Place and Time of Research Research Design

42 question is same, in order to make Creative Thinking Ability students are more developed. A pre-test is to determine the students ability at the beginning before the action. A post-test is to determine the students’ ability after the action is given. This Creative Thinking Ability test uses test from Torrance or TTCT The Torrance Creativity Thinking. 3. Documentation Documentation is the result of recording students’ learning process in the class. The documentations use in this research are a Ulangan Harian UH mark in taxation subject to divide a group when discussion and photos when the learning process by using Problem Based Learning Model to improve the students’ Creative Thinking Ability.

F. Research Instruments

Instruments are tools that use by researcher to facilitate the measurement of variables Mustafa EQ 2009: 93. The instruments used in this research are as follows: 1. Observation Sheet Observation sheet used to observe the students’ Creative Thinking Ability during the learning process by using Problem Based Learning Model. There are guidelines for observation with the indicator of Creative Thinking Ability to make the observation easier. The 43 following lattice Creative Thinking Ability of observation instruments is as follows: Table 4. Lattice of Creative Thinking Ability Observation Sheet No. Characteristics of Creative Thinking Ability Indicators of Creative Thinking Ability 1. Fluency thinking skills a. Student asks questions when learning process. b. Student is able to answer questions by teacher and other students. 2. Original thinking skills The student is able to provide answers the questions that come from his own mind. 3. Detailing or elaborating skills The student is able to express the reason of answers the questions that successfully addressed the student. Source: Danny Susilo 2014: 36-39 with modifications Scoring the indicator of Creative Thinking Ability by using a predetermined scoring guidelines, as follows: Table 5. Scoring Guidelines of Creative Thinking Ability Category Score Creative 3 Enough 2 Less Creative 1 From the lattice of Creative Thinking Ability observation sheet in Table 4, it is described more detailed the criteria for each indicator and each score in the following table: Table 6. Observation Guidelines of Creative Thinking Ability No. Indicators of Creative Thinking Ability Criteria Score 1 Student asks questions when learning process. Creative: student asked a question by own volition when learning process. 3 44 No. Indicators of Creative Thinking Ability Criteria Score Enough: student ask questions after given the opportunity to ask questions when learning process. 2 Less Creative: student does not ask when learning process. 1 2 The student is able to answer questions by teacher and other students. Creative: student answer questions from the teacher and other students of own volition or without designated beforehand. 3 Enough: student answer questions from teacher and other students after being appointed to respond. 2 Less Creative: student does not try to answer questions from teacher and other students. 1 3 The student is able to provide answers the questions that come from his own mind. Creative: student answer questions or express ideas without reading the book derived from his own thoughts. 3 Enough: student answer questions or express ideas with occasional reading a book. 2 Less Creative: student answer questions or express an idea by reading the answer in the book as a whole. 1 4 The student is able to express the reason of answers the questions that successfully addressed the student. Creative: student explains the reason of the answers heshe proposed example ... because ... for obvious reasons. 3 Enough: student explains the reason of the answers 2