Research Objective Research Benefits

12 learning is focused on problem solving, 3 the goal of learning determined by the student, and 4 teachers as facilitators. The problem should be: relevant to the learning objectives and interesting. Characteristics of Problem Based Learning Model according to Rusman 2014: 232-233 are: 1 Problems become the starting point in learning. 2 The issues raised are problems that exist in the real world that are not structured. 3 Problems required multiple perspectives. 4 Problems challenge the knowledge owned by students, attitude, and the compensation which requires the identification of learning needs. 5 Learn self-direction becomes the main thing. 6 Utilization of diverse sources of knowledge and evaluation of resources. 7 Learning is collaborative, communications, and cooperative. 8 The development of inquiry and problem solving skills is important same as understanding content of knowledge to find solutions to a problem. 9 Transparency in PBL include the synthesis and integration of a learning process. 13 10 PBL involves the evaluation and review the student experience and learning process. In Problem Based Learning Model, the teacher as a facilitator and called the tutor because process the discussion in a group called a tutorial. No longer as an expert and a source to provide knowledge in the classroom. Students are faced with the problem and try to solve it with their knowledge by working in groups. Problem Based Learning Model requires students to take responsibility for the problems and not depend on the teacher only so the students will independently and creatively. c. Purpose of Problem Based Learning Model Ibrahim and Nur in Rusman 2014: 242 explained the goal of Problem Based Learning Model, namely: 1 help students to develop the ability to think and solve problems, 2 study the roles of adults through their inclusion in a real experience, 3 become autonomous students. Thinking skills students can develop through discussion with groups related to the daily problems and presented to students include the learning material. In that discussion will show new ideas and Creative Thinking Ability will be formed. Harsono in Suprihatiningrum 2013: 216 explained Problem Based Learning Model aims to make students able to acquire and establish knowledge in efficiently, contextual, and integrated. Problem Based Learning Model is learning process in 14 small groups with a tutorial system. Beetlestone 2012: 29-30 explained the activity of problem solving give an opportunity for students to use their imagination, to reach their ideas, and thinking about probability. Because, problem solving using elements of creativity, this activity gives a way to appear self-directed at a level. Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that the purpose of Problem Based Learning Model is to train students thinking ability to solve problems in the daily life to create an independent and creative students in learning. Through Problem Based Learning Model students thinking ability, particularly Creative Thinking Ability will be trained so it will be used to solve problems that will be encountered in daily life. d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Problem Based Learning Model Uden and Beaumont in Suprihatiningrum 2013: 222 explained the advantages that can be observed from students in learning process using Problem Based Learning Model namely: 1 Good ability to remember information and knowledge. 2 Develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, and communication skills. 3 Develop a knowledge base in integration. 4 Enjoy learning. 5 Increasing motivation.