Theory of Motivation Review of Related Theories

11 finds a suitable object for the gratification of needs. In other words, the function of the ego is to filter impulse that wants to be satisfied by the Id based on reality. c Superego Superego is a picture of awareness of the values and morals instilled by tradition, religion, parents, teachers and others in children. Basically superego is conscience someone who judges right or wrong someone‟s action. That means superego represents the ideals and obtaining oriented perfection. Ideals individual is also directed to the ideal values, so that each individual has a picture of the most ideal of himself.

3. Theory of Character and Characterization

Abrams 2005 states that character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work that interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dis positional qualities that are expressed in what they say and how they act. Barnet 1963 says that character has two meanings: someone who appears in a play, and second is the intellectual, emotional, and moral qualities that add up to a personality. Sartre, as cited by Webber 2006 st ates that an individual‟s character is person‟s collection of character traits, and these can be defined as relatively stable dispositions to think, feel, and behave in certain ways in certain situations. The language is used by the characters to express their feeling one another. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 characters can also use between trait and behavior patterns to emphasize their role. In answering the question, the researcher uses Murphy‟s characterization classification 1972. There are nine ways to characterize the characteristic of a person in a story: 1. His or her personal description Murphy states that the author describes the character by giving personal information such as body, skin, hair, eyes, and his or her clothes. 2. Character as seen by others In this part, the author uses a person‟s character as it is described by another character. Rodrigues‟ character can be seen from the other character‟s comment about him. 3. Speech of the character The identification of the character can be seen from the speech of the character. The author describes character through the words that come out from his or her mouth and the style of his or her own speech. 4. Past life of the character A character is influenced by his or her past. Therefore, the readers can see the event in the past to be used to determine 13 the character in the story. 5. Conversation of others The reader can recognize the character of the story by other people say about him or her. 6. Reactions The reactions happen when the character faces the problem. Every reaction towards problems bring the reader to the tendency how the character personality is. 7. Direct comment In this stage, the author gives the reception and direct comment to the character that he or she creates. 8. Thought The author gives the readers the direct knowledge about what of characters are thinking about. 9. Mannerism The author leads the readers by showing the character‟s mannerism. The author used it to reflect the personality of the character.