The Observation of Creative Thinking Ability

95 able to give an answer to the question by own mind without reading a book, because the students are still not confident to deliver an idea with own mind. The students still confidently explained their ideas with occasionally reading or viewing the contents of a book first. Table 24. Comparison of the Score Obtained by Students on Indicator D of Creative Thinking Ability Cycle I to Cycle II Score Indicator D of Creative Thinking Ability Cycle I Cycle II Differen ce Explanation Amount of Student Amount of Student 1 25 80,64 17 53,13 27,51 Amount of students who obtain a score 1 decreased for amount 27,51. 2 1 3,23 7 21,87 18,64 Amount of students who obtain a score 2 increased for amount 18,64. 3 5 16,13 8 25 8.87 Amount of students who obtain a score 3 increased for amount 8,87. Total 31 100 32 100 Source: primer data Table 12 and Table 17 Based on the Table 24, the amount of students who obtain a score 1 decreased for amount 27,51 because an increasing amount of students who are able to put forward the reason answer of question successfully answered by students during the learning process. Amount of students who obtain a score 2 increased for amount 18,64 because the students are able to give reasons for the answer of the question that successfully answered by the students, but has not been yet obtimal in explaining it. While on score 3, there is an increase for 96 amount 8,87 because the students are able to explain the reason answer of the question maximaly and claerly. So, on indicator D there is an increase the students Creative Thinking Ability from the cycle I to cycle II.

4. The Successful Action of the Students Creative Thinking Ability from Cycle I to Cycle II

The successful action in this research is when 75 of total students can achieve a score of observation result and Creative Thinking Ability post-test at least 75. The students can be said achieved the successful action when an amount of observation result The observation result on the cycle I and II in Appendix 1.17 and 2.15 pages 156 and 206 and the Creative Thinking Ability post-test at least get a mark of 75 The post-test result on the cycle I and II in Appendix 1.19 and 2.17 pages 158 and 208. It is obtained from the Creative Thinking Ability observation result of students during the taxation learning using Problem Based Learning Model and after answering the Creative Thinking Ability post-test. So the successful action each cycle can be known after calculating the score of observation result and the score of the Creative Thinking Ability post-test all students. Then calculate the average of the class. The result will show has reached the criteria of successful action or not, show from how many students who get the minimum mark of 75. 97 The successful action each student on the cycle I and cycle II are obtained by calculating total score of observation and Creative Thinking Ability post-test, based on the following formula The calculation of Creative Thinking Ability successful action on the cycle I and II in Appendix 1.20 and 2.18 page 159 and 209: N = + X 100 Description: N : mark of the successful action R1 : total score from observation result R2 : total score from post-test result SM1 : maximum score ideal from observation SM2 : maximum score ideal from post-test 100 : fixed number There is table to describe the improvement of Creative Thinking Ability successful action of students class XI Accounting 2 at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta academic year 20162017 from the cycle I to cycle II: Table 25. The Creative Thinking Ability Successful Action of Students Class XI Accounting 2 from Cycle I to Cycle II No. Description The Successful Action Cycle I The Successful Action Cycle II 1 The average of score observation and post-test 52,01 76,43 2 Highest mark 87,5 91.67 3 Lowest mark 33,33 50 4 Students who achieve the successful action 3 24 5 The percentage of students who achieve the successful action 9,68 75 Source: primer data Table 14 and Table 19 98 Based on the Table 25, showed the average of score observation and post-test on the cycle I for amount 52,01 become 76,43 after the implementation of cycle II. There are indicates an improvement the Creative Thinking Ability from the cycle I to cycle II for amount 24,42. In terms of the amount of students who achieve the successful action, on the cycle I from 31 students who attend in the class there are 3 students 9,68 who had been obtained a mark at least 75. After the implementation on the cycle II from 32 students who attend in the class there are 24 students 75 had been obtained a mark at least 75. Based on the explanation, the improvement of the average of score observation and post-test from the cycle I to cycle II can be seen in the graphic chart bellow: Figure 3. The Graphic Chart of Improvement the Average of Score Observation and Post-test from Cycle I to Cycle II 99 Based on the Figure 3, the average of score observation and post-test on the cycle I for amount 52,01 becomes 76,43 after the implementation of cycle II. There are 24,42 improved from the cycle I to cycle II. In terms of improving the students who achieve the criteria of successful action can be seen in the graphic chart below: Figure 4. The Graphic Chart of Improvement the Percentage of Students Who Achieve the Criteria of Successful Action from Cycle I to Cycle II Based on the Figure 4, there are an improve the percentage of students who achieved the criteria of successful action from the cycle I to cycle II. On the cycle I, the students who achieved the criteria of successful action for amount 3 students or 9,68 reached a mark of observation result and post-test at least 75. On the cycle II, the student who achieves the criteria of successful action for amount 24 students 100 or 75 reached a mark of observation result and post-test at least 75. There is an improvement for amount 65,32. Accordance with the criteria of successful action in research method, the implementation of Problem Based Learning Model can improve the Creative Thinking Ability of students class XI Accounting 2 on taxation subject when 75 of total students can achieve a score of observation result and Creative Thinking Ability post-test at least 75. Anghileri in Beetlestone 2012: 29-30 explained that a creative approach has a real benefit for the development of student mathematical ability. From the class action research, it is shown that through the creative approach is the Creative Thinking Ability has benefit for the development of the students’ taxation ability class XI Accounting 2 to think creatively during the learning process by implementation of Problem Based Learning Model. Can be concluded that the implementation of Problem Based Learning Model on taxation subject has been able to improve the students’ Creative Thinking Ability in class XI Accounting 2 at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta academic year 20162017 based on the research result.

D. The Research Limitations

The implementation of Problem Based Learning Model to improve the Creative Thinking Ability of students class XI Accounting 2 in taxation subject at SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta academic year 20162017 there are some limitations: