Theory of Character and Characterization

15 problems, the researcher uses some expert s’ theories to support the findings. Those theories are theory of motivation, theory of personality, theory of character, and psychological approach. To solve the first problem, the researcher uses the theory of characteristics by Murphy and theory of personality by Gordon Willard Allport. These two theories are use to answer the characteristics of Rodrigues as seen in the novel. Next, to solve the second problem, the researcher uses psychological approach by Jean-Paul Sartre and theory of motivation by Abraham Maslow to reveal the meaning of Rodrigues’ decision to convert to Buddhism.

D. Context of the Novel

In this part, the researcher will give information about the historical biographical background of the writer and the setting of the novel. Shusaku Endo was a Japanese writer. He has been known for his novels about the relationship and comparison between the West and the East. Endo was born in Tokyo, on March 27, 1923. Although he was born in Japan, but mostly grew up in China. After his parents divorced, he came back to Kobe, Japan with his mother. At the age 11, Endo became a Catholic with the encourage of his mother and his aunt. He attended Keio University in Tokyo. In there he experienced persecuted by his Japanese fellows because of his faith. Later he went to study French’ Catholic style writing in University of Lyons, France. His novel Silence Taplinger, 1969 is a fictional novel about seventeenth century young Portuguese priest namely Sebastian Rodrigues. Rodrigues comes to Japan to find the truth behind the rumors that his former teacher in Seminary, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 Ferreira, has renounced his faith. In Japan he must face with religious persecution, and he is forced to renounce his faith to save the Christians. Silence is a tale of faith and faithlessness among Western’s believe and Eastern’s believe. Silence takes place in Japan during the 1600s. They banned all Catholic priest from the island. The government had a method of apostasy. They forced people to trample on fumie , a bronze picture of Christ and Virgin Mary. If they would not renounce their faith, they will be executed. Christians who kept practicing their faith were called “underground Christians”. From that moment, the story in Silence was begin. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17


This chapter consists of three parts. The first part is the object of the study which is related to the novel. In this part, the researcher gives the summary of the novel. The second part is the approach of the study. In this part, the researcher explains the psychological approach that is used to analyze the problem formulations. The third part is the method of the study. This part contains the method and gives the readers information about the steps that are conducted in order to accomplish this research

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel entitled Silence by Shusaku Endo. Shusaku Endo is a Catholic Japanese author. Silence was published in Japan in 1966. Following, in 1969 it was published in England and translated by William Johnston under Taplinger Publishing Company. Endo became the recipients of Tanizaki Prize in 1966 because of this novel. Silence called “Endo‟s Supreme Achievement” and a good classic novel at that time. Following of the publication of the novel, this make a controversy in 1967. Silence tells about the tragedy that must be faced by Christians in Japan. Endo takes the character of Jesuit missionary, named Rodrigues and Garrpe to be the main character of this novel. Besides that, he also added one character named PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 Kichijiro, a Christian Japanese person, who is afraid to act his faith publicly. Rodrigues and Garrpe are ambitious men who desire to find their teacher, Ferreira, who commit to apostate when the persecution happened in Japan. They also want to spread the gospel, especially to Japan, the country that still adores and worships sun. They successfully arrived in Japan and stayed in the small village. The inhabitants of this village are Catholic. They hide their faith because they are afraid of the government that banned Christianity. Rodrigues and Garrpe serve in the village and minister sacraments among the inhabitants. Unfortunately, the government was suspicious with the activity of the village. They sent a spy to observe the village and they found that there was a prohibited activity in the village. The punishment came. Some of the villagers are arrested, and some of them were died because of the persecution include Garrpe. In the end of the story, while facing his martyrdom, Rodrigues feels sad and pity with the condition of Christian faithful. The government attempts him to renounce his faith and the villagers will be saved. Rodrigues must trample a picture of Christ called fumie, that‟s the evidence that he renounces his faith. Finally, Rodrigues puts his feet at the fumie, and the Christian villagers are released from the persecution. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI