Background of the Study

5 Church to perform and hold the sacrament. Sacrament aimed to the salvation of human, so human can be united with the body of the Christ and as the act of worship. Celebrating sacrament means that human can individually interact with Christ who comes in the form of sacrament Heuken, 2005. 4. Seminary Seminary is a school established for the academic and spiritual training of candidates of the priesthood. Seminary is built in every diocese. Seminary is a school in which priests are trained. A priest is the representative of Christ among men: his mission is to carry on Christs work for the salvation of souls; in Christs name and by His power, he teaches men what they ought to believe and what they ought to do: he forgives sins, and offers in sacrifice the Body and Blood of Christ Heuken, 2005. 5. Martyr Martyr derived from the Greek word, martus , which means a witness who testifies to a fact of which he has knowledge from personal observation. Based on The Catholic Dictionary Hardon, 1985 , martyr is a person who chooses to suffer, even to die, rather than renounces his or her faith or Christian principles p.143. 6


This chapter presents the review of literature. It contains review of the related studies, review of the related theories, and the theoretical framework. In the review of related theories, the researcher discusses some theories that are found, to support the analysis of the study. The theories are theory of motivation, theory of personality, theory of character, and psychological approach. The theoretical framework presents some theories used in this study to find the true meaning of Rodrigues’ decision in novel Silence.

A. Review of Related Study

In this section, the researcher wants to review previous related research. After viewing in the library thesis index, the researcher found that there is a thesis that also uses Silence as his research. The research was written by Yohanes Angie Kristiawan 2014. The title of his research is “ The Violence Experienced by the Japanese Christians Portrayed in Shusaku Endo’s Silence”. In his thesis, Angie discussed the kinds of persecution that were used to torture Christian believers in Japan. In conducting the research, Angie used historical approach in order to find the primary data. He explained that the approach was used to connect the situation of the novel and the real situation in 1660s. In analyzing the formulated problems, Angie used library research as the method PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI to collect the data. There were four theories to support the analysis of the study. The theories were prejudice, discrimination, violence, and typology of violence.

B. Review of Related Theories

This part reviews the theories which are employed in the study. There are some theories that will be used to solve the problems formulation. They are the theory of motivation, personality, character, and psychological approach.

1. Theory of Motivation

Maslow 1954 states that motivation is the human ‟s action that is driven by a need to fulfill in order to achieve a higher purpose of life called self-actualization p.301. He assumes human as a animal that wants to prey others for his satisfaction. When a person satisfies this one, still another clamor for satisfaction. It is the characteristic of human life that people almost always desire something. Maslow divides the motivation into five stages, which are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. Maslow describes human needs in the shape of hierarchical diagram. In this manner, Maslow ‟s model indicates that fundamental, lower-order needs like safety and physiological requirements have to be satisfied in order to pursue higher-level motivators along the lines of self-fulfilment. In Maslow ‟s diagram; or sometimes called Maslow ‟s needs pyramid; lower factor needs must be satisfied before continuing to satisfy the higher needs. Here is the diagram of five stages of motivation from Maslow: