functional head of a Noun Phrase V VP The Verb is the functional head of a Verb Phrase A AP The Adjective is the functional head of an Adjectival Phrase P PP The Preposition is the functional head of a Prepositional Phrase ADV ADVP The Adverb is the functional head of the Adverbial Phrase Q QP The Quantifier is the functional head of a Quantifier Phrase From this pattern of head constructions, linguists were able to generalize that X is the head of XP. HEAD PHRASE COMMENT X XP X is the functional head of the X Phrase This new way of categorizing phrase markers allows linguists to create three levels of categories: X, X-bar, and X-Double Bar. PHRASE X-BAR UNIT HEAD X-Double Bar X-Bar X NP N-bar N VP V-bar V AP A-Bar A PP P-Bar P ADVP ADV-Bar ADV QP Q-Bar Q Under this new way of writing phrase structure rules X-Bar Theory, the phrase marker discussed earlier appears as follows; Further evidence for X-Bar Theory comes from the following sentence in which very tall girl must be treated as a unit and pronominalized and not this very tall girl. Hence, very tall girl has to be treated as a unit, viz., N-Bar. Acceptable Sentence Very tall girl though she is, everyone admires her. Unacceptable Sentence This very tall girl though she is, every admires her.

2.4.2 X-Bar Syntax

In X-Bar Theory, every phrase is endocentric. This means that every phrase has an element in its construction that acts as the head of the construction. Hence, X is the head of construction, XP. The head of the construction is X, the category immediately above it is X-Bar and the category above X-Bar is X-Double Bar. Hence, the rules for X-Bar Syntax can be stated as follows: Xm Xm-1 ..….. Xn This description as stated is not adequate because it does not mention the fact that in English Specifiers SPEC occur before X and Complements COMPL occur after X. Hence, the following rule revision is of X-Bar Syntactical is necessary: PS Rule 1 X-Double Bar SPEC + X-Bar PS Rule 2 X-Bar X + COMPL PS Rule 3 X-Bar X-Bar When these rules are applied, it produces the following phrase marker: This pattern illustrates an X-Bar Template for English. In this language, the Head of an endocentric construction comes after the Specifier. In other languages, the Head may come before a Specifier. Similarly, in English the Complement follows the Head of an endocentric construction. In other languages, the reverse order of constituents may occur. What this variation in the order of constituents means is that each language must have its order specified by general rules known as Licensing Conditions. Consider the following examples of the placement of Complements with respect to the functional Head of X-Bar phrases in English. Now, consider the following examples of the placement of Specifiers with respect to the functional Head in X-Double Bar phrases in English . Modifiers and Specifiers have been treated as the same constituent in most of the literature in Government and Binding Theory. However, some linguists who work with X- Bar Theory on the lexical level want to make a distinction between Specifiers and Modifiers. By the latter, Modifiers, they have in mind a restricted clause that modifies the Head of the phrase, i. e, it limits the reference. This means that Modifiers function as restrictive complements. The last rule in X-Bar Syntax is the recursive rule that allows X-Bar to duplicate itself. The recursiveness of constituents within a phrase marker is a fact about natural language and the theory must account for this generative capacity within the grammar. Notice the following example in which products of the recursive rule can be found. Transform the following surface structure sentences into traditional phrase markers. Next convert these into the constituents of X-Bar Syntax. In the grafic example of analysis, notice that a Noun must belong to a higher constituent, viz., N-Bar and N-Double Bar, example sentence: A Student of Physics with long hair.  Example before the Conversion into X-Bar Categories:  Example after the Conversion into X-Bar Categories:

2.5 Globe Asia Magazine

Magazines are publications, usually periodical publications, that are printed or published electronically the online version called online magazines. They are generally published on a regular schedule and contain a variety of content. They are generally financed by advertising, by a purchase price, by prepaid subscriptions, or a combination of the three above. At it is root, the word “magazine” refers to a collection or storage location. In case of written publication, it is a collection of written articles. Globe Asia Magazine is quarterly magazine published by the East Asia Foundation. Similar in concept to Foreign Policy and Foreign Affairs, Globe Asia deals with global issues, but with a special focus on Asia. The editor in chief is Chung in Moon of Yonsei University.


3.1 Research Design

Method research is the process of collecting data, analyzing, and find the solution in the field of science. In this research the writer uses the qualitative research, which is qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social sciences, but also in market research and further contexts Creswell:2006.Mardalis 1995:24 says “Metodedisinidiartikansebagaisuatucaraatauteknis yang dilakukandalam proses penelitian. Sedangkanpenelitianitusendiridiartikansebagaiupayadalambidangilmupengetahuan yang dijalankanuntukmemperolehfakta-faktadanprinsip-prinsipdengansabar, hati- hatidansistematisuntukmewujudkankebenaran”.Method is defined as a way or technical that used in the research process. Whereas the research itself is defined as an attempt in the field of science that is run to obtain the facts and principles patiently, carefully and systematically to realize the truth.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data of this analysis is sentence structure which taken from an article entitled is JokoWidodo: Man of the Year found in Globe Asia Magazine January 2014. The sentences