Object of the Study



In this chapter, the researcher analyzes the problems formulated in the Chapter I. This chapter is divided into two parts. First, it analyzes Rodrigues‟ character. In the second part, it discusses the true meaning of Rodrigues‟ decision to convert to Buddhism. The researcher wants to analyze the formulated problems by using the theories that presented in Chapter II.

A. The characteristic of Sebastian Rodrigues

In revealing the characteristic of Rodrigues, the researcher applies the previous theories that have been mentioned. Literally, a character can be defined as a person in the story that can make the story become alive. Abrams 1981 states that characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, which are interpreted by the reader and enriched dispositional, morality and emotion qualities which are expressed in the dialogue or in action . There are two characters that can be found in the novel, they are major character and minor character Abrams; 1981. A major character is a person or character that has the main role in the story. He has the big domination and becomes the main focus. In Silence, Rodrigues becomes the major character in the entire of novel‟s role. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 Abram, on his explanation, explains how the person or character in the novel can be judged by their speech and actions. From this point of view, the readers can get the main aspects or moral qualities from the character in the novel. In short, the character has dis positional aspect in the inside of their action. Rodrigues possesses many characteristics, they are; doubtful, stubborn, enthusiasm, caring, and realistic. In this novel, Rodrigues is described as a man that always expresses the doubt in him. It is found in many sentences of the novel about what he does and says. Rodrigues becomes more doubtful and uncertainty because of the persecution that happened to him and his followers. Murphy 1972 states that there are nine methods used to analyze the character. Those methods are a personal description, character as seen as by another, speech, past life, a conversation between other characters, reaction, direct comment, mannerism, and thought. In this research, the researcher only use four methods from nine, they are speech, past life, direct comment and thought. By using these methods, the character of Sebastian Rodrigues can be analyzed as:

1. Enthusiastic

The characteristic of the character in the novel is seen by the character‟s actions in the story. It can be the actions or reactions from the character to face the problems that happened. From the novel, Rodrigues is such an enthusiastic person. It can be seen from the beginning of the novel, when he and his friends decide to go to Japan. 23 Actually, Rodrigues ‟ desire going to Japan is not about to convert Japanese people into Catholic, but his main mission is to find his former teacher in the Seminary, Cristovao Ferreira, who is rumoured, apostatize after enduring the torture. This mission becomes the most important goal on his “mission” trip to Japan. Although “evangelism” is not the main mission of Rodrigues‟ check list, he remembered the story of Francis Xavier who came to Japan and brought the gospel to the island. This great apostle to the East brought him an imagination to follow his path and to spread the good news. As a priest, he remembered that he has a duty to baptize all the world. Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature....What did the face of Christ look like?...Yet tonight for me the face is that of the picture preserved in Borgo San Sepulchro. There still remains fresh in my memory the time when I saw this picture as a seminarian for the first time. Christ has one foot on the sepulchre and in his right hand he holds a crucifix. He is facing straight out and his face bears the expression of encouragement it had when he commanded his disciples three times, „Feed my lambs, feed my lambs, feed my lambs..‟. It is a face filled with vigor and strength. I feel great love for that face. I am always fascinated by the face of Christ just like a man fascinated by the face of his beloved. p.35 Murphy 1972, in the theory of characterization states that a character is influenced by the past life. In this quotation, Rodrigues remembered about his past life when he lived in the seminary. There, he found a picture that became the motivation for him to go around the world and preach the gospel. Later, the face of Jesus from Borgo San Sepulchro always came in Rodrigues mind and became PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI