Approach of the Study Method of the Study

23 Actually, Rodrigues ‟ desire going to Japan is not about to convert Japanese people into Catholic, but his main mission is to find his former teacher in the Seminary, Cristovao Ferreira, who is rumoured, apostatize after enduring the torture. This mission becomes the most important goal on his “mission” trip to Japan. Although “evangelism” is not the main mission of Rodrigues‟ check list, he remembered the story of Francis Xavier who came to Japan and brought the gospel to the island. This great apostle to the East brought him an imagination to follow his path and to spread the good news. As a priest, he remembered that he has a duty to baptize all the world. Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature....What did the face of Christ look like?...Yet tonight for me the face is that of the picture preserved in Borgo San Sepulchro. There still remains fresh in my memory the time when I saw this picture as a seminarian for the first time. Christ has one foot on the sepulchre and in his right hand he holds a crucifix. He is facing straight out and his face bears the expression of encouragement it had when he commanded his disciples three times, „Feed my lambs, feed my lambs, feed my lambs..‟. It is a face filled with vigor and strength. I feel great love for that face. I am always fascinated by the face of Christ just like a man fascinated by the face of his beloved. p.35 Murphy 1972, in the theory of characterization states that a character is influenced by the past life. In this quotation, Rodrigues remembered about his past life when he lived in the seminary. There, he found a picture that became the motivation for him to go around the world and preach the gospel. Later, the face of Jesus from Borgo San Sepulchro always came in Rodrigues mind and became PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 his friend in the suffering ‟s time. Although there are many obstacles that might be faced, Rodrigues still wants to go around the villages to find the hidden Christians. He believes that there are other Christians who lived in the rural villages outside Tomogi. Garrpe did not allow Rodrigues to go around, because it may overcome the danger from the government. But, Rodrigues‟ desire was overflow, he convinced Garrpe about his mission. It is not impossible that there are still Christians in the villages and islands west of Tomogi, but under the circumstances we cannot so much stir outside our hut during the day. And yet I am determined, come what may, to seek out and find the lonely and abandoned flock. p.47

2. Doubtful

Sebastian Rodrigues ia a Catholic priest, in the ideal way he must be a good model for the faithful. However, Rodrigues has doubt in himself and his mission. In his mind if Ferreira, as his teacher can apostate his faith, how he as a students can deal with the faith and his status as a priest. In Portugal, which is Christianity is a major religion; there is no compromise with the Church, faith, and government. In there, these three aspects are balancing each other. There is no big problem that must make the Church dwell in fear. Equivalent with Portugal‟s church situation, the situation in Japan is so dangerous, especially for the Christians. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 Within the space of one short letter I don‟t know how to speak about the innumerable events that have crowded in to my life in the past two months. Moreover, in my present state I do not even know if this letter will ever reach you. But my mood is such that I just cannot keep from writing. p.37 In his journey, Rodrigues often sent letter to his order provincial, not only for the order in Portugal but also in the order‟s general house in Rome. The function of the letter is to inform his order about the trip and situation of the mission. In the past, Ferreira as a Japan‟s Jesuit provincial also sent some letters to his order, until he disappeared after his apostatize. In the letter above, Rodrigues felt uncertainty about his mission trip. Rodrigues began to doubt the existence of God after he saw the persecution that had to be faced by his followers. He forced God to answer his questions: Why the Christians must face the persecution? Why do the innocent people must die because their faith? And why does God keep silent with these all? There is no proof of the existence of God in the persecution that the must faced. I supposed I should simply cast from my mind these meaningless words of the coward; yet why does his plaintive voice pierce my breast with all the pain of a sharp needle? Why has Our Lord imposed this torture and this persecution on poor Japanese peasants? p.96 It is analyzed through Murphy‟s methods of characterization 1972. In this case, it is derived from the speech. This question becomes the beginning of Rod rigues‟ doubt about the existence of God. Since he came to Japan he has seen