Enthusiastic The characteristic of Sebastian Rodrigues

26 so many sufferings that must be burdened by Christians. They kept their faith and if the government knew, the punishments were waited. Rodrigues still did not understand why God still kept silent in that situation.

3. Idealistic

In the novel, Shusaku Endo described Rodrigues as an “emotionally unformed” man. Since he graduated from the Seminary and ordained as a priest, he has a high expectation about the dreams of become a “holy” priest. This expectation comes in Rodrigues‟ mind because of the teaching of his teacher, Ferreira, in the Seminary. Ferreira : „The Japanese are not able to think of God completely divorced from man; the Japanese cannot think of an existence that transcends the human.‟ Rodrigues:„Christianity and the Church are truths that transcend all countries and teritories. If not, what meaning is there in our missionary work?‟ p. 241 The quotation above is Rodrigues‟ answer, taken from the conversation between Rodrigues and Ferreira, when they met in Japan. Ferreira had changed his name as Sawano Chuan, and became the Buddha follower. Since in the seminary, Ferreira had taught Rodrigues to be a great missionary, but then Ferreira made Rodrigues doubt about his missionary activity in Japan can be successful. Rodrigues has no experience on the pastoral fields, since after the ordination he and his friend decide to find Ferreira to Japan. Filled with the idealistic dream to becoming the “saint” and “martyr” he went to Japan without 27 consider the risk and the consequences that he must face. He believes that God always brought the good result for his actions.

4. Caring

In the Seminary, Rodrigues had taught the qualifications to be a priest. The person who wants to be a priest must give his whole life and energy to take care the needs of people. In Latin it is called “cura animarum” or the cure of the souls. Rowdon, in Church Leaders Handbook, said that shepherding involves protection, tending to needs, strengthening the weak, encouragement, feeding the flock, making provision, shielding, refreshing, restoring, leading by example to move people on in their pursuit of holiness, comforting guiding Pss 78:52; 23 I have been told that the rain falls continuously for more than a month. With the coming of the rain the officials will probably relax their vigilance, so I intend to make use of this opportunity to travel around the neighborhood and search out the remaining Christians. I want to let them know as quickly as possible that they are not utterly abandoned and alone. p.48 The incident above shows that Rodrigues is a kind pastor. According to his job, he must take care the souls of his shepherds, especially for faith matters. This character can be seen by Sebastian‟s direct comment. It is based on Murphy‟s theory of characterization 1972. In the other part, he also shows his spirit to meet the faithful. But I begged Mokichi and his friends to look for Christians in the other villages also. I felt that as quickly as possible word should be sent out that once again a priest, crucifix in hand, had come to this desolate and abandoned land. p.46 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 As a young priest, Rodrigues still had a fresh memory about becoming a good priest as Jesus did in the previous time. In the Seminary, Rodrigues character seemingly rose from himself, to make connection with people and being presence in the center of faithful life. The presence of a priest, can bring the dynamic energy and lift the spirits to those who need encouragement.

5. Undetermined

At the end of this novel, Rodrigues‟ character can be interpreted as undetermined man. The persecution and temptation that Rodrigues faced made him felt unsure about his life. As a priest, the capability to hear God‟s voice become the important roles to make a movement or disposition. In the novel, Kichijiro‟s treachery made Rodrigues questioned about his faith. Men are born into two categories: the strong and the weak, the saints and the commonplace, the heroes and those who respect them. In time of persecution the strong are burnt in the flames and drowned in the sea; but the weak, like Kichijiro, lead a vagabond life in the mountains. As for you I now spoke to myself which category do you belong to? Were it not for consciousness of your priesthood and your pride, perhaps you like Kichijiro would trample on the fumie. pp.77-78 The quotation above is Rodrigues‟ thoughts about Kichijiro. It is analyzed using Murphy‟s theory 1972, derived from thoughts. Rodrigues compares Kichijiro as Judas that betray Jesus in the Gethsemane garden. By kissing Jesus, Judas sells Jesus to the Jews. The examination of Kichijiro leads Rodrigues to wonder whether apostate his faith, by trampling the icon of Christ fumie, or keep his faith and be a martyr, like the other Christian martyrs that lived in the past.