True Meaning Id The meaning of Father Sebastian Rodrigues’ decision

35 The day after the conversation with Ferreira, the fumie was brought in the front of Rodrigues. Rodrigues thinks the significance of Christ figure in his life, especially when he still young. In the other hand he remembered the Christians who are moaning in the pit. When he looked at the bronze Christ face, he hears the revelation „Trample Trample I more than anyone know the pain in your foot. Trample It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men ‟s pain that I carried my cross.‟ p.259 In the end of Chapter 8, Rodrigues put his foot on the fumie, and the officials release the three Christians from the pit. After Rodrigues has apostatized his faith, Inoue give her a privilege to take over the land in Kobinatacho, Edo. Inoue also gives Rodrigues a house and wife of a recently deceased man. He will take over the dead man‟s name; Okada Sanemon p.283 Rodrigues action shows that he has a difficult choice to choose. In the deep of his heart, he still wants to be a priest. Apostasy is a shame for him, because of his decision Rodrigues automatically being expelled from the Catholic Church, the dearest institution in his life. Harjana 1991 states that human action is dealing with life and social conditions p.85. By this action, Rodrigues choose to save the human‟s life rather than stand on the ideal standard of becoming a good Christian. 36


This chapter consists of two parts. They are the conclusions and the suggestions. The conclusions focus on the characterization of Sebastian Rodrigues. The characterization contains of literal and the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues decision to convert to Buddhism, which are analyzed in Chapter IV. The suggestions consist of the suggestions for the future writers and English teachers.

A. Conclusions

The conclusions part deal with the problems formulation that have been discussed in Chapter IV. First, it is about Sebastian Rodrigues character as seen in Shusaku Endo‟s Silence . Second, it deals with the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues decision to convert to Buddhism. The researcher used the theory of character and characterization to answer the first question and theory of motivation to answer the second question. The first finding is how Sebastian Rodrigues is described in Shusaku Endo‟s Silence. In the novel, Rodrigues is categorized as a major character. He has the important role in the novel. Besides, Rodrigues is also categorized as round character. The characteristics of Sebastian Rodrigues cannot be described in one sentence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 The character of Sebastian Rodrigues in the Silence is described as a young Catholic priest who craves as the witness of Christ to spread the gospel among infidel. With the enthusiastic he chooses to go to Japan with his friends. Japan has known as a mission island for the missionary activity. But, the mission to Japan actually is not to spread the gospel, but to find his former teacher in the seminary, Ferreira. The process of searching for his teacher makes him feel awesome with the faith of the hidden Christians in Japan. They can survive almost six years, since the government issues decree about the prohibition of Christian faith and the missionary activity. The government‟s decree makes Christians fall in the difficult situation; they must be punished if they are proved practice the Christian faith. The struggle of Japanese Christian makes Rodrigues realizes himself as a good shepherd who finds the lost sheep. Rodrigues tries the best what he can do to serve the Christians; his mind is full of caring of the flock. Although Garrpe had reminded him about the risks when the government know their activities. He dedicates himself to ministering the sacraments among the Christians. He chooses to trust strange Christians who come from other island, despite they can be the spies from government. Because of his trust, he can meet another hidden Christians who need the presence of a priest. The bad side of Rodrigues‟ character is; he is easy to become a doubtful man. In Catholic tradition, one of the qualifications to become a priest is that the candidate has a good and strong faith in God in all situations. This qualification PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 38 supposes the priest to be the role model for the Christians to keep their faith in God and believe that God will provide what the needs of the people. Rodrigues began his doubt when he has seen so many sufferings since Christians to be persecuted and tortured because of the faith. Since he has left Portugal, Rodrigues has not yet seen the sufferings that must be face by people because of religion. He questions about the silence of God. Although he still believes in God, but he thinks how Christians‟ suffering and death can be meaningful, if God does not exist and religion just the the creation of man. The second finding is about the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟ decision. the researcher divided the meaning into two, literal meaning and deeper meaning. The first literary meaning, Rodrigues realizes himself as a Catholic priest. Since come to Japan, he was grappling with his faith and he cannot able to understand the burden and sufferings that must face by Japanese Christians. It means that, his decision is influenced by the people around him, especially the Christians. Nex t, the deeper meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision can be seen from his motivation to come to Japan. His motivation is to find his apostate teacher Ferreira. So, the mission is not about to spread the Gospel, but just to find one person only. However, Rodrigues has a strong desire to be a good pastor for the Christians. He is care about Christians, especially about their life. Because of that, after he has met his teacher, he chooses to apostatize his faith and follow his teacher‟s step to save the peasant by leaving the Catholic faith and trample the fumie. 39 Silence is a literary work that containing reflective values. In this novel, the readers are invited to explore the notion of the existence of God. Sometimes people only remember God when they are happy. But in times of suffering, they begin to berate God and do not believe in His existence. Through his novel, Endo plays with human feelings. Endo raised the figure of a priest as a form of holiness that is often seen by humans. Nevertheless, the priest; as a holy person, choose to save his life and refuses his faith If the readers view from the religious standpoint, Rodrigues action is a great insult to God. Rodrigues is a coward who will not die for the sake of faith. On the other hand, when the readers look at the terms of humanism, what Rodrigues does is solely to save the lives of innocent Christians. He is more concerned with humanity than to save the holiness of his religion.

B. Suggestions

This part proposes suggestions for future researchers who are interested in Shusaku Endo’s novel, Silence, and suggestions for English teachers and lecturers in using this novel as a learning material to teach English.

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers

In this research, the researcher only limits to the characteristics and the true meaning of Sebastian Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to Buddhism. There are many aspects that can be analyzed from this novel, because the novel‟s writer uses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 some of metaphor to make his novel becomes alive. Because of that, the researcher suggests the future researchers to analyze about the using of metaphor in Silence novel

2. Suggestion for English Lecturers

Silence is a great masterpiece of Shusaku Endo. It is about the European Catholic priest who came to Japan. It is very interesting because the readers can see the different culture and standard between Europe and Japan. A lecturer can use this novel to teach the students how the cross cultural understanding can influence the man’s perspective about something that is important, like faith. Silence is also good for the students who have interest in literature field. The metaphor, symbolism and characteristic that contain in the novel can be analyzed by students, especially for those whose want to know about the deeper meaning of the excellence novel. This novel can be the material to teach Prose or Cross Cultural Understanding. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI