18 Kichijiro, a Christian Japanese person, who is afraid to act his faith publicly. Rodrigues and Garrpe are ambitious men who desire to find their teacher, Ferreira, who commit to apostate when the persecution happened in Japan. They also want to spread the gospel, especially to Japan, the country that still adores and worships sun. They successfully arrived in Japan and stayed in the small village. The inhabitants of this village are Catholic. They hide their faith because they are afraid of the government that banned Christianity. Rodrigues and Garrpe serve in the village and minister sacraments among the inhabitants. Unfortunately, the government was suspicious with the activity of the village. They sent a spy to observe the village and they found that there was a prohibited activity in the village. The punishment came. Some of the villagers are arrested, and some of them were died because of the persecution include Garrpe. In the end of the story, while facing his martyrdom, Rodrigues feels sad and pity with the condition of Christian faithful. The government attempts him to renounce his faith and the villagers will be saved. Rodrigues must trample a picture of Christ called fumie, that‟s the evidence that he renounces his faith. Finally, Rodrigues puts his feet at the fumie, and the Christian villagers are released from the persecution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19

B. Approach of the Study

The study uses psychological approach to answer the first and the second formulated problems. The psychological approach is used to help the researcher analyze the surface meaning of the song. This approach insists that all the elements necessary for understanding the work are contained within the work itself. In general, psychology tries to examine and study the attitudes and behavior of human beings as a description of psychiatric symptoms behind him. Because the soul itself is essentially abstract, then to study human mental life it is only likely to be seen from the symptoms appear. In conclusion, psychology is the study of a persons soul through behavioral symptoms can be observed. Psychological approach is the psychological perspective on various phenomena and other dimensions of good behavior viewed individually, socially, and education. By using psychological approach, the researcher can analyze the deeper meaning and understanding of Rodrigues‟ decision to apostate his faith and convert to Buddhism. This approach also has a purpose which is to answer the formulated problems.

C. Method of the Study

In writing this research, the researcher uses library research to analyze the novel and solve the problems formulation. George 2008 states that the methods of library research are identifying and locating sources that provide factual information or expert opinion. In this case, the researcher uses a book as